Great Thread Lexxy! I think the string of lights is interesting and very cool, and of course candles are so simple and easy to create a nice atmosphere.
I am taking notes!
Note to Frankie:
Stop dehydrating your clients and kicking them out dry when the recipe for ice water is cheap and easy.
Clean the coffee grinds out of the shower once in awhile, clients may not understand you use them as a body scrub.
mini lights and candles are more classy then tossing your mini skirt over the lamp shade.
last but not least (and not sure if this is good advice) save macdonalds bags, you never know when a crisis will occur
If I can add one of my own atmosphere tricks from the (on occasion) tacky decor in NF Canada. Not sure if this applies to US hotels, but when a bed spread is ugly fold it over all the way so that all you see is nice clean white sheets!