Why am I always the one to get groped when there is a woman in 6 feet of linen covering her entire body that walks right through??
Originally Posted by AimeeAims
Aimee, TSA specifically targets people for reasons which seem to be more tittilating than for security. When I flew out of Phoenix some months ago, I personally observed EIGHT consecutive women of ages 20-50 put through the body scanner. All were of average to very attractive, with decent breasts most were spinners or MILF types, (No BBWs picked), almost as if a certain body type were targeted. We KNOW the machines have a special diagnostic test mode the agent (likely male) could save the images to a USB stick, and that those images are so clear, that you might as well be looking at the naked body (even down to seeing sweat beads on the image). The women were selected, also by a male screener. I'd only wished I'd video documented this 25 minutes I spent watching this unfold.
To everybody else,
TSA is very bad. They will be the backbone of that new Civilian Security Force as powerful and as well funded as the Army that Obama spoke about a couple of years ago. They have already been doing limited screening on certain subway systems, AMTRAK stations, Greyhound bus terminals (all as tests), and even at a high school prom (on a judge's "order"). They are prepared to form mobile teams and do highway vehicle searches (screenings) between cities, these are called VIPR teams from what I understand.
We need aircraft security, but do we need grandmothers and babies being groped when the Muslim woman in the burkha goes through the line without so much as a wanding? Do we need 100,000 overpaid government bureaucrats with fat pensions and also with attitudes and power to arbitrarily control whether you get to your destination on time? What happens if you give lip to a TSA Agent? They put you on a watch list ensuring you'll be groped in the future....and you're risking a $11,000 "civil" fine. You can't "refuse" the screening and just go home, you walked in, you WILL submit, or on the no-fly list for you and a $11,000 fine. They can do things to you that the police officer sitting at the podium at the end of the security area CAN NOT even do to you....!!!
So what are we going to do about this?