"Give it to me good, Daddy"

jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 03-12-2010, 08:09 PM
There used to be a lady here who inspired my animal passions and was submissive in a way I always find attractive.

I knew she'd come from a hard background (Quote: "Twelve was a tough year.") but one afternoon as I was nailing her to the bed she let out with, "Oh yes! Force fuck me Daddy!!

My dick didn't bail on me, but he didn't like it either. It was out last time together (me 'n her, not me 'n him). Not because it grossed me out, it was just too sad.
Traveler64's Avatar
I had almost the exact same experience as jfred several years ago. I distinctly remember the situation was K9 and I was busy doing my thing and I heard her whisper "Fuck me Daddy". It instantly stopped all momentum while I said, "What did you say?" She wouldn't repeat it. We went ahead and finished but I never went back. The thought of it all was just as jfred said - too sad.
  • Guero
  • 03-13-2010, 08:18 AM
I like the article Kristin Keys posted. Great explanation and very smart.there are more innocent ways to wind up at daddy than thinking someone wants to have sex with their daughter.

There is one other concideration, and that is culture. Hispanic women and men use "mamacita" and "papi" like we use dear and honey. They also say "Mi Rey" which translates to "my king." that sounds very odd in English. But in Spanish you never would think twice about it.

Hmmmm. I think I may have to request that..."fuck me my king" has a nice ring to it.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I took a lady to San Antonio for a few days. She called me daddy while we were playing, but not while we were out on the town. I never asked why. Maybe because I was her sugar daddy for the few days. Maybe because our 20 year age difference. Maybe because she thought it would excite a forbidden taboo, and make our time better.

I got the impression that's what she called all the men who were so much older than her. I got to where I didn't mind as it seemed she was using it as a term of endearment. Since our race difference was obvious, I never thought about any kind of family context.

I've also been with a younger hispanic lady that called me Papi.
haha, oh man u guys are making me feel like some kinda freak. I've never seen the whole "daddy" thing as anything remotely incest-like father-daughter at all. Maybe its a hispanic thing. But i've had girlfriends that would call me papi or daddy all the time. not just during sex either, they would use it just like "baby" or "honey".

pmdelites's Avatar
I totally agree with this assessment, for you John. It will be a very personal reaction for each of us and so we shouldn't use our own experience with which to base others reactions.

As for me, the term "Daddy" has been exclusively used to describe the male parental unit. I always addressed my father as "Daddy" to his face until his death at age 79. My daughters have called me "Daddy" all their lives. With such a strong association it's hardly surprising that when a provider once called me "Daddy" Cap'n Little Sailor & his crew immediately aborted the mission for the duration. Originally Posted by DFK Hunter
i think this sums it up very well. just like many other words, our reaction to it is more a result of our personal experience with the word than the word itself.

and if one person really gets into it while another recoils in abject horror at its use, neither are correct, incorrect, right or wrong. they're just different.

paraphrasing what robin williams' character said in "good will hunting",
...it's not a perfect usage of the word, it's just a perfect usage for you.
monkish's Avatar
Doesn't bother me in the least. I don't take it literally in that context. I think it's just a casual term of endearment.

For some it may hit too close to home. For me not so much.
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
i think this sums it up very well. just like many other words, our reaction to it is more a result of our personal experience with the word than the word itself.

and if one person really gets into it while another recoils in abject horror at its use, neither are correct, incorrect, right or wrong. they're just different.

