Question for the ladies

Quote by DirtyDiana: "looks aren't the only factor involved in bad dates. a date could go 'bad' due to anything from bad breath to bad toenail polish to bad attitude to bad taste in music, depending on who it is you're trying to please"

This is a pretty accurate statement and I usually go with pleasing myself which in turn is pleasing whoever is lying on my table. The bad breath, bad toenail polish, bad attitude, etc, etc get the same treatment as the "perfect" clients. I mean, c'mon...your client is only there for an hour at a time. Is it really so difficult? Maybe I default to my nurses training in my attitude but all clients are created equal and they are ALL deserving of the very best session I can offer! THAT is what they are going to get, too! My VERY best!
DallasRain's Avatar
wow---what a question!!!
From my own personal experience here is my opinion .....

Out of the 200plus reviews I have gotten,there are only about 6 negative reviews{and that is "looks" wise,not "performance" or "attitude" wise}..... I believe it is because of the client's preconceived expectations of who he thought would walk thru the door......He was expecting someone who looked like they were 25 to walk thru the door...sorry but thats not{I have never been deceptive about my age.}...This in turn has caused the client to be "distracted" during the session.But it does not hinder my performance ..I still give the same awesome fun,no matter what....

Sure I am not "physically attracted" to everyone that I see,but that is when I will find something else about them to be "attracted" too...there is always another quality about each guy that can make him special to me....after all this is a fantasy world, isn't it??
"The bad breath, bad toenail polish, bad attitude, etc, etc get the same treatment as the "perfect" clients. I mean, c'mon...your client is only there for an hour at a time. Is it really so difficult?"

yes it is. i can't ignore onion breath. i'm a good actress, but i'm not that good. you give me bad attitude and you will be asked to leave. if i'm not comfortable, sessions over. i can put on a happy face & bear a lotta things (hide & seek penis for example) but i can't go through with a session if i'm grossed out or made to feel like less of a person. but that's just me.

what i said earlier was meant from a guys perspective. if you are into foot fetish and the lady shows up with that one color you can't stand on her toes, you're most likely gonna have a bad session. if her attitude is garbage, most likely a bad review will follow. if she brings an ipod and puts on repeat that song that reminds you of the ex wife you wish would die slowly ........

imho all clients are not created equal and will not be treated exactly the same
Willen's Avatar
Like Vnurse, I tend to shy away from these sorts of threads, but what the heck. As it happens, I've just been PMing a well established provider who enjoys an excellent reputation. We've never had a session, and it happened that all the references I supplied were of a very different body type than she is. So she pointed that out in her reply, and wanted to make sure that I wouldn't be disappointed if & when I walk through her door. Smart, and considerate. And I'm even mre eager to get to see her.

Look, you ladies are at the mercy of the reviewer. The only real defense is the one Dallas mentioned, a bunch of positive reviews to offset the negative one. But who knows the real story when a reviewer says the lady had a 'bad attitude.' Certainly it could be prompted by him, although I'd bet that poor hygene on his part (not at all the same thing as looks or fitness) or a poor attitude on his part ("C'mon hun, let's do greek no matter what your ad said. And how about knocking $50 off your price?") is far more often the turn off than looks themselves.

But the trouble could be due the lady, and it could be due to circumstnces unrelated to the session--turmoil in her personal life, whatever. I've known one or two cases in which the attitude on a return visit was poor, unlike the attitude on the first visit. Then the thing I do is watch reviews very carefully to see what others report. Anyone can have an off day, but usually I won't go back unless there's really good evidence that my second experience was not the norm for her.

Given how long this has gotten, I guess you got my $.04
wackatronic's Avatar
Well Diana, thanks for telling us how you really feel. I'm not going to begin to tell you how misguided your statement is. I'll just chalk it up to the arrogance of youth.

But I will keep that in mind when I'm deciding who to play with in the future. That is, if you're still in the game after you have your baby, and possibly regain your figure. Originally Posted by stavinChain
Wow! That's some bitter medicine to swallow!
gimme_that's Avatar
I have confidence in the way I look and interact in and out of the hobby. Dirty Diana comment and Veronicas quote about how guys react to the answers of said comments was just honest and straight forward.
Even if I was a ugly somabich....I aint..... Id still hold my head high with confidence in or out of the hobby. Im not thinned skinned on board here or in real life, so why should you expect a padded response here from providers in a thread like this topic.

