Hammerin' Hank Tells It Like It Is

That's because you have nothing. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Talk to the Hammer, not me.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-10-2014, 11:30 AM
Meanwhile, the left continues to idolize people like Margaret Sanger (founder of planned parenthood).

One of her "better" quotes: "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

Does Mrs. Clinton, winner of the 2009 Sanger award, agree with that view?

Looks like Hammerin Hank needs to add pantsuits to his list of attire. Originally Posted by filbone

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Talk to the Hammer, not me. Originally Posted by timpage
It was you who posted this hateful race baiting thread. Not The Hammer.

I guess when you got nothing and all else fails..throw out the old race card or start another war on women.
It was you who posted this hateful race baiting thread. Not The Hammer.

I guess when you got nothing and all else fails..throw out the old race card or start another war on women. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
And, I guess when you got nothing at all, you play the old race-baiting, reverse racism bullshit card favored by all white (wait, there is no other kind) conservabots these days who, if nothing else, get points for audaciousness........or at least their ability to mouth and write whatever the RWW conservative radio and TV echo chamber beams into their brain-pans.

Same as claiming MLK was a conservative, Republicans were responsible for passing the Civil Rights Act, Republicans are the party that truly cares about minorities, and Democrats keep blacks on the plantation and on and on.....try to own the issue by claiming it as your own even though everything you say about it amounts to a steaming stack of horseshit.

Yes, you are the poor white man with the deck stacked against you.....put upon every day. Try something else because it's pure made-up bullshit and you know it. Trying to tell Hank Aaron that the feelings he has about race, after what the man went through in the run-up to no. 715, is "race-baiting" or "playing the race card" just shows you to be flat stupid, or at least uninformed, on his experiences. Go read....and learn something before you come back here quacking about race-baiting.

Speaking of that, since it is an issue that concerns you so much, did I just miss your posts about "race-baiting" when the Waco Kid was posting up calling our President a "nigger" or a "mulatto"? I'll go back and take another look.....I must have skimmed over your "race-baiting" and "race card" comments on those posts.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
And, I guess when you got nothing at all, you play the old race-baiting, reverse racism bullshit card favored by all white (wait, there is no other kind) conservabots these days who, if nothing else, get points for audaciousness........or at least their ability to mouth and write whatever the RWW conservative radio and TV echo chamber beams into their brain-pans.

Same as claiming MLK was a conservative, Republicans were responsible for passing the Civil Rights Act, Republicans are the party that truly cares about minorities, and Democrats keep blacks on the plantation and on and on.....try to own the issue by claiming it as your own even though everything you say about it amounts to a steaming stack of horseshit.

Yes, you are the poor white man with the deck stacked against you.....put upon every day. Try something else because it's pure made-up bullshit and you know it. Trying to tell Hank Aaron that the feelings he has about race, after what the man went through in the run-up to no. 715, is "race-baiting" or "playing the race card" just shows you to be flat stupid, or at least uninformed, on his experiences. Go read....and learn something before you come back here quacking about race-baiting.

Speaking of that, since it is an issue that concerns you so much, did I just miss your posts about "race-baiting" when the Waco Kid was posting up calling our President a "nigger" or a "mulatto"? I'll go back and take another look.....I must have skimmed over your "race-baiting" and "race card" comments on those posts. Originally Posted by timpage
Isn't Walter Williams black and conservative?
If America sucks so bad for black people like you, why do so many want to come here, and why do so many stay? Because black people are treated better here than in your own African countries motherfucker!!!
Isn't Walter Williams black and conservative?
If America sucks so bad for black people like you, why do so many want to come here, and why do so many stay? Because black people are treated better here than in your own African countries motherfucker!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You've refuted the assertion by naming one black republican? Are we really going to have the argument where you take the position that black republicans are plentiful and right out front on GOP policy and that African-Americans support republican policy and republican candidates? Really?

Or are you going to act like you have an IQ above 70 and acknowledge that the republicans maybe haven't done everything they could do to attract the African-American vote? Or, maybe to put it more bluntly.....Republicans don't give a rat's ass about any issue that is important to African-Americans, or Hispanics for that matter...or for anybody else other than white, fat, old, men.....like you.

I'll wait for your non-answer.

