Just checking...

Just like trump does he can fail a test miserably and just tell the doctors to say whatever. Like trump is 6,2 and 220 pounds... All bullshit. Who's to say trump even took it? A Dr would only test like that if they suspected some sort of serious mental issue.

And I guarantee Biden wouldn't fail the test questions listed out. It is telling a dog vs cat in a picture type shit. Those questions are the thorough cognitive test. It takes like 5 minutes. Someone with real dementia would struggle through it.
texassapper's Avatar
He knows he can't pass a thorough cognitive test and so do his advisers. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Keep that thought....

you don't give power to an asshole like Trump who believes he is above the law. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
So who is responsible legally at this moment? Who is running the country?... You just said you know it's not Biden... and you're uncomfortable giving power to someone who thinks they are above the law... but you're comfortable giving power to an anonymous person(s)? Make sense of your own thoughts..
And quite frankly, has stacked the Supreme Court enough in his favor that he very well may be if reelected. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Stacked is an odd word choice given every single justice on the bench went through a legal nomination and confirmation process. You mean Trump followed the Law? But I thought he was lawless and above the law.... sort of invalidates your ridiculous dramatics.
And for the OP, I'm certainly not a liberal and I don't give a shit what the media says. I have my own eyes and ears to form my own opinion. I don't need some media schmuck or news outlet to tell me what to think like many bozos in this forum do. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Well you're certainly not a Conservative... Good for you if the rest of that is true... but I doubt it. you parrot too much of what the propaganda outlets are saying for me to believe it... but whatevs.
2 of those supreme court appointees should have been Obama's picks. It was bs excuse after excuse when Obama was president, too close to election they repubtards said. Then when it came to trump in the same situation it was pushed through with no issues. Supreme court has lost all credibility, courts are becoming the lawmakers. Someone doesn't agree with a law, they shop around and find a judge to put a stop to it.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
2 of those supreme court appointees should have been Obama's picks. It was bs excuse after excuse when Obama was president, too close to election they repubtards said. Then when it came to trump in the same situation it was pushed through with no issues. Supreme court has lost all credibility, courts are becoming the lawmakers. Someone doesn't agree with a law, they shop around and find a judge to put a stop to it. Originally Posted by royamcr
Thats rich
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Well dang. Thought the OVomit comet did nominated them. Did I miss the memo?

Oh wait! I did not miss civics class though. Turns out there is a documented process for that in something that is a C-word. Oh yea, the Constitution. You should look into that. My fuzzy recollection is that it does not say 'cause I' says so.
2 of those supreme court appointees should have been Obama's picks. It was bs excuse after excuse when Obama was president, too close to election they repubtards said. Then when it came to trump in the same situation it was pushed through with no issues. Supreme court has lost all credibility, courts are becoming the lawmakers. Someone doesn't agree with a law, they shop around and find a judge to put a stop to it. Originally Posted by royamcr
texassapper's Avatar
Liberals are always upset by the Constitution. Obama considered it an obstruction... and thank God it is. Written by White men dead for centuries that were still smarter than the group of bootlickers in DC now.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Liberals are always upset by the Constitution. Obama considered it an obstruction... and thank God it is. Written by White men dead for centuries that were still smarter than the group of bootlickers in DC now. Originally Posted by texassapper
Only time the Marxists are concerned with the Constitution is when it gets in the way of their Utopian wet dreams. Which is to say - always. Remember that Hamilton et all wrote and delivered 85 Federalist papers to assuage the people to even create a Federal government at all. At that, the Constitution intentionally put as many roadblocks on a Federal government as they could. That is why the Marxists dwell on it so savagely. It keeps getting in the way of creating their Highway to Hell.

Make no mistake: This election is about Good vs Evil.
Only time the Marxists are concerned with the Constitution is when it gets in the way of their Utopian wet dreams. Which is to say - always. Remember that Hamilton et all wrote and delivered 85 Federalist papers to assuage the people to even create a Federal government at all. At that, the Constitution intentionally put as many roadblocks on a Federal government as they could. That is why the Marxists dwell on it so savagely. It keeps getting in the way of creating their Highway to Hell.

Make no mistake: This election is about Good vs Evil. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

adav8s28's Avatar
Cognitive test is stupid and some bullshit that trump came up with to instill doubt about Biden's health. The tests questions are not that difficult and anyone that fails them is in extreme decline. I know all ya magats will just say Biden is in extreme decline already and it just isn't the case.

Besides, any results are covered under HIPAA privacy laws, the president isn't exempt from this.