Keep it real at least. She did.
let's just say that 93% of clients in the hobby are not very fit or handsome & wouldn't be getting ANY if it weren't for the hobby. Originally Posted by dirty diana
You're being too generous. I'd put it at 98%, with about 50% being flat out repulsive.

But like you said, unless he has horrible breath and/or body odor, and doesn't treat you like some crack whore, the gents that visit us all deserve to be treated special, that's why they see us!
now, do guys really want honesty from a provider? look at how they handle the truth and there's your answer. Originally Posted by dirty diana
Hobbyists and "truth"? LOL I seriously doubt most gents care much about "truth".

Just read the reviews...
Reading all of these replies makes me think so many things. First, I, too, have wondered what the guy looks, acts or smells like if reading a positive or negative review. Secondly, if 93% or 98% of the men who see you ladies are "repulsive" then I feel very, very sorry for you that this is the way you have chosen to make your living. Truly, this says more about you than it does about the men. But I appreciate your candor.
Reading all of these replies makes me think so many things. First, I, too, have wondered what the guy looks, acts or smells like if reading a positive or negative review. Secondly, if 93% or 98% of the men who see you ladies are "repulsive" then I feel very, very sorry for you that this is the way you have chosen to make your living. Truly, this says more about you than it does about the men. But I appreciate your candor. Originally Posted by barneyrubble

Reading all of these replies makes me think so many things. First, I, too, have wondered what the guy looks, acts or smells like if reading a positive or negative review. Secondly, if 93% or 98% of the men who see you ladies are "repulsive" then I feel very, very sorry for you that this is the way you have chosen to make your living. Truly, this says more about you than it does about the men. But I appreciate your candor. Originally Posted by barneyrubble
I couldn't agree more with you Barney. Maybe they should try to figure out why they are attracting so many repulsive men.
ForumPoster's Avatar

You wanna be treated like a god? Treat me like I'm a goddess. Originally Posted by babee
Best answer ever.

This is extremely personal biz, and most ladies while remaining professionals, still very much tuned in to their clients' reactions to them.

So if I am with someone who just wants to get off (rare but has happened couple of times) .. I am probably going to be a bit more "biznesslike" than when I am with someone who is looking to be romanced, adored, appreciated and treated as the only person in the world who matters.

Looks honestly have absolutely nothing with level of service in my book. Personality however had everything to do with what you get.

DallasRain's Avatar
Reading all of these replies makes me think so many things. First, I, too, have wondered what the guy looks, acts or smells like if reading a positive or negative review. Secondly, if 93% or 98% of the men who see you ladies are "repulsive" then I feel very, very sorry for you that this is the way you have chosen to make your living. Truly, this says more about you than it does about the men. But I appreciate your candor. Originally Posted by barneyrubble

THAT'S NOT MY OPINION!!!! But then again,I am a little bit older{a} than most ladies in this post!!
I think only 5% of my clients are not my "typical savoring".....but then again my perspective on what type of guy that I find attactive is different from a typical woman....I don't get too turned on by "pretty boys"...I like a "average" guy{one who is an ordinary joe who has experienced life good & bad}.......but thats just me{no sugarcoating here}....I love my job,not based on who I see,but what happens in the session! My ideal guy is "Jimmy" on "Yes Dear" tv show!!!
Some people find Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt ugly, but LOVE Michio Kaku and Karrie from Mythbusters.
You know, I never found Brad Pitt to be attractive. But Michio Kaku?????? Hot hot hot hot!! And to add to that, the times I've met him, his personality was funny, nice and really cute! He's on my "list" for sure. LOL

I have a beautiful friend (model-type) who thinks Drew Carey is the hottest man in television. And she's not being sarcastic lol. Everyone says her pudgy, short and balding husband hit the jackpot, but she *swears* she did.

Eye of the beholder and all that...
"The bad breath, bad toenail polish, bad attitude, etc, etc get the same treatment as the "perfect" clients. I mean, c'mon...your client is only there for an hour at a time. Is it really so difficult?"

yes it is. i can't ignore onion breath. i'm a good actress, but i'm not that good. you give me bad attitude and you will be asked to leave. if i'm not comfortable, sessions over. i can put on a happy face & bear a lotta things (hide & seek penis for example) but i can't go through with a session if i'm grossed out or made to feel like less of a person. but that's just me.

imho all clients are not created equal and will not be treated exactly the same Originally Posted by dirty diana
Sounds like perfectly good pretext (whether it really exists or not) to cut the session extremely short & keep the whole donation. Right up there with NCNS, IMHO. And a rip-off.