Dallas Bust

Hercules's Avatar
I for one am glad they're cracking down. I tried an amp few months ago and a lady in one told me they never let her go out of the establishment. I'll never go back. Some will turn a blind eye because the price is low but it's obvious some of those women are forced into it.
TinMan's Avatar
DMN is going to focus a lot of attention on the subject. It started with an editorial in today’s paper. It looks like there will be four commentaries in tomorrow’s op-ed section. Today’s editorial talked about how this is now a focus of Hall’s DPD.

Hang on, fellas, particularly those of you who visit the storefronts, streetwalkers, and pimped girls (the last of whom are harder to avoid). It may be a bumpy ride.
Shep3.0's Avatar
One was a college basketball coach Originally Posted by sexykim2008

The coach owned one of the AMPs.
pyramider's Avatar
No one stated he was a good coach.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I for one am glad they're cracking down. I tried an amp few months ago and a lady in one told me they never let her go out of the establishment. I'll never go back. Some will turn a blind eye because the price is low but it's obvious some of those women are forced into it. Originally Posted by Hercules
I have met scores of AMP ladies, and not a single one has ever hinted that she might not be working under her free will, and be able to leave at a time of her choosing.. in fact, many come and go constantly, and as a group, the AMP ladies are among the most charming, upbeat ladies I have ever encountered. completely opposite of the stereoptype trafficked lady who doesn't look you in the eye, has someone speak for her, and so forth.. price is low? I don't know many guys who can shell out $200 for entertainment.
mtabsw's Avatar
Didn’t Cheryl Hall grow up in the Detroit PD system? I’d be interested in hearing from folks familiar with that scene as to how that city has dealt with AMPs and studios. Maybe she’s borrowing some strategies from her former home that she hopes can be successful here. Originally Posted by TinMan
Even more interesting - and probably relevant to this thread - Hall’s father, Ulysses Brown, was a Detroit cop. When Hall was 6 months old, Brown, 28, was found shot to death behind a gas station. His killer was never caught. Her father was working in the prostitution unit at the time.

My bet is her mind is on driving prostitution out when the focus needs to be on trafficking.
Hercules's Avatar
I have met scores of AMP ladies, and not a single one has ever hinted that she might not be working under her free will, and be able to leave at a time of her choosing.. in fact, many come and go constantly, and as a group, the AMP ladies are among the most charming, upbeat ladies I have ever encountered. completely opposite of the stereoptype trafficked lady who doesn't look you in the eye, has someone speak for her, and so forth.. price is low? I don't know many guys who can shell out $200 for entertainment. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Figures coming from a well known promoter of these places. So tell me why are these AMPs the target of these raids? Many of other high profile places that never get raided. Even if I met just the one lady who didn't want to be there (and before you snitch to mama-san, I did NOT review her) that's one too many. Newsflash - $200/hr IS low price compared to your typical Indy girl.
The DMN is definitely on a crusade. It’s too bad that the general public reading these articles is getting a stilted view of the escort business. Some probably can’t understand or believe a lot of women actually want to do this, are very good at what they do or, could not make an income like this doing anything else.

I’m all for stopping the forced sex trafficking of unwilling and underaged girls...who knows if some of us guys have actually been willing or unaware participants here. The News really should hear an opposing view, that there are women who actually want to this and it’s their body, their choice.
Chung Tran's Avatar
why are these AMPs the target of these raids? Many of other high profile places that never get raided. Even if I met just the one lady who didn't want to be there (and before you snitch to mama-san, I did NOT review her) that's one too many. Newsflash - $200/hr IS low price compared to your typical Indy girl. Originally Posted by Hercules
the AMPs that were raided are much different than the AMPs in the other areas of the city.. always have been.. no Koreans, many Hispanics. my question would be, what took so damn long to raid these Emerald Street spots? they have been there for 2 decades.

you single out one girl who told you she couldn't leave.. I have seen many more than you have, and not a single girl has ever even remotely suggested she couldn't leave. of course one is too many. I don't interact with Mamasans, beyond a brief hello and goodbye, so don't worry about me. why don't you tell the Police about the girl who told you she couldn't leave? if a girl told me that, the Cops would be on speed-dial, I would have them at the Spa in minutes.
Was Jerry Jones busted too?
Jerry probably told Craft about the place.
rexdutchman's Avatar
AMP are just "low hanging fruit " so be careful ....
TinMan's Avatar
The News really should hear an opposing view, that there are women who actually want to this and it’s their body, their choice. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Then some of the independent ladies are going to need to step forward and offer to share the other story. Including how FOSTA/SESTA negatively impacted them.

I don’t know for sure that DMN would publish such a story, but if they’re ever inclined to do so, now is the time.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Then some of the independent ladies are going to need to step forward and offer to share the other story. Including how FOSTA/SESTA negatively impacted them.

I don’t know for sure that DMN would publish such a story, but if they’re ever inclined to do so, now is the time. Originally Posted by TinMan
of course the DMN would not offer that side.. there is no drama, no "I'm holier than you" angle.. TMZ wouldn't either. that shit doesn't sell ads.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Well liberal media scare and deceive , no body would get upset if they knew different