This is what a test entails.
  1. Knowledge of time, place and person: You’ll be asked the current date, your location and your name.
  2. Attention and short-term learning: You’ll be asked to recall a short list of items.
  3. Concentration: You’ll be asked to spell five-letter words forward, then backward.
  4. Short-term recall: You’ll be asked to recall objects you were shown or sounds you heard a couple of minutes ago.
  5. Short-term memory: You’ll be asked to describe an event that happened in the past day or two.
  6. Long-term memory: You’ll be asked to describe an event from the distant past.
  7. Abstract thinking: You’ll be asked to name the relation between several objects (such as cats, horses, dogs [are all animals]), explain the meaning of a proverb or common saying (such as “actions speak louder than words”) or finish an analogy (such as “glove is to hand as [blank] is to foot”).
  8. Ability to use language: You’ll be asked to name objects and read, write and repeat phrases.
  9. Language comprehension: You’ll be asked to perform a simple task that includes a body part and an understanding of right and left (such as, place your right hand on your left knee).
  10. Ability to understand the relationship between objects or people: You’ll be asked to draw a clock with its hands pointing to a specific time or draw a house.
  11. Perform a specific action: You’ll be asked to show how to brush your teeth.
  12. Perform mathematical functions: You’ll be asked to subtract a certain number from a high number and continue subtracting the same certain number from that answer.
  13. Assess judgment: You’ll listen to a situation and be asked what you’d do. For example, “If you saw a person who was injured, what would you do?”
Originally Posted by royamcr
Thursday night when Biden took questions from the press he substituted Vice President Trump for Harris and did not correct himself. A flub like is this is part of the problem. It's occurring two weeks after the very bad debate with Trump. Biden did speak well on forign policy without slurring words or loosing his thought. Referring to Trump as his vice president that he selected to put on the ticket in 2020 is a problem. It's why actor George Clooney is writing editorals in the NY times to have Biden step down.

If Biden takes a cognitive test and passes it, then the doubt will go away. In a Marist college poll Biden is ahead of Trump by two points 50% to 48%.

In ABC news poll it's Biden 46% to Trump 47%. Which is a statistical tie. Despite the bad debate two weeks ago the polls have not changed much. Biden can still beat Trump. The pathway to 270 electoral college vote is plausible. Biden just has to win any four of these six battleground states (Mich,Penn,Wisc,Nev,Ari,Georgi a) and the states that HRC won in 2016. The DNC and the big donars are running scared because these six races are very tight.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...If Biden takes a cognitive test and passes it, then the doubt will go away... Originally Posted by adav8s28
First, it's the MoCA test (Montreal Cognitive Assessment). It is an indicator, not a definitive. In a nutshell, passing it does not mean you have a clue about anything in particular. We know Joe doesn't have a clue, but he's got hairy legs, for example. There are other signs and symptom, like the clenched teeth thing for concentrating:

Seriously, have you seen him walk?!? Looks like a cheap robot with his focus on swinging arms and high stepping. You don't even want him anywhere near stairs.

Who the hell is he plugged into on the other end of those note cards, with pictures, names, pronunciation, the question they will ask and the answers?!?

And what about that ear piece and goo-goo ga-ga baby handling of him? Who is whispering what, into his ear? Don't forget the sundowner's and early beddy-bye times to recharge his batteries.

An empty suit with an empty head = Vassal
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It's not the SAT, Roy but Biden would still fail it miserably and probably already has. Let's be honest, if he could pass it, he would have openly and with full transparency taken the test and HIPAA be damned because he would want the world to know. He knows he can't pass a thorough cognitive test and so do his advisers.

Don't get me wrong though, Biden could show up in a fucking casket next week and I would still take him or anyone else over Trump's wannabe Putin ass because you don't give power to an asshole like Trump who believes he is above the law. And quite frankly, has stacked the Supreme Court enough in his favor that he very well may be if reelected.

And for the OP, I'm certainly not a liberal and I don't give a shit what the media says. I have my own eyes and ears to form my own opinion. I don't need some media schmuck or news outlet to tell me what to think like many bozos in this forum do. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Exactly. I would not vote for Donald Trump no matter who he was running against. Call it "TDS" if you like. He was the worst POTUS in my lifetime and with no worries about reelection in a possible 2nd term, he will be worse, if that is possible.

Trump now believes that with the recent SCOTUS ruling that he can do whatever he wants without fear of prosecution. He will replace anyone in government that he can who disagrees with him. "Checks and Balances" will disappear. It would be a very dangerous 4 years for this country.
adav8s28's Avatar

In a Marist college poll Biden is ahead of Trump by two points 50% to 48%.
Originally Posted by adav8s28
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
https://www.yahoo.com/news/marist-po...ycsrp_catchall Originally Posted by adav8s28
In a poll of DNC donors, $90MILLION is sitting on the sidelines - idle, while Trump it pulling it in with a hypersonic leaf vac.
adav8s28's Avatar
In a poll of DNC donors, $90MILLION is sitting on the sidelines - idle, while Trump it pulling it in with a hypersonic leaf vac. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Two weeks after the worst performance ever in presidential debate, one would not think it would be possible for Biden to have a lead in any poll. Yet, Biden leads Trump in the Marist College poll. Biden is in a statistical tie in the recent ABC news poll.

As for the $90 million that is sitting on the sidelines, $14 million came in right after the terrible debate. Biden can make do with grass root donors. If Biden gets a lead in other polls, George Clooney and the other elites just might release the money.
texassapper's Avatar
Biden is going to ride this one down in flames. No more talk of anyone replacing Biden... the democrats are now working to shore up defenses to be able to undo anything Trump does in the next four years.