Barak Hussein Obama - A Predictable Failure

FDR took on Wall Street and the medical industry. He brought banks, Pharma, and securities speculators under regulation for the first time. He made illegal most of the frauds banks and speculators were perpetrating which brought the depression about. He made a virtual moratorium ON ALL FORECLOSURES. He immediately put to work over 8 million people under emergency measures to build badly needed infrastructure. Most of his financial services regulations which served the country well were overturned by Reagan in 1982, and that's what caused the present crisis.

Barak Obama has done the opposite of what FDR did on each and every issue.

JFK took on the Pentagon by reversing their plans in the Cuban missile crisis, Vietnam and other places. He stimulated the economy with a prompt tax cut directed at the middle class while maintaining revenues collected from the rich. He took on the banks which own the Federal Reserve by planning a nationally-issued currency as mentioned in the Constitution. He sought to inspire a national vision through the exploration of space.

Barak Obama has done the opposite of what JFK did on each and every issue.

For all of you who defend Obama I have yet to hear any rebuttals of the four areas of policy failure I identified above.

But this is not surprising given that Obama's campaign was not a programmatic one. It wasn't based on any issues. It was merely a personality cult parroting "CHANGE" and "HOPE" in which anyone could read into it whatever reforms they desired. In the end they got cosmetics at best.

As far as Obama's intellect...well...he's not even a clever politician so it seems. He never loses an opportunity to alienate himself from ever more and more of his own supporters through his feckless and blundering decisions. This should not surprise anyone however given his life history.
The point of my thread is that he never accomplished anything his entire adult life that benefited anyone but himself. Our two parties used to put forward as candidates for high office individuals who were not only electable but had some record of achievement in their lives. Today electability is the ONLY criteria because it's hoped that once they come in they will just be hand puppets for the party's financial contributors.

That's how we lost our Republic.

Bush bragged that his base were all millionaires. Obama promised that he would be the opposite - but he's in fact governing the same.

And if our alternative to this system is the "Tea Party" and it's host of lunatic candidates such as Palin and O'Donnell, then there's no alternative at all. The Tea Party has shown itself to be a rabble, a mob, with all the idiocy and brutality that accompanies such.

The Republic will be lost forever and we will slip into the dung-heap of history like our Roman and English predecessors.

Change You Can Believe In
ibechill's Avatar

Our two parties used to put forward as candidates for high office individuals who were not only electable but had some record of achievement in their lives.

Change You Can Believe In Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Which president did this trend begin with?
nuglet's Avatar
FDR took on Wall Street and the medical industry. Most of his financial services regulations which served the country well were overturned by Reagan in 1982, and that's what caused the present crisis.
Change You Can Believe In Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
yeah, you go with that position...
tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 10-30-2010, 06:53 PM
Barak Obama has done the opposite of what FDR did on each and every issue. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
I only have time to deal with banks, but your statement is TOTALLY FALSE!!!!

FDY closed the banks and created the FDIC to stop the runs on the banks. GW + Hank Paulson passed TARP to prop up insolvent banks - like Citi, BofA, etc. - Obama has not done anything to undermine banks or impede the FDIC closure of banks. He has not done the opposite of FDR, and has actually done very many things the same way.

You really need to turn of FOX News and stop readng AThe Drudge Report. You also need to take US History II in colledge. I did in 2003..

Dude! just go back to being a pimp and posting pics of girls.... PLEASE! Why the hell do you want to stir the pot?
derek303's Avatar
Yeah...why divide YOUR base? We all love pussy. I'm still coming for the hot teens.
agitpropster's Avatar
Aaaaahhh yes...come join the Teatards, where critical thinking and independent thought mark you as an "intellectual elite" and the utterly clueless i.e. "Mooselini" Palin, Sharron Angle et al are held up as Living Embodiments Of The American Ideal.

Just like I refuse to discuss Iraq with anyone who refers to it as "Eye-rak" and can't locate it on a globe, I question why any of us would post on a thread whose first word in the subject line is a misspelling of the name of The President Of The United States. It's B-A-R-A-C-K, oh equally-clueless thread-poster.

The only reason I'm posting is to confirm once and for all that the Teatards, this newest posse of almost exclusively white, bitter, angry, closet bigot "patriots" is about as far from the intellectual conservatism of men like William F. Buckley as they can possibly be. You see it in their FAUX News "interviews" see it on almost every single Wingnut website...and best of all, you see it on their protest signs:

I rest my case.

P.S. Please, please nominate Bible Barbie for GOP Presidential candidate in 2012, you neanderthals. Nothing will guarantee a second term for Hopey The Black Arab like that will.

P.P.S. We tried it your way for eight long years. That's why we are where we are today. So sit down and STFU. The adults are driving now.

Peace out.


ibechill's Avatar
Those pictures are classic.

Side note I was going to vote for McCain until the debates. It was 50/50. But when he picked Sarah Palin as his VP he lost my vote.

