It's official: PornHub banned in Texas.

Well Abbott probably hasn't popped a boner in who knows how long - so there...
The spike in VPN searches in Texas was surprising. I always thought the crowd that watched porn would be already be on VPN. I guess tracking and vulnerability to personal IPs wasn’t as important as access to Porn for dudes in Texas. That’s a little messed up.
NavyManSA2004's Avatar
Just do a search of "porn sites" several dozen other ones to choose from, you pervs!
Not hard to find alternatives but its fucking retarded that it happened
Only in Texas would dick wad Paxton and Abbott come up with such a ridiculous rule they can still suck and kiss Diaper Don though.
carlosdanger69's Avatar
Damn, Texas used to be the land of the free, moron Republicans are passing more laws faster than Ted Cruz can google "incest milf porn." ROTFLMAO
Alexandra Sand's Avatar

Onlyfans next?
I hope not....onlyfans helps alot on how they look before you spend $300-$500!