Its funny how ppl try makes more than they are the ones iam talking to know .... that's all that matters thanks .... Originally Posted by wynter_ice
How many generations of inbreeding did it take to get to the level of intelligence that you're at now?
Wakeup's Avatar
Impossible, you maxed out long ago. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
DJ...have you read your last twelve posts? With the exception of Allison's thread, you've done nothing but bash people...

I love what you've become buddy...love it...

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Weak comeback.

However I never knew that you thought I was 'mighty'.

Wow, I can sleep tonight.
This thread...... just went to shit......

We have a fat hooker, getting solid advice from some good looking hookers.

Now it is going to be a cat fight, between to inter-web heroes.

lets go back to the fat hooker talking in first person.. This might get good in a year or two, or when the Beluga Whale chimes in with her nickles worth..
Gbusey's Avatar
junglemonkey's Avatar
60% of the time works EVERYTIME!!! You know what it be.
Wakeup's Avatar
Weak comeback.

However I never knew that you thought I was 'mighty'.

Wow, I can sleep tonight. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Wasn't trying to be a "comeback"...was simply stating the truth, and my admiration for your complete change of heart...I admire you finally realizing the fact that you're just like us...
TheDr's Avatar
  • TheDr
  • 03-01-2014, 08:21 AM
Its funny how ppl try makes more than they are the ones iam talking to know .... that's all that matters thanks .... Originally Posted by wynter_ice

Translation please? Someone... anyone?
Hummm. Maybe I should have started with Elementary English before jumping to Business 101.

Seriously Wynter, don't go on an escort board reporting your own "slime in the ice machine". There are enough whore hating whore mongers out there to put your shit on blast for you. And before you post next time please proof read your response and ask yourself will this reply/post help or hurt my business.

Remember only you can make your business a success or a failure.
mirandalee's Avatar
Some good advice maybe its time to look for a job or take a break you can't do this forever you gotta have a plan B and saving money is a good idea.
Geez, whats up with the lack of commas and periods?

Not a hobby problem if your ass is broke or whatever you have going on. These guys get this shit in their personal lives. Why the hell would they want to deal with a hookers personal problems, much less pay her to listen to it for an hour? Deal with your own financial, legal, or whatever problems privately, nobody feels sorry for you, and I am sure you just lost business.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Wynter, I have read some sad stuff on here and your post's (not just this one - but all of them) rank right up in the hall of fame of the worst, you come across as uneducated, but that is not the BIG problem, the big problem is that you don't care. Lots of people start at the bottom and work their way up.

Your posts are always full of typos that could easily be fixed, your over use of "smiles" could easily be fixed with a simple click of the edit button, hell your sig line has looked like shit for months and you could careless .... your lack of care for yourself, will only cause others to careless about you as well.

There is a saying "fake it until you make it" and that's what you need to do.

Just like dozens before you, you need serious professional help. There is not an amount of money in the world that can "cure" you. It is blatantly obvious from your eyes in your pictures and how you conduct yourself on the board that you have "forbidden topic" problems as well as lack of an education and some deep seeded personal issues.

If you really want help, stop begging clients for help and start googleing support groups in your area or maybe even consider getting out of this profession and think about calling the women's center of Houston or any shelter that helps women with substance abuse problems and prostitution.

Wyner, you can't do this alone, you need help. And while my post may come across as harsh, I have the best intentions.

As you being ones that has been to wonderland befor... know i go above and beyond for yall and all new comers too... but this am i have had a issue thats still going on .... but everybody i have asked help from are not even replying... now some are busy thats not a issue but for the ones that are not even replying when i ask that really hurts esp when i have never asked for help and the one time i do everybody drops me like they never meet me but thats fine ill remember this when everybody expects perks from WYNTER and expects her not to watch the clock and expexts specials ..... this really hurt my feellings today....i do know for the good ppl out there this is not for u or at u at all this is for the ones i done so much for and they want even reply to my text or calls .... thanks for all ur help.....:shoc k2::sh ock2:: shock2: Originally Posted by wynter_ice
Wakeup's Avatar
...whore hating whore mongers... Originally Posted by Macy Manning
First doubles with her...now you're starting to sound like her...

Sure you hitched your wagon to the right "retired" hooker there honey? You see what she's done to the previous whores who have been her "friends" right?

P.S.-How was that double you two did together last week? Was he able to get it up?

The girls have been trying to make you stfu

Don't make me call Johnny Depp.

Seriously, back away from the keyboard and keep your personal problems to yourself.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar

You need to look at it like this....you own a restaurant, customer comes in eats a wonderful meal, enjoys his time, pays his bill and DONE! You can't go to that customer two weeks later and say hey Sir....remember how good that steak was? I worked so hard to prepare that meal for you that I deserve xx amount more. That's BULLSHIT. Your client's don't owe you anything after compensating you for the service provided within that single encounter. Period.

The last thing on earth a hobbyist wants or needs is "ho" drama. Keep your shit private and you'll go much farther here and life in general.

Your clients aren't your problem and you are NOT your clients problem. Originally Posted by Macy Manning
Very well said and while your thoughts are SOLID and spot on, for the OP it would just be a Band-Aid, her problems are so much deeper than what can be discussed on this board.

It's clear her issues started before she joined Eccie and sadly unless she takes tangible, intensive steps, she is likely to be in this same predicament long after she leaves Eccie.