Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-17-2013, 09:44 PM
Hmmm . . . I just read somewhere that Tea Party members are smarter than non-Tea Party members in areas like science. Interesting.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Not particularly shocking.

Generally STEM-literate people make more money than those who are not.

The more money one has, the more motivation to scream that government should shrink--after all, THEY have more of what they need.

More likely too that they will have an underlying view that says, "I got mine, to hell with you."

Add the fact that a higher fraction of STEM-oriented working people are lacking in people skills and empathy for the nameless/faceless (just the opposite in many cases for specific people they know) and your statement is not as surprising as it looks on first glance.
You guys think the Dems will regain the house in 2014?

If so, based on what facts ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
No, they won't. I don't think....although I'm not certain what the magnitude of this Cruz disaster will be for Republicans. Might be nothing....voters have short memories. Might be incredibly significant. But they will hold the Senate. And, obviously the White House. The GOP will be able to obstruct but not control the debate. Same as usual.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Geez, Old-B. You really will stretch to denigrate those with whom you disagree, won't you? They are smarter because they are richer? And whiter? Seriously? That's the best you can do?

Hmmm . . . Rich, white Tea Partiers. Let's see . . . Alec Baldwin? No. Bill Maher? No. Bill Gates? No. Charles Koch? Ok, there's one. George Soros? No. Warren Buffett? No. Jeff Bezos? No. Mark Zuckerberg? No. Donald Trump? Who knows?

You know, it seems there are plenty rich, white, male liberals. Are they just inherently stupid?

C'mon, OldB. You're better than this.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No stretch to denigrate you whiny...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
They're dragging the rest of the right wingers down the sewer! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And the Dems right along with them; 5% Approval Rating...

The Associated Press-GfK survey found that just 5 percent of the public approves of the job being done by senators and representatives, while 83 percent disapprove. 11 percent said they neither approved nor disapproved.

The numbers appear to be the worst for Congress in the AP-GfK poll since the August 2011 budget showdown, during which the government teetered on the brink of a shutdown. During that impasse, 87 percent of respondents said they disapproved of Congress
Thats straight from your darling...HuffPo

Gallup can only muster up 11%
flghtr65's Avatar
And ultimately prevail...............
"...Tonight’s press coverage of the status quo antics in Washington, D.C. energize us further. Tonight’s New Jersey race was a win for Barack Obama, and the Senate deal in D.C. was a loss for the American people replete with more back-room deals, billion dollar corrupt earmark kickbacks, and weak leadership unwilling to stand up for the people who sent them to Washington. What happened in D.C. tonight reminds us of how hard we must fight in 2014 to return to a government of the people, by the people, for the people. These politicians work for us, and yet a new poll accurately reflects that just 13% of us feel as though this country that we love is on the right track. The way forward is to elect leaders who will listen to us; and if they don’t, we must hold them accountable on election day – no matter what party. Let’s commit to continue to be in the trenches fighting for those who stand on principle over politics, despite the odds.

Friends, do not be discouraged by the shenanigans of D.C.’s permanent political class today. Be energized. We’re going to shake things up in 2014. Rest well tonight, for soon we must focus on important House and Senate races. Let’s start with Kentucky – which happens to be awfully close to South Carolina, Tennessee, and Mississippi – from sea to shining sea we will not give up. We’ve only just begun to fight...."
Sarah Palin Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Vote the Tea Party out, all of them.
Vote the Tea Party out, all of them. Originally Posted by flghtr65
I will second that motion!
Sensible opinion; but the reason the GOP cannot "control" the debate has more to do with the lock liberal media has on the conversation............

And honest debate shouldn't be about "control" but about informing and letting individuals decide for themselves; but liberals are all about surprise that is how you frame it.

No, they won't. I don't think....although I'm not certain what the magnitude of this Cruz disaster will be for Republicans. Might be nothing....voters have short memories. Might be incredibly significant. But they will hold the Senate. And, obviously the White House. The GOP will be able to obstruct but not control the debate. Same as usual. Originally Posted by timpage
The House will stay in GOP control; and the TP will have even more influence in the agenda of the House.

Control of the Senate will be determined by how the debt limit talks - yes it will continue - unfolds come February 2014 !

Oh yeah, don't forget the economy will remain underperforming and Obama fatigue will continue to deepen.
Sensible opinion; but the reason the GOP cannot "control" the debate has more to do with the lock liberal media has on the conversation............

And honest debate shouldn't be about "control" but about informing and letting individuals decide for themselves; but liberals are all about surprise that is how you frame it. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Once again, thank you, John McCain. You asshole. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Did you learn to be a Bible-bashing kumbayanik at your liberal arts college, or did you pick it up while interning for the Taliban?
The House will stay in GOP control; and the TP will have even more influence in the agenda of the House.

Control of the Senate will be determined by how the debt limit talks - yes it will continue - unfolds come February 2014 !

Oh yeah, don't forget the economy will remain underperforming and Obama fatigue will continue to deepen. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
This moron lives in a dream world. The same dream world that led him to repeatedly make the following statement:

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-18-2013, 08:08 AM
Not particularly shocking.

Generally STEM-literate people make more money than those who are not.

The more money one has, the more motivation to scream that government should shrink--after all, THEY have more of what they need.

More likely too that they will have an underlying view that says, "I got mine, to hell with you."

Add the fact that a higher fraction of STEM-oriented working people are lacking in people skills and empathy for the nameless/faceless (just the opposite in many cases for specific people they know) and your statement is not as surprising as it looks on first glance. Originally Posted by Old-T
Geez, Old-B. You really will stretch to denigrate those with whom you disagree, won't you? They are smarter because they are richer? And whiter? Seriously? That's the best you can do?

Hmmm . . . Rich, white Tea Partiers. Let's see . . . Alec Baldwin? No. Bill Maher? No. Bill Gates? No. Charles Koch? Ok, there's one. George Soros? No. Warren Buffett? No. Jeff Bezos? No. Mark Zuckerberg? No. Donald Trump? Who knows?

You know, it seems there are plenty rich, white, male liberals. Are they just inherently stupid?

C'mon, OldB. You're better than this. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
C'mon, I know you and I disagree on a lot of things, but at least read what I write and attack me for what I actually said.
How about you read my reply as it was written, not backwards:

--People are not smarter because they are rich, they tend to be richer because they are smarter--especially those who are better in science, engineering, etc.

--Of course there are rich liberals. But the demographics of the wealthy contain more conservatives, more TPers, and more RWWs statistically than the US population as a whole.

Your argument that TPers are better in science is obviously a statistical one; clearly you mean statistically as a group they are--not that any TPer is better at science than any non-TPer. So was mine (obviously). You had to work pretty hard to misread it as badly as you did.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-18-2013, 08:12 AM
And the Dems right along with them; 5% Approval Rating... Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Wow, I didn't realize that 5% of the US population are current congressmen or their staffs!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And the Dems right along with them; 5% Approval Rating...

Thats straight from your darling...HuffPo

Gallup can only muster up 11%
Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Do that math. I'd like to see where the break is between parties, though I'm sure you wouldn't.