pretty serious question

I will not vote for Romney and I do not think that he or Obama have the power to fix the job problem. Originally Posted by fetishfreak
I will be proudly voting for President Boxstore because President Giveaway is a huge failure and is driving the country into a ditch.

I don't believe the president has the overt power to fix the job/deficit/economy problem, just the responsibility and the duty.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Well, that's a very good hypothetical, and the right answer is this: "Let's wait and see if the situation arises."

The flip side is this: If, 3-4 years into Romney's first term, unemployment is DOWN and the economy is HEALTHY, what will YOU say? Will you stand up in front of all of us and admit that you were an idiot to put all your faith in Nancy and Henry and the Man From Kenya? Originally Posted by Sidewinder
I'm going to pretend you asked this question in good faith and not as the cocksucking douche bag you obviously are Nope, I can't pretend like that.
I get this vision of living in a place where a 2-foot tall whirly is yanking cogs dress down while screaming "De plane! De plane!"

.Your version of the flipside of that question shows your limitations in life and your tedious habit of trying to hold America down with you.Too bad you can't ask the flipside question as an American.

Hey jd! We found another America hater!
Put him on your "have done" list.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Munchie. You sir, are a hockey puck.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I will be proudly voting for President Boxstore because President Giveaway is a huge failure and is driving the country into a ditch.

I don't believe the president has the overt power to fix the job/deficit/economy problem, just the responsibility and the duty. Originally Posted by gnadfly
And I suppose our duty and responsibility to help is fufilled by ensuring, for half of his term, that he is a single term President.

That strategy might keep him from a second term but it hasn't done anything for the country.
I'm going to pretend you asked this question in good faith and not as the cocksucking douche bag you obviously are Nope, I can't pretend like that.
I get this vision of living in a place where a 2-foot tall whirly is yanking cogs dress down while screaming "De plane! De plane!"

.Your version of the flipside of that question shows your limitations in life and your tedious habit of trying to hold America down with you.Too bad you can't ask the flipside question as an American.

Hey jd! We found another America hater!
Put him on your "have done" list. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Munchie, if you were going to pretend I asked the question in good faith, you would have ANSWERED the question in good faith.

Of course, if you'd done that, I'd've had to check and see if gravity was still working.

The original question was "Would we admit we were wrong if Romney turned out to be, at minimum, totally ineffective at fixing what Obama actively screwed up (and continues to screw up)? The reply question was "Suppose the shoe turns out to be on the other foot. Suppose Romney DOESN'T screw up, but DOES repair the Obama/Reid/Pelosi damage. What will the Obama supporters say?"

As for your comment about spending half his first term making sure he will be a one-term President, with all due respect, Munchie, THAT'S WHY WE HAVE MIDTERM ELECTIONS. If the President is doing a great job halfway through, he gets to keep his Congressional support, or make it better. If the President is doing a terrible job halfway through, we the people get to vote his crew out, and keep him from making matters EVEN WORSE.

Review at your leisure the first two years of Obama's term. Recall that he had majorities in House and Senate, sufficiently so that he could have done ANYTHING he wanted to do. Review what he did, and more notably, what he did NOT do, during that period. He attacked NONE of the issues in the first half of his first term that he now says we should re-elect him to attack, despite having the ABSOLUTE ability to ram whatever he wanted right down the throats of the Republican Party and the American people. Midterm came, the voters saw what he had and hadn't done, were appalled, and PULLED THE EMERGENCY BRAKE.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I applaud those that do not want to vote for Romney not voting for Obama.
Much like myself, I voted for Ron Paul in the Texas primary even though I knew he would not win.
On the other hand, I will not risk allowing Obama another term in office by not voting for Romney.

I have stated in many threads that it will get a whole lot worse before it gets better once we are rid of Obama. Cutting spending and the size of government will have some effect BUT, there is a lot of people that are waiting on things to stabilize without the threat of the government taking their profits, wanting to move forward with plans to invest and spend for future earnings.

People can bitch and moan about how much of our jobs gets outsourced or how much people park their money overseas but the real bitch should be WHY. Why has our government made it punitive to do business here and punitive to keep your earnings here.

It is natural to do what is in the best interest of yourself, we all do it. Business is not much different than the individual. As individuals, we are here because of the opportunity to make something better for ourselves. Is it no wonder we have millions of people breaking the law to get here. Yet, we punish the very businesses and individuals that work so hard to create opportunities.

There is no opportunity in government, The government has nothing without first taking it from someone else. Unless we change the direction this government is headed, things will never get better.
trynagetlaid's Avatar

It is natural to do what is in the best interest of yourself, we all do it.
Originally Posted by The2Dogs
In 25 words or less, you just described the problem. Refer to my previous post about greed, and feel free to study the history of all great world empires.

Government spending, regulations, politics, politicians, Presidents...have very little to do with what is destroying America. They are all just a convenient scapegoat. We delude ourselves into thinking we can tinker with certain things, and the problem will magically go away.

How many armored cars will be following the hearse at your funeral? I'm gonna be laughing in my grave if the check to the undertaker bounces.

China will take over from us as #1, lead the world for a couple of centuries, and the same thing will happen to them. And if by then, human avarice and greed hasn't totally destroyed the planet, another world power will emerge and take over the #1 spot.

