On the subject of Reya Sunshine, Sixxbach and Fat Men that can't fuck.....

Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 05-12-2012, 10:08 AM
I am sorry to misunderstood and to be misunderstood on these topic.

Maybe it is becauses the stories never changes.

I do not wish to insult everybody. Expessionaly the beautiful ladies.

So please accept my honor just as I hopes to learn to respect yours.

Con respeto... Originally Posted by LaredoZeta

Perhaps one day when you actually have a command of the English language, you will be able to post without appearing to be a fool, and your messages will no longer be offensive.

Just an observation.
Telephone, telegraph, tell whispers. Oh omnipotent council, we all live by your sage wisdom. sixx fallen from your grace? Will 37 hail marys and 3 acts of contrition redeem him? I've known he was a turd for a long time. No matter how much you polish him. All of y'all posting at 4 am need to go to bed already. Originally Posted by S O B
Oooohp.... Look at that it's almost 330 am. .... Little guy, I work over night shifts at prob the best retirement facility in SA, while the geriatrics sleep, I am pacifying my boredom by logging in... Do you genuinely have a problem w that??? If so explain yourself... Tread lightly boy. You cry about being attacked?.... Then maybe you shouldn't attack others that are no where near your opniniated levels of irrelevant concern.
Dear MR. Zeta
What is a "gordo"?
What is a "titre'?
What is a NUNCA"?
What is a Poeque"?
And especially what is a "Expessially"??

This sounds suspiciously suspicious. Are you a member of Middle Eastern Communist Cell?
Maybe the above is Hebrew and you are here promoting unwarranted circumcision!

But seriously folks , I do not understand the hate here.
Reya or as I think of her, Ms ButterflyFarts, has been nothing but nice on this board. Even her insults fart Butterflys.

Whispers has never attacked me.
Why is that?
LOL. I mean why do some guys wait for a humble and supportive post like this one to jump in and call names , attack, and hijack a thread.

I mean start you own thread !
Call it : " I hate Whispers" thread.
Or : Whispers is a Gordo (whatever that means)"

I just think there is a difference between being an ACTIVE member and being a RE-Active Member.

Just saying Originally Posted by harkontume

Babe I def see what you're saying, but being here in SA, you really don't know any of these words? Despite the typos, they're pretty common words. Lol.
Gracias quierida!

Harkontume y sire -- You DO NOT know me. But thank you for the welcoming comments. It seems that you are both afraid of things you do not understand and it looks like you don't understand many things.

I no wante to get in trouble with Eccies fine moderatadors, but we have an expresion for "men" like you.

Please think what you will. And what others languages do you know?
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 05-15-2012, 11:05 PM
Gracias quierida!

Harkontume y sire -- You DO NOT know me. But thank you for the welcoming comments. It seems that you are both afraid of things you do not understand and it looks like you don't understand many things.

I no wante to get in trouble with Eccies fine moderatadors, but we have an expresion for "men" like you.

Please think what you will. And what others languages do you know? Originally Posted by LaredoZeta
Case in point Laredo:

Originally Posted by LaredoZeta
I am sorry to misunderstood and to be misunderstood on these topic.

Maybe it is becauses the stories never changes.

I do not wish to insult everybody. Expessionaly the beautiful ladies.

So please accept my honor just as I hopes to learn to respect yours

Con respeto...

Just making a point. It has nothing to do with the use of words of another language. Use all the spanish you want. It's that you knock other people on this site, and you do so while sounding rather like someone that isn't all that sharp.

For your information, I am multi-lingual, speaking Spanish, French, and some Italian as well as the English language. I've lived and travelled extensively throughout Europe. I'm an educated man.

Don't be so quick to judge yourself sir.

Bonne soirée à vous, monsieur.

Now can we get back on topic?

I'm in love with Reya, and I find it sad that you have all chased her away.
sixxbach's Avatar
It seems some freedom has been taken with some stories that are not fully presented.....

I socialize with a lot of people. I have a lot of friends and acquaintances. I do a lot of lunches and after hour get togethers and am a part of a variety of different cliques/groups.....

So i get to see as well as know things about people that others do not know.....

I asked around trying to see what all the animosity and ugly words exchanged were about.....

Hell... I like to beat up on a poster when they are simply wrong.....

