Arlington Woman Killed by Police After Dog Incident

TexTushHog's Avatar
Or really. Immunity statures protect municipalities and States from tort liability. Bigotry and prejudice protect them at the ballot box. To the government, dead civilians are just an unfortunate cost of doing business. It’s even worse in race to the bottom/,ow tax jurisdictions like Texas because no one is willing to pay to train cops. Stuff like this doesn’t happen in Highland Park, so they keep the taxes low. If it happens in some insignificant suburb like Ar.ington, we’ll, “c’est la vie” and pass the beluga. Make the State liable for these fuck ups, and the MIGHT fix it.
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah saw the video WOW , The woman was in the LINE OF FIRE , what a idiot rookie just out of training ,
Been a very long time for me but SOMETHING in the training should include when NOT to shoot ^^^^^^
TheWanderer's Avatar
I saw the video as well, Jeez. Small-Medium sized dog running up, doesn't look aggressive at all. The dog turns a hard U-turn on the first shot. The cop could have fired 1 shot into the ground and it would have stopped the dog. But NO!
The cop has to unload the clip - bam-bam-bam.
The lady was the daughter of an Arlington Fire Dept Captain with 30+ years in the department. The article said she was homeless, had been seen panhandling with her boyfriend and a neighbor said the dog never appeared to be aggressive.
What are they telling these cops in the Academy? Shoot first, ask questions later? In today's environment?
He needs to be on trial for manslaughter as well.
Short career in law enforcement. Rest of his life in shame. It would have happened sooner or later with this cop.
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
Why is the po po department not revealing his name?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Why is the po po department not revealing his name? Originally Posted by LuvHerMadlyEverytime
they should soon.. CBS News said he is "Asian".. Hmm.. Arlington, Texas? Asian?

I bet he is Vietnamese.

by the way, TTH, Arlington is not a "suburb", it is the 50th largest city in the United Sates
billw1032's Avatar
by the way, TTH, Arlington is not a "suburb", it is the 50th largest city in the United Sates Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Actually, 48th according to this list:
Interesting to look at the list and see the major cities that are smaller than Arlington. They include Tampa, New Orleans, Wichita, Cleveland, Honolulu, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, and Anchorage just to name a few!
TexTushHog's Avatar
What are they telling these cops in the Academy? Shoot first, ask questions later? /QUOTE]

Not in the academy, per we, but that’s the message they get from their overall training, and certainly by their peers. It’s the “better to be judged by twelve than carried by six” motherfuckers. They want to be judge, jury, and executioner, despite the fact that violent crime is at historic lows and it’s never been safer to be a cop. They invent heroic myths about themselves and grossly inflate the danger that they are in. And I’m sure their attitude is harmed by the piss poor pay they get in Texas, compared to other states.
TexTushHog's Avatar
by the way, TTH, Arlington is not a "suburb", it is the 50th largest city in the United Sates Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Still a suburb of the 7th biggest city. Just a big suburb. As Dorothy Parker once said of Oakland, “There is no there, there.”
What are they telling these cops in the Academy? Shoot first, ask questions later? /QUOTE]

Not in the academy, per we, but that’s the message they get from their overall training, and certainly by their peers. It’s the “better to be judged by twelve than carried by six” motherfuckers. They want to be judge, jury, and executioner, despite the fact that violent crime is at historic lows and it’s never been safer to be a cop. They invent heroic myths about themselves and grossly inflate the danger that they are in. And I’m sure their attitude is harmed by the piss poor pay they get in Texas, compared to other states. Originally Posted by TheWanderer

Cops know that any situation where there's the tiniest sliver of doubt, they'll walk out free. They are held to a lower standard than citizens. Think about how we are "trained" to conduct ourselves around cops. It's like they're wild animals at a nature preserve: speak calmly, no sudden movements etc.

Teachers and fire fighters are public servants just like cops yet we don't celebrate them nearly as much. In fact we treat cops like they're active duty military members.

Until we start convicting cops of their crimes, this shit won't stop. They need to be sent to supermax facilities when recklessly killing innocents. Raise the pay while simultaneously increasing the time spent in training and increasing the consequences of misconduct. This is a gang that infects every major city and it needs to be neutralized.

Anyone defending them would have probably strung me up from a tree 100 years ago.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I disagree about one thing. Dint send them to Supermax facilities. Put ‘em in with the general population. That’ll be worse for them.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Still a suburb of the 7th biggest city. Just a big suburb. As Dorothy Parker once said of Oakland, “There is no there, there.” Originally Posted by TexTushHog
on behalf of my fellow residents, Six Flags, Jerry World, UTA, the Ballpark, ESports stadium, and the Bowling Hall of Fame, we appreciate your kind and lofty words, LOL..
Chung is my fuckin' neighbor! Zillow property value just went up 4.7% . . .
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 08-12-2019, 11:29 AM
Still a suburb of the 7th biggest city. Just a big suburb. As Dorothy Parker once said of Oakland, “There is no there, there.” Originally Posted by TexTushHog
A suburb of San Antonio? Wha?

Are you trying to label Arlington as being a suburb of Dallas, a city that is trying to drop out of the top ten largest cities in the US?
Or really. Immunity statures protect municipalities and States from tort liability. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Yeah, and it wasn't passed into law by Congress. The judges gave this to the executive branch.

It was ruled by to be one of the five worst rulings by SCOTUS in the last 50 years.

2. Harlow v. Fitzgerald (1982)
What do libertarian-leaning federal Judge Don Willett and liberal U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor have in common? They both despise the modern doctrine of qualified immunity.

In Harlow v. Fitzgerald (1982), the Supreme Court held that government officials are entitled to immunity from civil suits so long as the specific conduct they're being sued over "does not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional rights."

What that means in practice, Willett observed in a 2018 opinion, is that "public officials [can] duck consequences for bad behavior—no matter how palpably unreasonable—as long as they were the first to behave badly."

Sotomayor concurs. The Court's "one-sided approach to qualified immunity," she wrote in a 2018 case, "transforms the doctrine into an absolute shield for law enforcement, gutting the deterrent effect of the Fourth Amendment."

Case in point: In 2017, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit concluded that a Michigan police officer violated the Fourth Amendment when he shot and killed a fleeing suspect. But the court gave the officer qualified immunity anyway, because the situation did not perfectly match anything found in prior case law and therefore "controlling authority at the time of the events had not clearly established the rights we identify today."

That case Willett commented on is being petitioned to the Supreme Court. Hopefully, SCOTUS will right this wrong.