My voting record for the last few years:

Bush Sr-He won
Perot - He lost
Clinton- He won
Bush- He won
Kerry- He lost
Obama- He won
Next ? - probably voting for the independent. He/she will lose and most likely the Repubic nominee will win. I got a thing for Hillary Clinton though, so if she ran or was selected as the VP she would get my vote.

I am a true independent. I am not like some people who will or wont vote for someone due to their race or gender. I am agnostic and don't give a squat about religion affiliation.

Some people need to stop sipping that Tea.
derek303's Avatar
2 days until D Day for you Obama lovers. Making English the language in America is racist. WOW! And Fox News is terrible? I guess Geraldo Rivera, Gretta Van Sesteran, Alan Combs, Juan Williams, Bob Becktel just to name a few never get their view across. That's why CNN and MSNBC are tanking. All liberal B.S. I guess that's why Rush and others on the radio have HUGE audiances and there is absolutely nobody listened to on the radio that's liberal. Most (R) are informed, The dumbass kids Minority's etc...can't even name the prominent politicians. You make it sound like the R's are stupid. I would love to make everyone take some type of simple test before voting. I wonder how that would work out. LOL! The D's pushing for not even having to show ID's to vote! WTF?
agitpropster's Avatar
Bring it on!! I wouldn't be counting my chickens, etc. I mean, surely after eight years of waving the flag behind Smirky McFlightsuit and his draft-dodging war-criminal cabal you must be familiar with the term "hubris?"

I wouldn't be so dismissive of the same "dumbass kids" that handed Rove and crew their un-indicted asses the last time around. What did FAUX News do then? They hired them! Now Roger and Sean and Glenn and Bill don't have to call the RNC for their daily talking points - Karl just brings them with him to work.

I make it sound like Repugs are stupid? Just what do you call someone with a college education who will stand there with a straight face and tell you that Apocalypstick is perfectly qualified to be President Of The United States?

Derek, you mean two days before Republicans will either have to take responsibility for their actions (or inaction), or actually get their lame-asses doing something useful. Once the "Party of No" takes the majority, there won't be any more idiotic excuses they can make. Honestly, it's the best thing that could happen to Obama at this point.

derek303's Avatar
That's what I'm looking for. NO! I bet you guys think Jimmy Carter was a good President too! BTW, I'm not mad and hope you guys either. I debate my liberal friends all the time. We do it with a smile on our face. And this is a place for pussy not politics. Saying that, I'll have some fun for 2 more days. The good news is maybe Obama will move to the center the way that Clinton did. Gingrich and the contract for America saved his ass. Dick Morris who was his his Karl Rove is also a Fox News contributer. We need another Ronald Reagan.
agitpropster's Avatar
The Repug Articles Of Faith: Global Warming Is A Myth, FAUX News is Fair and Balanced™ and Ronnie Was More Saintly Than St. Augustine, right? Wrong. He fought against MLK Day and anti-apartheid legislation against South Africa his entire political life. Many American historians trace the actual beginning of the successful Republican effort to wrest the Southern white racist vote away from the Dixiecrats to Ronnie's kickoff speech of the 1980 campaign. Full of all kinds of pandering hillbilly drivel and racist code phrases like "proud Southern tradition" and "state's rights," the chosen location of the speech itself was a coded message to the angry, newly-marginalized (by enforced school busing) white males in attendance: the Neshoba County Fairgrounds in Philadelphiia, MS. It was less than a quarter of a mile from the spot where Freedom Riders Schwerner, Cheney and Goodman were murdered by the Klan. Of all the places in the country to kick off a presidential campaign, that was the spot chosen by then-staffer "Big" Dick Cheney (yes, that big dick).

Same GOP shit - just a different decade. Yes, Derek. we can agree to disagree and then all go get laid. BTW here's a sign from Washington yesterday: I couldn't agree more.

derek303's Avatar
You didn't answer about Jimmy Carter? Obama is worse than him. Reagan bad? Man, your making my point. In a Presidential book I have where it lists the Presidents in order ( and it comes from mostly Liberal college proffessors) Reagan is 8th. Eisenhower 9th. Both republicans. Just an fyi - LBJ-17 (way to high) Kennedy-18, Nixon- 33 (way to low) Ford-28, Carter-30 (way to high), George Bush- 21, Clinton- 24 (lowest of any 2 term President), GW Bush- unranked as he was in office when it was put out.
agitpropster's Avatar
That was the first election I voted in (absentee military ballot). I was 17 years old. He was stomping around the peanut patch and quoting Bob Dylan so I voted for him.LOL He never got a fair shake from your fellow travelers, I can tell you that.

Ronnie Of Sainted Memory was a whistle-ass.

BTW, Derek, "professor" only has one "f." Don't be proving my talking points, thank you very much. ; )
derek303's Avatar
Ok, you win. I had f's in professor. Carter was attractive to all us then. We were dumbass kids. What about now? I know there is no wining you over. If you were intrested in somebody in the middle McCain was everybody's answer. I'm glad he lost. Now America will wake up in 2 days. Even though you won't.