Show me a candidate who recognizes our real problem, and I'll vote for him. But all he can do is slow things down a little.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-26-2012, 12:40 PM
Laz, thanks for answering the question.

apparently I ask something that was too difficut for everyone else to understand.
Romney or Obama:

2016 will look like this:
Unemployment - 12-15%
Debt - $22-$25T
Annual Deficits - >$1T
Tax Code - No change
Immigration - No change
Social Security - No change
Regulations - Worst
Oil Prices - >$120-$140/barrel
Inflation - 5%-8% Y/Y
Defense Spending - As always, never enough
Welfare/Medicare Fraud - No change

So go ahead and vote for your favorite candidate. By then, all we'll be able to do on this board is bitch because we won't have any money left to play.

Sorry for delivering bad news on a Thursday, but I just can't escape reality.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Munchie, if you were going to pretend I asked the question in good faith, you would have ANSWERED the question in good faith.

Of course, if you'd done that, I'd've had to check and see if gravity was still working.

The original question was "Would we admit we were wrong if Romney turned out to be, at minimum, totally ineffective at fixing what Obama actively screwed up (and continues to screw up)? The reply question was "Suppose the shoe turns out to be on the other foot. Suppose Romney DOESN'T screw up, but DOES repair the Obama/Reid/Pelosi damage. What will the Obama supporters say?"

As for your comment about spending half his first term making sure he will be a one-term President, with all due respect, Munchie, THAT'S WHY WE HAVE MIDTERM ELECTIONS. If the President is doing a great job halfway through, he gets to keep his Congressional support, or make it better. If the President is doing a terrible job halfway through, we the people get to vote his crew out, and keep him from making matters EVEN WORSE.

Review at your leisure the first two years of Obama's term. Recall that he had majorities in House and Senate, sufficiently so that he could have done ANYTHING he wanted to do. Review what he did, and more notably, what he did NOT do, during that period. He attacked NONE of the issues in the first half of his first term that he now says we should re-elect him to attack, despite having the ABSOLUTE ability to ram whatever he wanted right down the throats of the Republican Party and the American people. Midterm came, the voters saw what he had and hadn't done, were appalled, and PULLED THE EMERGENCY BRAKE. Originally Posted by Sidewinder
Here is the entire question and answer.
The flip side is this: If, 3-4 years into Romney's first term, unemployment is DOWN and the economy is HEALTHY, what will YOU say? Will you stand up in front of all of us and admit that you were an idiot to put all your faith in Nancy and Henry and the Man From Kenya?
Why would everybody who voted for Obama have to say they were an idiot? Why was that part of your answer? The original poster didn't ask for an admission of personal fault. He said,
3-4 years into his term and unemployment is still 8% and the economy is flat just like it is now

?? What will you have to say about the man and his policies ??

You don’t see the difference between his question and answer and yours?
Didn’t think you would.

Do you think maybe Obama was the emergency brake for the republican policies? An emergency brake to keep palin out of the White House? A large percentage said enough. After 8 years we saw a FUCK NO! to more of the same. We saw a FUCK NO to sarah palin.
In @ 3 months we'll see what America thinks.
CJ, doubt I will vote for Romney, but if I do and he is a failure I will be the first to admit it and point out his failure. Just like I will admit I voted for Obama and he turned out to be one lying cocksucker and the worst president in American history.
joe bloe's Avatar
In 25 words or less, you just described the problem. Refer to my previous post about greed, and feel free to study the history of all great world empires.

Government spending, regulations, politics, politicians, Presidents...have very little to do with what is destroying America. They are all just a convenient scapegoat. We delude ourselves into thinking we can tinker with certain things, and the problem will magically go away.

How many armored cars will be following the hearse at your funeral? I'm gonna be laughing in my grave if the check to the undertaker bounces.

China will take over from us as #1, lead the world for a couple of centuries, and the same thing will happen to them. And if by then, human avarice and greed hasn't totally destroyed the planet, another world power will emerge and take over the #1 spot.

Show me a candidate who recognizes our real problem, and I'll vote for him. But all he can do is slow things down a little. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
People are no more greedy today than they ever were. Pursuing self interest is our nature, always has been, and always will be. What we need is a system that is consistant with our nature and doesn't try to remake us into something we're not.

Adam Smith said that in a capitalistic system, the individual's pursuit of self interest benefits the whole. That's why capitalism works. We are all richer because of Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, John D Rockefeller, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.

Capitalism works because it allows people to be rewarded proportionate to their contribution. Businesses aren't built because the owner is motivated by the common good. He's motivated by the desire to get rich; there is nothing wrong with that. If you take away the possibility to aquire wealth, businesses won't get built and jobs won't be created.

It amazes me that so many people are willing to abandon capitalism and embrace socialism. Capitalism is the most successful economic system ever devised. Socialism is a proven failure. It never works. The Soviet Union failed because of it. Europe is failing because of it. America will fail if we continue on the road to socialism.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
People that fail to achieve will act like those that play the race card. It cant be because of their failures but because of, and this is where you fill in the blank with your excuse.

I dont think that Romney will make that much of a differnce in a short amount of time other than the bump in enthusiasm over the prospect that things will soon be better.

this is a big ship0 that needs turning and just changing the captain will not put the ship in the right direction. There are so many road blocks in the House and Senate that will hopefully be removed this fall so we can slow the spending and create an environment where business will floursh and begin to move forward once again.

Capitalism works because it allows people to be rewarded proportionate to their contribution...
It amazes me that so many people are willing to abandon capitalism and embrace socialism. Originally Posted by joe bloe
And capitalism only works IF people are left to suffer for their own failures. You seem to have left that little part out, much as our most ardent capitalists did in October of 2008.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-28-2012, 01:36 PM
so at the end of the day if Gumby gets a chance to fuck up, and does fuck up, we can expect complete (for the most part) total apathy from the right anchored by excuse after excuse after excuse

this thread proves that.