Biden and DIMS out of touch with reality

offshoredrilling's Avatar
And btw how would the keystone pipeline help? Enlighten me. This ought to be rich. I mean, going through scared native lands and all that…. Please do explain Originally Posted by Presj22
It would help because we refine that oil anyways, it’s moved by trains.

ITS CANADIAN OIL, MOVED FROM CANADA TO REFINE AND SHIPPED BACK TO CANADA…. SOMETHING HUGE LIKE 500,000 barrels a day… like a drop in the bucket, like not even USA oil, it’s Canadian oil….. to save costs on transportation….. cause we know how well savings get passed on the consumer…., like giving corporations a lower tax rate with loop holes, creating an effective rate of 0%, don’t you see the prices of everything hitting rock bottom

The only reason gas got cheaper when bush jr fucked the USA economy was because of fracking, because oil was so profitable they came up with an expensive way to increase production.

The only reason why fracking got crushed and oil dropped further, was because Obama repaired relations with Iran and allowed Iranian oil to be sold on the world markets.

Remember when Saudi Arabia was so mad, and pushed oil to under $20 a barrel to control market share, and get Iran back in line with OPEC price controls….

I swear the right has no memory of what really happened, just this mentality of, this man pulls the puppet strings, it’s his fault, because a man on tv told me
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Carter lines soon ????? or every other day 1st ???? Ah the odd/even days of Billy
Maybe Joe can bring back choppers fly with no air filter ta save on fuel .
I read a post like this, using Cletus voice from the Simpson, cause we want oil cheap, but we want free markets and no government regulations, but Biden needs to do something cause gas is sky rocketing.

Using inflation, a $1 back in 2008 is worth $1.33 now,… so some simple math to the rights last disaster in office, put gas to equivalent to $5.25 a gallon….

We haven’t even gotten to the highest it’s been, in regards to purchasing power, and wages have doubled since then, so it’s almost like gas the. Would be $10 a gallon now…

Smh… when gas was $4.20 in 2008 and minimum wage was $8.25 or close to that, that’s a huge effect on monies earned,,,,

When it’s $4.50 and minimum wage is $15, and McDonald’s is paying $18, that’s almost free…. Where are you guys getting the pain at the pump, cause logically I don’t see it.

Only people feeling this, are people on a fixed income, like social security. Even a fixed income, you were supposed to have a 401k to supplement that! And over the last 12 years, should have amassed a small fortune.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I read a post like this, using Cletus voice from the Simpson, cause we want oil cheap, but we want free markets and no government regulations, but Biden needs to do something cause gas is sky rocketing.

Using inflation, a $1 back in 2008 is worth $1.33 now,… so some simple math to the rights last disaster in office, put gas to equivalent to $5.25 a gallon….

We haven’t even gotten to the highest it’s been, in regards to purchasing power, and wages have doubled since then, so it’s almost like gas the. Would be $10 a gallon now…

Smh… when gas was $4.20 in 2008 and minimum wage was $8.25 or close to that, that’s a huge effect on monies earned,,,,

When it’s $4.50 and minimum wage is $15, and McDonald’s is paying $18, that’s almost free…. Where are you guys getting the pain at the pump, cause logically I don’t see it.

Only people feeling this, are people on a fixed income, like social security. Even a fixed income, you were supposed to have a 401k to supplement that! And over the last 12 years, should have amassed a small fortune. Originally Posted by bf0082

which party hates the poor n old again please and thank you

I'm GOP, and duh both GOP n DEM SUCK. DEM is better at SUCKING IMHO
Pretty sure the right wants to get rid of social security, which almost all the poors rely on as their lone income, supplemented with food stamps, heap, subsidized housing and Obama phones….

Sounds like they are well taken care of, and with fuel being out of their budget, where does granny really need to go anyways, to the local casino and market for lottery tickets…. Big deal…..

First world problems, even the poorest of the poor have it better than most countries, these threads on how broken America is are disgusting, and ignorant.

I don’t want to pay taxes, but I want a strong military, I don’t want lazy people getting freebies, but 8 want a good border patrol and a wall, that I don’t want to contribute towards cause we hate immigrants…..

Find a new hobby guys, maybe write a few reviews or try playing checkers.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
build the wall, legal ok, but not illegal
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Pretty sure the right wants to get rid of social security, which almost all the poors rely on as their lone income, supplemented with food stamps, heap, subsidized housing and Obama phones….

Sounds like they are well taken care of, and with fuel being out of their budget, where does granny really need to go anyways, to the local casino and market for lottery tickets…. Big deal…..

First world problems, even the poorest of the poor have it better than most countries, these threads on how broken America is are disgusting, and ignorant.

I don’t want to pay taxes, but I want a strong military, I don’t want lazy people getting freebies, but 8 want a good border patrol and a wall, that I don’t want to contribute towards cause we hate immigrants…..

Find a new hobby guys, maybe write a few reviews or try playing checkers. Originally Posted by bf0082
You're pretty sure the right wants to get rid of Social Security are ya? 😂 😂
Not even close. They don't even want to get rid of social services.. They do want to reform it though. The system is badly abused and we're paying for it, so good on them for that.

Check out the inflation tables for food from 2008 to now. Here's one:
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, prices for beef and veal are 75.86% higher in 2022 versus 2008 (a $15.17 difference in value). 🤑😱
New polling confirms Democrats' left-leaning policies are out of touch

It’s Joe Biden’s Inflation
He blames Vladimir Putin, but his policies and the Federal Reserve are at fault.

Get ready: Here comes the Biden recession

And more fun!!
Team Biden is 'gaslighting' on gas prices with #PutinPriceHike Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar

The Dim responded with Ozzy. Beam me up Scotty there is no intelligent life here.