Hawaii Update

Boltfan's Avatar

I have nothing to add to the actual subject, but did want to say I noticed the effort and greatly appreciate it!!! Originally Posted by M A X

For some people a gentle "hey there" can be an effective way to correct bad behavior. For people like this nothing is going to change their behavior and most of them WANT the reaction of to feed their little egos. don't think that most members condone this behavior because they say nothing. They are just choosing to not feed the trolls.
mikahranae's Avatar
Sure we really believe you dude. Doesn't really matter if it's true or not. You dug yourself in a hole and i'm sure alot of us "whores" as you call us, will never see your disrespectful ass.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Sure we really believe you dude. Doesn't really matter if it's true or not. You dug yourself in a hole and i'm sure alot of us "whores" as you call us, will never see your disrespectful ass. Originally Posted by mikahranae
You go girl!!!!! Mikah rocks!!!!!
motocrossman39's Avatar
Sure we really believe you dude. Doesn't really matter if it's true or not. You dug yourself in a hole and i'm sure alot of us "whores" as you call us, will never see your disrespectful ass. Originally Posted by mikahranae

There it is dude, stick a fork in it, your DONE
OldGrump's Avatar
Sure we really believe you dude. Doesn't really matter if it's true or not. You dug yourself in a hole and i'm sure alot of us "whores" as you call us, will never see your disrespectful ass. Originally Posted by mikahranae

Aww, don't hold back Mika, tell him how you really feel. (atta' girl)

He keeps that attitude up and his sessions aren't the only thing likely to be cut short.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar

For some people a gentle "hey there" can be an effective way to correct bad behavior. For people like this nothing is going to change their behavior and most of them WANT the reaction of to feed their little egos. don't think that most members condone this behavior because they say nothing. They are just choosing to not feed the trolls. Originally Posted by Boltfan
I appreciate that, Boltfan. It just seems the ladies are always throwing up defenses against comments and innuendoes...me being one of those....LOL. You already know I'm like a Mama Bear and very defensive of the ladies (and OK....self included). Almost everyone I've met in our ever growing community, are just such genuinely nice ladies that it pains me at times to know they read this kind of thing and how they must feel.

I don't want to feed the trolls either, but would rather like to see them scutter back under the bridges from where they came. LOL

Basically....I just wanted the gentlemen to know how much it is appreciated when they jump in and we don't feel the need to defend our own honor. All is right with the world when this happens and you guys rock!!! Much hobby luv to those who are honorable and protective.
rakuguy's Avatar
I've seen Coco a number of times and she is one of the most beautiful girls I've ever met in or out of the hobby. She is also very sweet and accommodating. My favorite part of the session is talking to her afterwards. I always go when it is slow and book an hour so I can have some extra time to talk with her after the activities and the session usually goes well over the hour. I am so sorry she had to endure this. These girls have to endure the likes of this character and far worse on a regular basis.
slims099's Avatar
You yelled at CoCo for "going too fast" LOL. What's wrong with you? You're either not mature enough to be in the hobby or just haven't done this very long.
pyramider's Avatar
gptxman's Avatar
Sure we really believe you dude. Doesn't really matter if it's true or not. You dug yourself in a hole and i'm sure alot of us "whores" as you call us, will never see your disrespectful ass. Originally Posted by mikahranae
Well put mikahranae and I hope that all the ladies on here see this thread and follow your lead of not seeing him.

There is nothing that gets under my skin like a rude person which this guy for sure is.
  • Junky
  • 03-30-2010, 10:45 PM
Tells us about the time you fucked Jessica Alba, busboy!

I'm not buying it...
I think your use of the phrase "whore board" is all we need to hear from this newbie poster.
Everyone is piling on BackoftheShortBus, and I certainly understand that, but perhaps we should show our concern and offer him kindness and sympathy. After all, people who post stuff like this often suffer from very painful self-esteem issues.

In the spirit of brotherhood, I'll offer him some advice:

"Denigrating and slapping around women will not enlarge your penis! Seriously, it won't. It doesn't work any better than clicking on a link in one of those spam emails touting herbal pills."
Me thinks the OP is enjoying very much all the attention he's receiving from starting a derogatory thread.
pyramider's Avatar
I just enjoy watching the beat down. Imagine how much better he would feel if he had manners.