Just asking for a name should not be that hard.

ICU 812's Avatar
Hi Cameron,

IMO, safety, security and comfort level are important to both parties. When I contact a provider, the first contact is always by both e-mail and PM. I identify myself by ECC
IE handle. This allows the provider to get a feel for who I am on this website. If it looks like we will go further, my name will come out during screening.

I do not just call up a provider and expect her to see me in the next 20 min, sight-unseen and name unknown. Personal interactions aside, I try to keep hobby related communications as few as possible on my phone, voice and text.
I tend to give my real name once I'm comfortable with the person. Partly cuz I'm bad with the fake name stuff. If someone calls me Jenny or zantana I forget I am supposed to answer. Plus I have a habit when telling a story to use my real name when talking about myself in third person. And I know most of the guys i see real names as well. But a handle is a great start. Even if you are not on here and you have a list of references we need something to call you when asking another girl for a ref check.

Iike really. . What are we supposed to say. Hey MyBreastRunnithOver. I had some dude who isn't on Eccie but told me he has seen you use you as a reference. Do you remember this man whose name I don't know? If so what can u telle about him?

Yeah. Prob not gonna get am answer
Slitlikr's Avatar
I like being under you! ^^^^^

Go Astros!
I like you being under me !!!! ^^^^

Go Stros!!!!! Woooohoooo #SPMM
Another thing to consider is there are a fair number of providers on various websites that don’t ask questions other than “what time are you looking to come by?” Some guys are used to those providers. If your requirement is to get a name or handle, some guys will comply and others will keep it moving. See the people that meet your comfort level and avoid the ones that do not.
I wouldn't see any provider that didn't ask me my name, handle or whatever.
I wouldn't see any provider that didn't ask me my name, handle or whatever. Originally Posted by tbone2u
Exactly. A reckless lady could have you in a jam. Wrong place. Wrong time !!
Plus it makes it t seem so impersonal. Am I just going to call you Babe or Hun?
Plus it makes it t seem so impersonal. Am I just going to call you Babe or Hun? Originally Posted by B Three
OMG. One of my pet peeves !!
I only ask for the handle at first. When we meet, it’s usually babe, or sexy... lol
Babe or hun is fine with me. I do not need it to be personal or GFE. A fun satisfying time only. A reckless lady could jam you regardless if she has your name or not. Many high end and low end ladies with all your info have jammed many dudes to save their skin. Whether you see providers in low end houses or at deluxe hotels, women jam customers out of self preservation. That’s why providers use fake names and numbers, but want all your info to tilt the odds in their favor. That’s the game. If no info is needed, no need to volunteer it. That doesn’t mean to ignore safety and precautions.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
Babe or hun is fine with me. I do not need it to be personal or GFE. A fun satisfying time only. A reckless lady could jam you regardless if she has your name or not. Many high end and low end ladies with all your info have jammed many dudes to save their skin. Whether you see providers in low end houses or at deluxe hotels, women jam customers out of self preservation. That’s why providers use fake names and numbers, but want all your info to tilt the odds in their favor. That’s the game. If no info is needed, no need to volunteer it. That doesn’t mean to ignore safety and precautions. Originally Posted by Fresh-Memes

Ladies are here to make a living and maintain their personal safety while doing so, not to engage in mass felony extortion. If we were in the professional extortion game, there would be much more lucrative avenues than conducting that business here. If the ladies here were constantly engaging in extortion, do you not think this would be reported back to the boards? Do you not think it would ruin a ladies business? What would be the point of that?

Word would get out fast.

So it does NOT benefit you to be paranoid and accuse all ladies of extortion and come here and make posts to convince all other hobbiests that all the ladies here are just out to get them.

Who cares if providers use fake names? It has nothing to do with getting a leg up on extortion, but with social stigma. Many ladies here have kids and day jobs.

Use your own fake stage name if it warms the cockles of your heart. Call yourself Dirk Diggler if it makes you happy but I am not gonna refer to someone anonymously in my presence.

Failure to provide a name isn't going to legally protect you either.

So stop being paranoid, comply with screening and cough up a name already.

I'm not going to respond to anyone who fails to introduce themselves.

Sorry for the rant...spreading this kind of paranoia is enough to drive me nuts.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-04-2019, 04:52 AM
Last week went through it with a chick just trying to find out her rates she acted like I needed to screen for that info. If asking about activities I could understand but rates?
Last week went through it with a chick just trying to find out her rates she acted like I needed to screen for that info. If asking about activities I could understand but rates? Originally Posted by Trey
Wow. I would think that she could have simply checked out your profile before sending you thru all that.
TryWeakly's Avatar

My name is Raymond J. Johnson Jr.

Now you can call me Ray, or you can call me J,

or you can call me Johnny,

or you can call me Sonny,

or you can call me Junie,

or you can call me Junior;

now you can call me Ray J,

or you can call me RJ,
or you can call me RJJ,
or you can call me RJJ Jr. .

but you doesn't hasta call me Johnson!