Is that seriously supposed to be an argument or position you support? Setting aside it probably ain't true, and even if it was you would have no clue about that one way or the other.....how the fuck would you know how black people are treated in Africa? And, what does how black people are treated in Africa have to do with how they ought to be treated here?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I have an idea. Let's start looking at people as people. Not black people. Not white people. Not (insert favorite group here) people. Just people.
I have an idea. Let's start looking at people as people. Not black people. Not white people. Not (insert favorite group here) people. Just people. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That's another discussion COG. And, I get why you want to start that discussion rather than addressing the one in front of you.

But......I'm gonna insist we stay on topic. You playing or you running?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You've refuted the assertion by naming one black republican? Are we really going to have the argument where you take the position that black republicans are plentiful and right out front on GOP policy and that African-Americans support republican policy and republican candidates? Really?

Or are you going to act like you have an IQ above 70 and acknowledge that the republicans maybe haven't done everything they could do to attract the African-American vote? Or, maybe to put it more bluntly.....Republicans don't give a rat's ass about any issue that is important to African-Americans, or Hispanics for that matter...or for anybody else other than white, fat, old, men.....like you.
(Old, fat, white men probably treat women better than any other race on earth. Don't ask me, ask Dr. Laura. She states women have it better here than anywhere else in the world.)

I'll wait for your non-answer.

Is that seriously supposed to be an argument or position you support? Setting aside it probably ain't true, and even if it was you would have no clue about that one way or the other.....how the fuck would you know how black people are treated in Africa? And, what does how black people are treated in Africa have to do with how they ought to be treated here? Originally Posted by timpage
You had said all the conservabots were white, so I felt one was sufficient. Clearly, black Republicans are not plentiful in the GOP. But, you could reverse the argument and say they are anti-White racists who vote on skin color more than whitey. Honestly, I think Republicans have 2 more Indian-American governors than the Democrats, and plenty of other races are represented in the party. But, your premise is that any organization with too many white people is bad. Congratulations - I think even the majority of white people now somehow believe that. You misunderstand my position, though. I don't favor white people because of their skin color. I just am sick and tired of the grievance industry and its never ending search for something to be outraged about because white people are successful.
White people made this the greatest nation on earth. That is a success and nothing to be ashamed of or derided. The majority of white people didn't approve of the way blacks were treated and changed it. I can get along just fine with any person who works hard and makes an honest buck, and doesn't expect to milk what happened 50 years ago into free fucking phones, free housing, free healthcare, free public transportation, and all the other shit that gets guilted out of people who have earned their money.
I can assure you as a white person if I didn't get the job done or provide a service, I never got a pass for being white. People would yell at me, demand their money back, or sue me. So instead of being a whiny little bitch, I learned to do the job right. People should earn their way in life or suffer the consequences.
I can find out about living conditions in Africa on the internet. Go live there if you think it isn't as bad as presented and prove me wrong. Millions of people are starving and dying in Africa every year for things that never happen in this supposedly racist country.
That's another discussion COG. And, I get why you want to start that discussion rather than addressing the one in front of you.

But......I'm gonna insist we stay on topic. You playing or you running? Originally Posted by timpage
And what exactly is the topic?

What are you looking for people to say?

Hank had his say and some people chimed in to say they disagree. Now what?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I have an idea. Let's start looking at people as people. Not black people. Not white people. Not (insert favorite group here) people. Just people. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I only wish. But the grievance industry makes a lot of easy money calling people racist and milking the injustices of the past. That's why I support reparations - give them the fucking money and then stop the diversity /affirmative action/quota/grievance racket for good.
The more this story unfolds, the more I see a great athlete who was not only blessed with a great talent, but fortunate enough to be born in a Country that would allow him to reach the pinnacle of success, only to turn into a angry old fool in the twilight of his years.

It's a shame.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That's another discussion COG. And, I get why you want to start that discussion rather than addressing the one in front of you.

But......I'm gonna insist we stay on topic. You playing or you running? Originally Posted by timpage
Oh. Now I need to take sides in a racial debate. You go first, Timmy. Which race is best?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Oh. Now I need to take sides in a racial debate. You go first, Timmy. Which race is best? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yeah! Put your starched shirt and necktie on and tell us!
I'd have to think hank knows about racism first hand....as he neared ruths' record he received a staggering amount of hate mail...he got death threats....m.l.b. was assigning up to 150 plain clothed security officers in each stadium that hank played...uniformed security was jacked up to high numbers....
his complaint about the lack of a.a. ballplayers has been a lament for a number of years....more ball players come from latin american and asian countries than the u.s.....basketball has replaced baseball as the get out game....
margaret sanger was a big time racist....for better or worse she is remembered as a pioneer in women's birth control and other health issues....