Who’s the biggest hate group in the USA?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
they also weaponized class warfare.
The Democratic Party. Originally Posted by gnadfly
They are the most tolerant among us too.

dont forget about Asian privilege, a fast closing second to white privilege, those bastards will work and make their kids study, no fair! Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Black privilege 1st. (by far)
Brown privilege 2nd.
sean rider's Avatar
I hope y'all are planning your exit strategy. Trump, along with his racist agenda, is going to be taken down soon. Probably by his own party. He will be found guilty of money laundering for Russian oligarchs, and bending to Putin's will for fear of being exposed.

You've been fooled by a New York conman.
sean rider's Avatar
(accidental double post).
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I hope y'all are planning your exit strategy. Trump, along with his racist agenda, is going to be taken down soon. Probably by his own party. He will be found guilty of money laundering for Russian oligarchs, and bending to Putin's will for fear of being exposed.

You've been fooled by a New York conman. Originally Posted by sean rider

can i ask you a personal question? are you Yssup Rider's cousin?

(accidental double post). Originally Posted by sean rider
You know the FBI is gathering eccie users' IP address Mueller?
I B Hankering's Avatar
can i ask you a personal question? are you Yssup Rider's cousin?

BAHAAHHHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
If not, he's certainly guilty of drinking the same jiz tainted Kool-aid.
sean rider's Avatar

Facts are facts. From Axios but verifiable via all manner of sources and admitted to even by many of his Republican supporters. And this was back in May. We know much more now. And Cohen is getting ready to sing. And Manafort is behind bars wearing orange. How long do you think he will last?

And pardons? You do understand that if pardoned Cohen, Manafort, or any others would lose their 5th amendment option, and would be required to testify, right?

--- From the article

One thing is true of all major political scandals: What we know in the moment is but a tiny, obscured, partial view of the full story later revealed by investigators.

Why it matters: That’s what makes the Trump-Russia drama all the more remarkable. Forget all we don’t know. The known facts that even Trump’s closest friends don’t deny tell a damning tale that would sink most leaders.


We know Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign chair, has been indicted on 32 counts, including conspiracy and money laundering. We know he made millions off shady Russians and changed the Republican platform to the benefit of Russia.

We know that the U.S. intelligence community concluded, in a report released in January 2017, that Russian President Vladimir Putin “ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election,” to “denigrate” Hillary Clinton and with “a clear preference for ... Trump.”

We know that in May 2016, Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos told an Australian diplomat Russia had political dirt on Hillary. "About three weeks earlier," according to the N.Y. Times, "Papadopoulos had been told that Moscow had thousands of emails that would embarrass Mrs. Clinton."

We know that in June 2016, Trump’s closest aides and family members met at Trump Tower with a shady group of Russians who claimed to have dirt on Hillary. The meeting was billed as "part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump."

We know the Russian lawyer who helped set it up concealed her close ties to Putin government.

We know that in July 2016, Trump said: "“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 [Hillary] emails that are missing,” and urged their publication.

We know that on Air Force One a year later, Trump helped his son, Don Jr., prepare a misleading statement about the meeting. We know top aides freaked out about this.

We know Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting.

We know Michael Flynn, former national security adviser and close campaign aide, lied to Vice President Pence and FBI about his Russia-related chats. We know he’s now cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller. We know Trump initially tried to protect Flynn with loyalty and fervency rarely shown by Trump to others.

We know that during the transition, Jared Kushner spoke with the Russian ambassador "about establishing a secret communications channel between the Trump transition team and Moscow." We know Kushner omitted previous contacts with Russians on his disclosure forms.

We know Trump initially lied about why he fired James Comey, later admitting he was canned because of the “Russia thing.”

We know Michael Cohen was a close adviser and lawyer, the fixer and secret-keeper.

We know Trump seethed when the FBI raided Cohen's office.

We know that in January 2016, just before Republicans began voting, Michael Cohen tried to restart a Trump Tower project in Moscow.

