Ladies, Would This Seem Like An Odd Request?

that request is pretty vanilla compared to some of the requests i have received....
whitechocolate's Avatar
Anita, with your hottt body, I would love to hear some of the other requests you receive
1ThickBlond's Avatar
I have had a gentlemen contact me and request a 'scented' session, as he called it. He wanted to see me first thing in the morning and asked me not to shower or wear deodorant or perfume. I felt dirty and it did make me a bit uncomfortable having someone smell my funk but he was thrilled. I did ask if it was at least okay to brush my teeth.
Sweat contains of lot of pheromones so that a very sweaty woman can almost be irresistible. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
I had a girlfriend in college who would go out for a morning jog and I loved getting it on with her when she first came back because of the way she smelled. It was her pheromones and it sent shock waves through me when I smelled her like that.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Wear the sexy workout clothes but keep the sweat away. I like the fresh smell of a woman. I don't like the smell of a skunky woman. If she's going to smell skunky, it will be due to our own between the sheets workout
Compared to some of the things, I get asked, I don't think this is an outrageous request. Actually wondering bout it now, hm...

that request is pretty vanilla compared to some of the requests i have received.... Originally Posted by anita germane
I've fulfilled a similar request.
Someone wanted to meet me Monday morning but I couldn't have showered for the previous 24 hours.
My only reply was "You'll be fresh though, right?" lol
Originally Posted by lilred_robin
I too had a similar request (not shower for 24 hours) AND add that I go to the gym once I check into the hotel AND he would show up in the workout room an hour after I was working out and we would go from there.
I have met providers right after a workout etc etc and it is hotttt Originally Posted by whitechocolate
It's not a weird request. I once requested my doubles partner to come in after the gym. No shower so I could taste her essence. It was a very hot sensual experience.
whitechocolate's Avatar
Latnremedy, would love to taste your essence after one of your hard workouts
nawtynatalie's Avatar
I love too work out and having sex after is great, because I'm all worked up and have lots of energy, I really don't sweat that much. I just really glisten. I know that sounds girly, but really!
Not really... Seems like a pretty mild request.
  • LynnT
  • 07-22-2011, 11:34 PM
Id do it. Ive had a guys ask if I wouldnt shower. One wanted me not to shower for 2 days. None have followed through with setting up an appointment.
LynetteMarie's Avatar
I'm convinced that I have seduced many men simply by walking past them after my workouts. From gas stations to grocery stores, I've had men going ga-ga over me if I show up in my baseball cap and my Lululemon gear post-workout. I suppose there's something either in the pheromones or perhaps simply the appearance of a sweaty woman whose body has just been through a high intensity workout.

The request would not be odd to me, but keep in mind I always train first thing in the morning and therefore shower/shave etc... before hitting the trails, the weights, or the reformer.

I WOULD, however, feel uncomfortable if requested to not shower upon waking up in the morning then go work out and have a tryst. Just my own personal hygiene hangup I suppose!
When the wife and I were moving a few years back our neighbor came to help us, I'll never forget they way she was sweating and her scent after a few hours of loading furniture, boxes, etc. To this day I fantasize about burying my face in her (sweaty) ass while I'm eating her pussy from behind. She's no Barbie-doll she'll be 50 this year, rather plump and very ... very sensual.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 07-24-2011, 04:46 PM
I don't believe it! I contacted a couple of my preferred ladies and they politely declined. They said they wouldn't feel comfortable, wouldn't be at their best, blah blah.

This may turn out to be harder than I thought. The search continues.