I B Hankering's Avatar
Kinsey Pink's Avatar
those dip shit helmets may save your life...or mean the difference between open casket and closed casket....only a moron rides a bike or motorcycle without a helmet..... Originally Posted by stevepar
Word. Whoever said real men don't wear helmets or whatever is really robbing grown men of their agency to do whatever the fuck they want.

Real men do what the fuck they want. And if it be protect their skulls for future days, so be it.

We can deplore the lavish spending on international trips. Fine. But common sense? Eh, I like a president (and a man) who understands that he is mortal.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Barack Obama’s visit to Brussels will prove to be a grand parade — one that will cost over 10 million euros ($10.4 million US).

An entourage of 900-strong — including 45 vehicles, 3 cargo planes, helicopters overhead, and orchestrated security teams — will provide the President security for his 24 hour stay in Brussels for the EU and NATO summits.
When will our national misery be over ?????? Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Plus another 350 Belgium policemen for protection. This is also costing our hosts millions of dollars. Obama is an unwanted house guest.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
He just does it to piss you wing nuts off.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

The truly amazing thing, and I mean this with all sincerity, is that you're not pissed off. By the way, it's official. Obama has had more time off from his duties than George W. Bush and he did it in just over five years to Bush's eight.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Originally Posted by CJ7
Pretty piss poor CJ. We have all heard about Bush's 50 miles bike runs through the dry, thorny Texas countryside and you're comparing that to a couple of miles on a paved street for Obama.
All I know is this. If you are a grown man, NEVER, NEVER let anybody see you wearing one of those dipshit bicycle helmets.

There are just some things men don't do. Ever. Originally Posted by Jackie S
On a Fukin bicycle. Get serious. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie, which "Fukin" universe are you living in? Next time, think before you hit the "return" key!

This is coming from one who has never worn a bicycle helmet in my entire life. With that said, it does not bother me in the least that GW and Obama have worn them in the past. Not only did it make them both safer but more importantly it sends a clear and distinct message to our youth that if the POTUS can adhere to common sense safety precautions, they can as well!

These are our children and grandchildren that GW and Obama were trying to reach, not East Texas Rednecks on an adult only website. Let's get past the macho bullshit and use a little common horse sense for a change.

There are plenty of things a person can draw a line in the sand for. Remember, they were trying to reach the impressionable youth crowd, not "Macho, Macho Man."

Where our children and grandchildren are concerned, we can't make things too safe. Duh!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Obama lied, people died.
Dubya and Darth Cheney lied, people died. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
2Pups, we already knew that! What's your point?
Barack Obama's first visit to Brussels to cost Belgium more than €10m

Plus another 350 Belgium policemen for protection. This is also costing our hosts millions of dollars. Obama is an unwanted house guest. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Most expensive and most incompetent !!

He is costing us more (in tax dollars and international prestige) than any other President !

After five years in the White House, Obama has taken 31 trips for a total of 119 days abroad. At that point in George W. Bush’s presidency, Bush had taken 28 trips for 116 days, while Bill Clinton had taken 27 trips for 113 days. Ronald Reagan, after five years, had taken 14 trips for 73 days while Richard Nixon had taken 12 trips for 60 days after five years in the White House and Lyndon Johnson took 10 trips for 34 days at the half-decade mark. Dwight Eisenhower took 8 trips for 31 days after five years in the White House.

Example: Obama's trip from Hawaii to Africa cost US Taxpayers over$100 million !
Accidental or by design ?

Can you name a single “major country” that “has greater respect and admiration for America today than it did five years ago when Barack Obama became president.”

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
those dip shit helmets may save your life...or mean the difference between open casket and closed casket....only a moron rides a bike or motorcycle without a helmet..... Originally Posted by stevepar
The pussification of America wear bicycle helmets going five miles per hour on a bike path, women join the Marines to fight the Russians.
You need to man up, pussy boy - we are going to need to defend ourselves at the rate things are collapsing around Obama, the Pussy-in-Chief.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Jackie, which "Fukin" universe are you living in? Next time, think before you hit the "return" key!

This is coming from one who has never worn a bicycle helmet in my entire life. With that said, it does not bother me in the least that GW and Obama have worn them in the past. Not only did it make them both safer but more importantly it sends a clear and distinct message to our youth that if the POTUS can adhere to common sense safety precautions, they can as well!

These are our children and grandchildren that GW and Obama were trying to reach, not East Texas Rednecks on an adult only website. Let's get past the macho bullshit and use a little common horse sense for a change.

There are plenty of things a person can draw a line in the sand for. Remember, they were trying to reach the impressionable youth crowd, not "Macho, Macho Man."

Where our children and grandchildren are concerned, we can't make things too safe. Duh!
Yes, you can make things too safe you ignorant little girly man. Originally Posted by bigtex
Putin laughs at pussies like you....faggot! America used to be a great country back when men were men and women were proud of it.
Maybe you should see a doctor about your non existent testosterone.
Did you prefer "Sleepless in Seattle" over anything by Schwarzenegger?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Word. Whoever said real men don't wear helmets or whatever is really robbing grown men of their agency to do whatever the fuck they want.

Real men do what the fuck they want. And if it be protect their skulls for future days, so be it. (Racing down a hill in the French Alps, yes. Riding 5 miles an hour in the suburbs, no.)

We can deplore the lavish spending on international trips. Fine. But common sense? Eh, I like a president (and a man) who understands that he is mortal. Originally Posted by ToriValentine
A grown man takes the "agency to do whatever the fuck he wants".
No one can give a man the balls to be tough, he has to choose that for himself.
Half the world is already female, there is a role for real men - without them, streets, buildings, ships, etc, wouldn't be built, and almost nothing would ever get fixed.