Snowden Releases Statement

So you can't identify the big "secrets" that Snowden revealed; secrets that endangered Americans?

Sounds like Snowden revealed less than what the New York Times, WAPO, and many many others have over the decades........

What is the difference between Snowden's supposed "secrets" and those printed by the New York Times ?

Or James Risen's book revealing state secrets (State of War: The Secret History of the CIA)?
James Risen has broken story after story on the abuses of power of the Bush administration.

From warrantless wiretapping to secret financial data mining to the CIA's rogue operations, he has shown again and again that the executive branch has dangerously overreached, repudiated checks and balances on its power, and maintained secrecy even with its allies in Congress. In no small part thanks to Risen and State of War, the "secret history" of the Bush years has now come partially into view.

In a new epilogue for the paperback edition, Risen describes the two-front war that President Bush is now fighting: at home against Congress and the Supreme Court, as his administration is increasingly reined in from its abuses; and in the Middle East, where George W. Bush's great gamble to bring a democratic revolution is failing radically. We must learn the lessons of Risen's history now, before it is too late.
Odd how the right wing loves a traitor Originally Posted by i'va biggen
We all know that if there was a Republican in the White House, most of the people on the left would be praising this punk.

A piece of shit is still a piece of shit, regardless of what Political Party holds office.
We all know that if there was a Republican in the White House, most of the people on the left would be praising this punk.

A piece of shit is still a piece of shit, regardless of what Political Party holds office. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Bull shit it matters not who has the white house he is a traitor...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes, he revealed secrets the government didn't want us to know. That is because the government did not want it revealed how they are spying on US! He revealed what the government was doing which they had no right to do, much less keep secret.

He is a patriot in the truest sense of the word.