For all you hamburger lovers out there! yum yum

cptjohnstone's Avatar
The trouble is that the real story isn't being told.

1. It is 100% beef.
2. It is safer than regular ground beef.
3. The amonia product has been widely used in the food industry as a preservative for years. I would bet all of you have products in your house with it in now, like Jello.

It actually is a better protein source, and it reduces the fat and produces a lean healthy protein source with the right amino acid profile for sound human nutrition. Originally Posted by farmstud60
how is it safer?
how is it safer? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone

The process kills the e coli bacteria.
Hey captain, my local meat shop (not MP) doesn't use it and neither does Reasors here in OK which is my secondary. I did notice now that there are dozens of places that are pulling it from the shelves, but Wal-Mart threw in some mystery by only saying "we will offer both to our customers"? I am sure they won't put a sticker on it saying "contains pink slime", so how is anybody going to know if they go to Wally World?
Let's all meet at Five Guys! Originally Posted by Bigh1955
Nooooo! Let's meet up at Smashburgers!! thats my favorite hamburger joint..haha
cptjohnstone's Avatar
The process kills the e coli bacteria. Originally Posted by farmstud60
but only that 1%(?) that is mixed with the ground beef
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Hey captain, my local meat shop (not MP) doesn't use it and neither does Reasors here in OK which is my secondary. I did notice now that there are dozens of places that are pulling it from the shelves, but Wal-Mart threw in some mystery by only saying "we will offer both to our customers"? I am sure they won't put a sticker on it saying "contains pink slime", so how is anybody going to know if they go to Wally World? Originally Posted by nwarounder
I hope your primary is not Harvard Meat, they me screwed big time

Look for the pink slime or start buying buffalo meat

Alot of grocery stores are reconsidering because of the rising price of beef and folks it is only going get higher, we are at a 50 year low in feed lot numbers
As they used to say about Spam. "What's in it? Everything but the squeal"
cptjohnstone's Avatar
As they used to say about Spam. "What's in it? Everything but the squeal" Originally Posted by Jackie S
wrong again, I worked for Hormel, READ THE LABEL, I believe it says pork shoulder meat, which is pretty good stuff

Spam was a major factor in WW2, think about it, an unrefrigerated product in the middle of a battle field, Patton should have given Spam a medal and it now comes with Bacon
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Um, cooking will kill e-coli.