paraphrasing what robin williams' character said in "good will hunting",
...it's not a perfect usage of the word, it's just a perfect usage for you. Originally Posted by pmdelites
I have a young friend that as I'm playing with her and doing what I do hard and fast she loves to tell me, "Oh Daddy, give it to me daddy, and, just like that daddy". I hate to say this but, if outside of the bedroom she called me daddy, that would be a different thing altogether.
I think you guys are taking it, WWWAAAAY out of context.
Thats a dangerously loaded gun or crap talk. I think a man's desire to have a younger (usually much younger) woman call him Daddy carries the fantasy of sugarDaddy (I'm OK with that) or "C'mon..fuck your little girl/daughter/stepdaughter...Daddy!!" which is creepy, sick and borders on encouraging someone that could pose a danger to a young woman to do it for real. It's personally creepy for me because a former workout buddy confided that one of the Providers in this area was kind enough to slip into his stepdaughter's bikini and call him Daddy during their encounter. The problem was that it's his stepdaughter's bikini....the one she wears to go swimming...not one he bought at some cheap dollar store and the reason he wanted the Provider to wear it was so that he could fantasize about how exciting it would (will?) be to have some good 'ol fashion Daddy/Daughter sex with his little girl. I can see Homer Simpson holding up one of Lisa's swimsuits and going.."MMmmmwwwwaaaaahhhhh... incest...kinnnnkkkyyyyy" as he drools. Don't know if he was telling me the truth. I hope not because it'll likely do nothing more than encourage his lust for her and if he follows thru on it...well.........
gptxman's Avatar
I have never had the good fortune of having a SB and have never had anyone other than my kids call me daddy. I plan to keep it this way even if I find a SB she can call me a large variety of things ASS HOLE included if she likes but keep the daddy word for my kids since for me I treat that word as a family word and not a sexual or flirting word. At the same time if a guy has himself a young lady or SB that likes to call him daddy it doesn't bother me either. Everyone likes different things so if they like it good for them if they find that girl to do it for them.

So to answer the original question, if you don't feel it don't do it. If they like you for you then they will be back and if not there is plenty of others out there that will.
LatexLover's Avatar
I have no problem with the term at all. Once a hot escort asked me during a scheduling call "do you wanna fuck me, Daddy" and it turned me on. Not from an incest standpoint but it was kinda hot!

Now on the other hand, I could never call my mistress "mommy". Just too infantile for me.
monkish's Avatar
Making an association with an adult woman calling her adult lover 'daddy' and incest or ch*ld molestation is laughable. I can't believe some of you guys.

I'm imagining some of the nasty things you do BCD and you think this
is creepy and inappropriate. Too fucking funny.

The usage of that term in that context is older than...well...most of the guys here.

And, it is way more innocent and playful than is being insinuated here.

Come on now! Let's get back to reality.
maxim_232's Avatar
I can see where some might make the connection, but to me a girl using the term "daddy" in a sexual scenario is only about submission, not incest. I personally enjoy the D/s usage of the term and am always interested to find someone will to use it.

What I find disappointing is the growing list of "don'ts" that some providers seem to be developing
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'm so appreciative to get so many varying viewpoints and thank you!

Murphy's pitchfork was sticking me this weekend because I had a couple of interesting encounters where the word "Daddy" was used by the man ... not by me. And there wasn't ANY type of "ick" feeling going on except a little bit of curiosity as to whether they may have read this topic or not!

Although I can certainly understand that naysayers telling me that it's nothing but hard core, old fashioned and/or female submissiveness-type of lovin'. And although I'm sure that many young ladies (and older ones, for that matter) say it as a term of affection, or to get something (loved the article that Kristin submitted, btw) or for whatever reason, I can get that. I certainly can.

But perhaps I'm from a different time and place. Which is why I was asking the question and wondering what could I do, personally, to not have that "yuck" factor happen to me when I heard it or was dealing with the concept from a good friend.

It's cool. Now, it's better. Thanks again for all of the viewpoints!


ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Making an association with an adult woman calling her adult lover 'daddy' and incest or ch*ld molestation is laughable. I can't believe some of you guys.

I'm imagining some of the nasty things you do BCD and you think this
is creepy and inappropriate. Too fucking funny.

The usage of that term in that context is older than...well...most of the guys here.

And, it is way more innocent and playful than is being insinuated here.

Come on now! Let's get back to reality. Originally Posted by monkish
The third sentence is completely true. I agree. We are all probably guilty, if you want to call it that, of doing some pretty disgusting stuff behind closed doors to some degree, that is if you do it right! I was also shocked to be reading a book from the late 1800's (literary porn) and the term was in there. Yes. It was hot.

But it's not always innocent. I believe that jfred's post probably illustrated it the best.

To each their own, though. I just wanted to learn a little something and I do appreciate your thoughts!