But even now I am not really that sure about much other than most of you can't see the uselessness in debating a drunk (not referring to Reya) and Homer don't think fat guys can fuck for more than a minute or two or repeat.....

Some of you did Reya very, very wrong and now we've lost one of the more intelligent ladies capable of debating a subject and holding her own... Oh... Wait... Am I really concerned that we lost a lady?.... yeah... Kind of ....... It as easy to point other ladies to Reya and her posting style and suggest that she was not a bad model for female participation on the boards.....

Are some of you celebrating a "W" here? You seem to think you have run her off the forum....

In all honesty it seems SIMPLY by telling her how ugly you felt she was as well as continuing to berate her with personal insult after personal insult you broker her down...... there didn't seem to be a lot of substance in any of it other than personal attacks..... Ya'll do know that humor based on personal insults is one of the lowest forms of humor right? Only Prop Comics rank lower.....

I was there the day Reya drank a bit too much.... We should all know our limits but everyone at the table seemed intent on buying her a drink.... she tried to oblige.....

When I left the place she was in the company of one of the board's true Gentlemen and for a public setting, there was not the slightest behavior displayed that anyone with her could have or would have found embarrassing..... When I left it was only the two of them left behind.... So there were no drunken displays.....

Why was she there? She came to drop off some donations....

There was a charity fund raiser going on at the time....

We raised a lot for some at risk kids and for those that seem to have forgotten Reya was one of the top contributors to the cause. She gave more money and more time than any other female did..........

She volunteered to help on a variety of projects and her good will was actually taken advantage of by another yet Reya was gracious enough to let it pass and simply walk away.....

A buddy of mine that is extremely picky and a lover of spinners..... had the opportunity to spend some time with Reya as a resut of her generosity to the cause........ She was OVERLY concerned that he would not like her as she did not think of herself as a spinner...... We had more than one conversation where she was feeling he would be disappointed in her.... I actually argued that with her privately.....They went WAY over on time and both seemed to have a great time and he came away with her as a potential ATF....

Like me, he found her an attractive young lady and a lot of fun to be with.... No... I've never been BCD with her.... But I have hung out with her.....

I have several people I consider "true friends" that love Reya... That think very highly of her....

As drunk as she was that night she earned my respect..... Not only did she come to donate and participate but she reached out to Sixxbach in an attempt to "kiss and makeup".... maybe it would not have happened in the absence of alcohol.... But.... All shit between Sixxbach and her SHOULD have ended that day....

I've supported Sixxbach for a long time......

he's been involved in a few different issues where the measure of those that consider him a friend earned him an easier time than others might have gotten.... He definitely has some of the right supporters......

It is very hard to take this position but reading the thread... knowing some of what I know about sixx as well as some of the others involved...... I sit here shaking my head and asking myself what the fuck could he have been thinking....... I've spent a good part of today reading a lot of what he has had to say lately.....

This was a situation where he should have stayed out of it..... and in honesty it is one in a string of similar things.....

More than one person in that thread should think of that saying... "People in Glass Houses shouldn't throw stones"..... Ya never know who has a canon ball they could fire back at ya....

I could lay more than one of you out on display here in front of the community in a manner that would result in you hiding your head in shame..... So many have loose lips and never know who to trust with the things they say and so many others love to gossip....

Maybe a couple of you would be too stubborn to realize it..... But I am surprised that you walk around thinking yourself bullet proof......

let me plant a thought in your head... Ask yourself this..... "What did I do or what did I say that I would not want anyone else around here to know.... especially someone like Whispers..... " And then accept that YUP! I know! Confession is good for the soul... As I understand it Father Ztonk and Father Space hear confessions during a wide part of the day..... You might want to approach them on your own before your transgressions are made public.... They will assign you some penance and in time forgive you your sins.....

I do not know the motivation for others who's transgressions seem to get out.......

Sixxbach I know very well.....

Buddy.... You need to take a break.....

You've lost your focus......

You've lost your wit......

You've become petty......

You are too worked up over something that happened a long time ago........

That's really all this sums up to be regarding your involvement....

If you want to have lunch or dinner tomorrow.... If you want to have drinks at Twin Peaks and discuss real life shit......... If you get in a fix and need to be bailed out.... If you need to borrow some money...... Most Importantly.... If you want to bring me another of your wife's phenomenal pies......

