Sam got her first taste of RUDE today, any advice you guys want to give her?

But seriously... what's an elf pimp? haha
Outdoorsman's Avatar
For me the answer is simple, and I certainly do not always live it. I cannot control other poeple's thoughts, actions, or opinions - simple. I can control how I react and how I respond. When someone is rude to me, I know it is usually because that person is attemtping to manipulate a situation which is out of his or her control and that person has some fear or anguish with the situation. For example, here the man was probably fearful he would be alone and not get the date. Instead of accepting he was not in control he lashed out and actually became angry or upset. So, if I were on the recieveing end of his fear and anger I can remain calm and peaceful and simply tell him to have a good day and hang up. My day is not ruined and I am not upset. I do not care if he is, thats his problem. Sounds kinda corny but it helps me.

Like I said I do not always live it, see my post "Hobby disappointments." I cannot control the ladies I contact, if they are pushy, rude, and have attitude I should remain calm and just remember, the attitude and pushiness comes from them being broke or unhappy, nothing that I did. Happy and cheerful people are not rude, period. And those are the ladies I want to see - Happy, fun, and upbeat.

Just my 2 cents
Guest031210-2's Avatar
Outdoorsman, you are the nicest guy EVER, Im serious, the marriage material kind of guy! Why havent I ever met you? Your a keeper. I was reading your other post and wanted to reply just havent had the time or got sidetracked with that whole sleep thing we have to do at some point and time. And it was a positive note that I wanted to send, I think Ill do it in private. You are such a gentleman.

and your comment is very true. Im sorry you encountered some of those things, I can say that on the phone, in business, Im always smiling even when I dont feel like it. Those who called me right after my injury even stated how amazed they were I was in so much pain that I was still in great positive spirits. Sam kept it together....that guy was a pathetic soul...miserable human being. I can be harsh at times, especially when Im tired and grumpy haha, but it passes and in the next nanosecond Im smiling and laughing again. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff.

If I ever massage anyone again(if Im able to physically) Im gonna get me some outdoorsman nekked!!
MuffDVR's Avatar
Hey cellophane , are you still talking smack about every single provider who wont let you pimp her out or that gets free of your hold? just curious cuz i hear you fire girls who wont service ur ol man? damnnnn them girls just arent ever greatful are they?

You wonder why Providers never wanna be a reference its not so much the guys, its the other darn jealous providers who then turn it around and use it to hurt those providers business, and Ms. Cellophane is the Backstab Champion! ... see .. i know more than you think, so shhhhh , lets just agree that i dont like you, and you cant work for me, ok?

**Please note that all names herein are fictional, any resemblance to any person real or imagined is simply a coincidence and nobodys trying to be rude the the fat cow cuz people with only 20 bucks got to have a place to spend it too!**
Guest031210-2's Avatar
Haha pimpBOY! Thats all you got? kind of wimpy, you sound like a lil 8th grade girl. Your so off base. Nice to see the real you come back.
Here we go AGAIN
In before the lock! lol

gdiddy's Avatar
Get your popcorn ready. Drama makes its way to ECCIE .

Guest031210-2's Avatar
Veronica I LOVE it!! Where do you find these?

HAHA....Im am so popping my popcorn now, wearing my Cards Jersey, and going to watch some Saints get an ass whoopin'! Who wants to wager this one?
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Sent you a PM my dear, Chella, concerning a wager. I am off to the SUperdome to watch what a Cardinal does and that is get crushed by a Saint.

I agree with a lot of what you have to say, Chella but sorry, Saints all the WAY!!

See ya in Miami!! A Cardinal is merely a speed bump on the road to Miami!!!
MuffDVR's Avatar
oh no... i did my FU post.. im all good. Im sure "TheCello" may have more to say on the subject tho.
Guest031210-2's Avatar
Ok Outdoorsman....looks like you won our wager, woohoo for YOU! haha, you lucky man. So now I have to be a Saints fan, which I did state if they made it I would root for them since Im from Louisiana, but you know my Marine is a Cards man, and in our home its Cards all the way. He aint none too happy over in Iraq right now, God help the enemy over there, nothing like a die hard card fan/Marine whose team lost to the saints. Guess I have to shop for a brees jersey tomorrow. where do I find them? online?
Getting back to the subject...


There are a lot of douche bags in this business. Sometimes, they even frequent these boards. I've had days where I wanted to quit, but you won't find a job that doesn't make you feel like that. I'm working to support my education (haha) and my celebratory drinking habit for straight A's. I don't work out of hotels or see ten guys a day. I probably don't see ten guys a month. All days will be different. And, this may be quick money, but it certainly is not easy money.

The other day I had the experience of a hobbyist being completely creepy (age 65). He insinuated that trusted him and went as far as to ask what I'd do if he just stuck it in me uncovered. Not being one to be pleasant at what seems like a threat, I said politely, "I don't trust you. If you so much as tried that, I would grab my clothes, take my envelope, and walk completely naked out of your house." The overall providing experience was not that bad, he was actually pretty excited to see me, but that was just a creepso move. On the other hand, the next day I saw one of my clients (Age 60) who is an absolute gem of a man. And, who doesn't love office sex?

I continue to provide, because I get to live my fantasy whenever I choose. And, given the circumstances, I'm sure you're motivated at least by something similar. It isn't simply about spreading my legs for a fee.

Don't let douche bags get you down... Just wait until you experience one in person, when you're naked. Man, those are my favorites! Haaaa.

Good luck & be safe
CajunGent's Avatar
My suggestion to Sam is to develop a portfolio of high class clientelle, and to ignore the lower class such as the guy that you are talking about. I have a friend who lives up in the north, and does not even advertise or post anywhere anymore. She has built her clientelle base up, weeded out the jerks, and now only accepts appointments from the gentlemen who meet her requirements. Her only new clients must be referred to her by an existing client. We tend to know what she is looking for in a client, white collar, well educated, etc etc.. She has done well, and is happy, and most importantly, does not have to put up with the bull like Chella described. Sam can do the same thing if she takes her time, and keeps her level of service as good as she is capbable of doing.