We know Mueller questioned a Russian oligarch tied to a firm that made payments to Cohen, who paid off a porn star who allegedly had an affair with Trump. [Updated]
We know that oligarch was a bad enough dude that the Trump administration sanctioned him.

Be smart: The undisputed known knowns about Trump, Russia and his associates are damning and possibly actionable. But the known unknowns of how much more Robert Mueller knows that is publicly unknown is what spooks Trump allies most.

Remember: No one in the media saw Mueller’s indictments of Russian oligarchs coming until the second they were announced, and no one knew until this week that Mueller’s team questioned AT&T five months ago about its payments to Cohen.

Mueller has every incentive to keep the public and Trump himself in suspense.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
speaking of political scandals ..

Rep. Goodlatte Subpoenas Peter Strzok


House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte has subpoenaed now-former anti-Trump FBI Agent Peter Strzok to appear for a deposition in the upcoming week.

The deposition comes after Stzrok’s attorney said the former Deputy Chief of Counterintelligence at the FBI is willing to voluntarily testify despite refusing to answer repeated requests by the committee to do just.

It’s obvious he’s been hoping to stonewall the Russia-Trump campaign collusion investigation and hide his bias, as evidenced in numerous text messages to FBI attorney Lisa Page with whom he was having an affair.

If he strikes an immunity deal, it could spell disaster for Andy McCabe and James Comey.

did you mention cutting a deal? be careful what you ask for. you might get it.

We’ll be keeping tabs.

Here’s more from Daily Caller…
House Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte on Friday subpoenaed former FBI Agent Peter Strzok to appear for a deposition next week.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Bullshit -- conjecture -- speculation -- and more bullshit. Originally Posted by sean rider

FACT: Manafort was Trump's campaign manager for less than 60 days.

FACT: Russia is on record as trying to influence U.S. elections since the American Civil War. Only Odumbo and his minions discounted and dismissed Russia as a threat to U.S. interests.

FACT: Russia directed attacks against hildebeest, Sanders and Trump; not just hildebeest as you perniciously state.

FACT: Australian diplomat Alexander Downer said this about his meeting with Papadopoulus.

“[N]othing [Papadopoulos] said in that conversation indicated Trump himself had been conspiring with the Russians to collect information on Hillary Clinton. It was just that this guy, [Papadopoulos], clearly knew that the Russians did have material on Hillary Clinton — but whether Trump knew or not? He didn’t say Trump knew or that Trump was in any way involved in this. He said it was about Russians and Hillary Clinton; it wasn’t about Trump. He [Papadopoulos] didn’t say dirt; he said material that could be damaging to her. No, he said it would be damaging. He didn’t say what it was.”

FACT: The Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, was witnessed associating with Michael Sussman of Perkins Coie (before and after said meeting) which was contracted by Marc Elias -- hildebeest's lawyer.

FACT: Adam Shifty conspired with Russians to dig up dirt on Trump -- and there are phone logs and memos for record documenting his collusion.

FACT: Neither Wikileaks nor Russia ever admitted to having any of hildebeest's emails that were subpoenaed by Congress, and neither ever released a single email that passed through hildebeest's illegal server. That you mendaciously conflate the two separate sets of documents shows just how desperate you lib-retards are to fabricate allegations from thin air.

FACT: The only emails published by Wikileaks were Podesta's and those of the DNC -- NOT hildebeest's while Secretary of State.

FACT: Comey testified under oath that the FBI agents who questioned Fynn reported that they did not think Flynn had lied.

FACT: It is reported that Andrew McCabe changed the 302 Notes pertaining to Flynn's interview before Sally Yates brought charges of lying against Flynn.

FACT: It is neither illegal nor unusual for a transition team of a newly elected president to interact with agents of foreign nations: even Russia.

FACT: Comey was fired because Comey refused to investigate Team hildebeest's role in fabricating the Steele Dossier and for leaking information to the press that was damaging to the presidency while refusing to publicize the fact that Trump was not personally being investigated.