Man.... you know what the answer will be.... I'll have your back in what is important...... Unless you get wrapped up in what I am saying here in the wrong way you and I are and will remain friends.....

Buddy....... I would like to suggest that you should take a break..... put this place aside for a while and get real with what's important........ We all have things that stress us out and you know that I know that a lot of what has gone on here lately is you blowing off steam......

I think if you do so you will find that there are several that will still be around for you and want to talk and share things with you and that the camaraderie that you felt on the board will be replaced in real life by some growth in those areas....

I don't really think you will miss much..... Hell it just hasn't been all that exciting around here for a while.....

Anyway... I think I am rambling here..... I gotta go cook dinner.....

and then have it out with Homie on his categorization that us fat guys can't fuck or repeat......

Oh.... No matter what you decide Sixx.... You owe the lady an apology..... And not one with any sarcasm or innuendo rolled into it.... Originally Posted by Whispers



Buddy.... You need to take a break.....

You've lost your focus......

You've lost your wit......

You've become petty......

You are too worked up over something that happened a long time ago........

That's really all this sums up to be regarding your involvement... it.... Originally Posted by Whispers
Why exactly does he need to take a break?
Become petty? Petty is taking it a little too far.
Aren't you, sometimes as guilty of these issues as well?

I haven't had a disagreement with you, but I have seen you become everything you are accusing him of being when you dislike someone’s post or demeanor. I’m seeing this sense of you being the only one allowed to speak his mind without attack or repercussion, being the only one allowed to offer “Advice” to others that you do not always follow yourself. I do not want to start what you would call a “debate” over what I wrote nor do I care for your opinion on this matter, just seems you care more about discussing your thoughts on Sixxx (your buddy) than taking a personal minute outside this forum to discuss your thought with “ your buddy”.
ZanneMaster's Avatar
As Hark pointed out Laredo, if English isn't your first language, it doesn't mean you can't have an opinion but at least use an online translator 1st and see if you can make yourself understood. Just a suggestion as I thought your post was some kind of poorly constructed joke.
My friend, I thank you for the suggestion of a translator. I will make use of them so that my points are understood. I do not call people names so much like the boys in this controversy.

I like the jobby as much than all of you. It is very difficult to understand the rapidity which which you boys think and speak.

Maybe one day I will be smart in English like you.

Et, Sire, je ne suis pas aussi ignorant que vous voulez que je sois, vulvan!

Yes, this is fun!
budman33's Avatar
This thread had so much potential.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-27-2012, 03:59 PM
I know...was like a 3 stroke session...all that anticipation then "fuuuuccckkk"...
This mid-life crisis having,Bingo playing, hobbyist camaraderie runs Austin huh?

It really doesn't. It just looks like it from this view
Whispers's Avatar
Why exactly does he need to take a break?

He knows the reasons and I do believe we will see less of him in coming months as he focuses on things far more important.

Become petty? Petty is taking it a little too far.

Without specific details that won't be shared here I can understand why you might think that.

Aren't you, sometimes as guilty of these issues as well?

I don't think so. Sixx was focused on tearing someone apart for things that occurred last year. I tend to provide attention to someone based on their current posts.

In the case of a couple of individuals there were a long running list of issues that we butted heads on that would recur over and over.. With Sixx here and Reya it was about one thing that happened last year.

I haven't had a disagreement with you, but I have seen you become everything you are accusing him of being when you dislike someone’s post or demeanor. I’m seeing this sense of you being the only one allowed to speak his mind without attack or repercussion,

Why do you feel that there are no attacks or repercussions for my speaking my mind? Every thread I start is receives many responses from people on the other side of the fence. I do not runn and hide and ask for threads to be closed or hit the RTM button when people resort to name calling. Hell I welcome a lively debate.

being the only one allowed to offer “Advice” to others that you do not always follow yourself. I do not want to start what you would call a “debate” over what I wrote nor do I care for your opinion on this matter,

Then why phrase part of your comments as questions?

just seems you care more about discussing your thoughts on Sixxx (your buddy) than taking a personal minute outside this forum to discuss your thought with “ your buddy”.
Originally Posted by cruzer
I took far more than a "minute" off the board to discuss this with Sixxbach..... We had a very lengthy conversation on this subject and the RL situations that were driving it.

We have spoke several times since as well.