Movies-anyone seen anything good lately?

I recently saw Avatar and The Blindside.
The animation was fantastic in Avatar. See it in 3D and in a large theater.

You'll enjoy The Blindside with Sandra Bullock if you like ballsy southern women and high school football, which I do!
She looks pretty hot as a blonde too!
You are right, Tess! Sandra is a hottie =) And so are you!
I love that profile pic of Tess in white.....oh, but back to the movies, Avatra is good, and well worth seeing in 3d or even Imax if you want to fork over the extra money to see it right. Now, I'm really just waiting on "Iron Man 2."
I would recommend "Crazy Heart" with Jeff Bridges. Great story of a washed up alcoholic country singer. Collin Farrel plays a singer and the great part is, they both sing their songs in the movie..and they are good. Most of the songs were by Stephen Bruton, who was a local artist here. He wrote them before he died of cancer last year...very sad story. Maggie Gilyenhahl(sp??) was great as a new love. Jeff Bridges should get the Oscar..
nuglet's Avatar
Crazy Heart is all too familiar story here in Austin. Lots of "that character" are good friends of mine.
I saw it and actually left depressed, as I recognized so many "friends" from "back in the day".
It's a shame, just like him, how many waste their talent and their lives playing the "PLAYA".
Ah the venues though..., The New Orleans Club, Clowns Den, Tophat, Bergstrom officer club, le lollypop, to name a few old haunts of yesteryear.
CharmingChameleon's Avatar
While I thought Jeff Bridges was good, wasn't it really just "The Wrestler" again?
gman44's Avatar
I heard The Blindside is good a little along the sides of Radio and The Waterboy and maybe Rudy

Iron Man2 in 3 months