FACT: The FBI called and asked for interviews with every player on Team hildebeest, allowed witnesses to sit in on interviews other than their own, did not put hildebeest under oath, wrote a memorandum exonerating hildebeest months before she was interviewed and helped Team hildebeest destroy evidence after the interviews. Conversely, the FBI stormed the homes of Cohen and Manafort and seized private and confidential records in pre-dawn hours to bring charges wholly unrelated to Russia's actions during the 2016 election.

FACT: The Russian's called Mueller's bluff, and Mueller ran and hid like the chickenshit he is, and he refused to turn documents over to the defendants in discovery as required by law.
I'd enlarge the perspective to global and then would agree with many historians that Christians are the most violent, most murderous group in the history of the world. I've been reading about the amazingly violent excursions into Central and South America by various European nations flying the flag of God Almighty and the Roman Catholic mission to spread the word of God. If you haven't read about the conquistador Pizarro and his conquest of the Incas -lying to, capturing and killing the Inca king Atauallpa- you should do so. In the name of God they viciously slaughtered thousands of unarmed Incas. It makes Sherman's march through the south look like a fraternity hazing.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'd enlarge the perspective to global and then would agree with many historians that Christians are the most violent, most murderous group in the history of the world. I've been reading about the amazingly violent excursions into Central and South America by various European nations flying the flag of God Almighty and the Roman Catholic mission to spread the word of God. If you haven't read about the conquistador Pizarro and his conquest of the Incas -lying to, capturing and killing the Inca king Atauallpa- you should do so. In the name of God they viciously slaughtered thousands of unarmed Incas. It makes Sherman's march through the south look like a fraternity hazing. Originally Posted by Muy Largo
well. look who checks in to the reborn ECCIE. now get your head out of the middle ages and into the present. what religion today is openly calling for a world Caliphate? a Muslim Caliphate?

Why, it's that "Religion of peace and tolerance", Islam!

I B Hankering's Avatar
I'd enlarge the perspective to global and then would agree with many historians that Christians are the most violent, most murderous group in the history of the world. I've been reading about the amazingly violent excursions into Central and South America by various European nations flying the flag of God Almighty and the Roman Catholic mission to spread the word of God. If you haven't read about the conquistador Pizarro and his conquest of the Incas -lying to, capturing and killing the Inca king Atauallpa- you should do so. In the name of God they viciously slaughtered thousands of unarmed Incas. It makes Sherman's march through the south look like a fraternity hazing. Originally Posted by Muy Largo
Cortes and Pizarro were heirs to a military tradition that was born from 800 years of Iberian wars against invading Islamic armies. They were a product of their time.

Also of note, Atahualpa's armies were greatly weakened after a grueling civil war wherein he did not treat the defeated with any mercy. Atahualpa thereafter used the skull of one of the vanquished as a drinking cup.

BTW, Pizarro and Cortes were hackers compared to Tamerlane. You really should read and study about his atrocities in the name of Islam in Turkestan and India.
lustylad's Avatar

Facts are facts. From Axios but verifiable via all manner of sources and admitted to even by many of his Republican supporters. And this was back in May. We know much more now. And Cohen is getting ready to sing. And Manafort is behind bars wearing orange. How long do you think he will last?

--- From the article... Originally Posted by sean rider
Wow... looks like we have a brand new lib-retard to fuck with. That Axios article is yet another big nothing-burger! (Notice how the link doesn't work? Here is the correct link - https://www.axios.com/trump-russia-m...562058f0.html.) I searched in vain for something I didn't already know - or anything that has stood up under careful scrutiny.

Hey sean riddance - here is a word of warning... you're outclassed and in over your head big-time. IB's post refutes your Axios article, point by point. The ball's now in your court. Try to respond in your own words, not someone else's.

Anyone making popcorn?
lustylad's Avatar
FACT: Adam Shifty conspired with Russians to dig up dirt on Trump -- and there are phone logs and memos for record documenting his collusion. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Hey IB... are you referring to this priceless episode?

Poor Shifty got himself punk'd by a pair of Russian comics (posing as Ukrainians) who called him up promising that elusive pee tape!

Daayyuumm! He fell for the same trick the FBI tried to pull on the Trump campaign!

