Just Curious...

  • Tiny
  • 09-07-2023, 06:23 PM
I'll keep this simple. How specifically is YOUR personal life materially affected by the government?

I'll start it off by answering the question of the asshole who started this thread. My answer is not one fucking bit. Any failure or success in my life is on me. That's not up to the government. That's up to my ambitions and my decision making. The government has jack shit to do with any of that. What in the flying fuck are you "the world is ending because of Democrats" guys even talking about? You actually believe your quality of life depends on our fucked up government? Nope. It depends on what YOU make of it. Government only gives some of you something to bitch and obsess about, when you should be pissed off at yourself.

If things aren't going right in my life, it's not because of politicians, it's because of my own bullshit and I own that shit. Many of you should learn how to man the fuck up and do the same instead of placing blame. There are a bunch of crybabies in this forum. Man the fuck up! Have some anonymous internet dignity for fucks sake. Lol

Too many F-words in a post perhaps? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
OK McCain, imagine that the United States federal government passed a law where one month a year everyone gets butt fucked. Repeatedly. If you're a male homosexual, a "bottom" I think they call them, that might be great. But for the rest of us it would be pure hell.

Well, if memory serves me correctly, you're a CPA. Like the "bottom" getting butt fucked, you probably enjoy preparing your tax return.

For me on the other hand it's torture. I spend at least a month a year getting info ready for my accountant. And my only full time employee spends man months working on taxes and accounting to get stuff ready for the CPA.

And it doesn't stop there. I pay approximately one-third of my income in federal income taxes. So that's four months every year I have to work to pay federal taxes, not including the time I actually spend on tax preparation. It sucks.

And what do I get back? Well, jack shit. Maybe the FAA, which is poorly run. The interstate highway system. And my state and community receive support from the federal government, often for programs we'd never fund ourselves if we had to pay for them directly.

It could be worse. If I were subject to a wealth tax like the ones proposed by Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, or a mark to market capital gains tax proposed by Ron Wyden and other Democrats, I'd be spending all year preparing my taxes, because I'd have to value every asset I own, every year. I wouldn't have time to make money because I'd spend all my time on taxes. If that every happens, it will be sayonara USA.

Tying back to your post, my quality of life is lowered significantly by taxation imposed by the federal government.

Now, my attitude towards state and local taxes is totally different. I actually get value for what I have to pay. And compliance is a breeze. All I have to do is write checks to pay property taxes. Sales taxes are automatically sent onto the state when I buy stuff.
The government don't fuck with me because I am a "white male"...however if I was a woman or a minority or anybody that wants to vote blue (which I do dah) the gop would be trying to control my ass and put me in my place because that's how they be

If you don't believe me ask the corrupt supreme court

Just make sure you have permission to leave this red state woman...for any reason or just stay in your husband's house where you belong

So hell no I don't agree that the government can't fuck ordinary people up
biomed1's Avatar
Of Guideline #6 . . .
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.
  • Tiny
  • 09-07-2023, 09:45 PM
McCain, this guy explains it a lot better than I can,

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Well, if memory serves me correctly, you're a CPA. Like the "bottom" getting butt fucked, you probably enjoy preparing your tax return. Originally Posted by Tiny
I am a CPA, but I've never worked a day in my life as an accountant. I'd rather flip burgers than do that shit for a living.

I've stated before that I do tax returns for the elder members in my family for free. It's really not for free though, because I am a greedy motherfucker who loves money, so I won't do it for them unless they have no heirs and their money ends up in my wallet when they kick the bucket. They think I am doing them a favor. I'm doing myself a favor. Hell, I don't even give a shit about most of them. Why would I do any favors for them?

Anyway, you pay taxes wherever you live. Nobody likes it. But unless you don't want to make money, you have to do it. Or not and cross your fingers that the IRS doesn't catch you. Haha

You don't like taxes. I don't either and I doubt anyone does. But like my dad told me when I was young; when you pay taxes, at least you have a job and the more you pay, the more you are making.
I am a CPA, but I've never worked a day in my life as an accountant. I'd rather flip burgers than do that shit for a living.

I've stated before that I do tax returns for the elder members in my family for free. It's really not for free though, because I am a greedy motherfucker who loves money, so I won't do it for them unless they have no heirs and their money ends up in my wallet when they kick the bucket. They think I am doing them a favor. I'm doing myself a favor. Hell, I don't even give a shit about most of them. Why would I do any favors for them?

Anyway, you pay taxes wherever you live. Nobody likes it. But unless you don't want to make money, you have to do it. Or not and cross your fingers that the IRS doesn't catch you. Haha Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

... Now I'm "just curious" - so YOU are out there
to rip-off (cheat) yer-own family members??
How Sad...

... Mate, I hope you're not being serious with
your comments there.

#### Salty
Lucas McCain's Avatar
... Now I'm "just curious" - so YOU are out there
to rip-off (cheat) yer-own family members??
How Sad...

... Mate, I hope you're not being serious with
your comments there.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Just curious; what the fuck does that have to do with the topic of this thread? I quoted Tiny. His post had to do with the topic of the thread and how the government affects him personally.

And if you mean "cheat" by making sure their taxes are paid according to the law/IRS guidelines and doing it for free, I guess I'm guilty... I'm not stealing anybody's money. I don't need to; so stop being dramatic and trying to start nonsensical shit because I offended you in another thread and get back on topic.

The topic is simple. Oh, and I'm not the topic in case you don't understand.
So for me, the government gave me opportunity by funding my college education. Way back in the 70's, state and federal grants (not loans) were available for those primarily going to state colleges (at least in my locale) based on combination of financial need and scholastic aptitude. The State funded my undergrad degree and the Feds, through NIH grant funded graduate studies. I probably wouldn't have been able to make it trough without.

That "investment" in my future enabled me to pay taxes that made up for its cost many times over. Of course, I had to maintain a respectable GPA, and back then you lost the grant if you married, but it was a great incentive to succeed. IMO, it's short sighted that those opportunities are lacking today.
  • Tiny
  • 09-08-2023, 01:00 PM
So for me, the government gave me opportunity by funding my college education. Way back in the 70's, state and federal grants (not loans) were available for those primarily going to state colleges (at least in my locale) based on combination of financial need and scholastic aptitude. The State funded my undergrad degree and the Feds, through NIH grant funded graduate studies. I probably wouldn't have been able to make it trough without.

That "investment" in my future enabled me to pay taxes that made up for its cost many times over. Of course, I had to maintain a respectable GPA, and back then you lost the grant if you married, but it was a great incentive to succeed. IMO, it's short sighted that those opportunities are lacking today. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Great point. Society got an excellent return on its investment by helping fund your education. And we don't want to lose our edge in science and engineering.
Just curious; what the fuck does that have to do with the topic of this thread? I quoted Tiny. His post had to do with the topic of the thread and how the government affects him personally.

And if you mean "cheat" by making sure their taxes are paid according to the law/IRS guidelines and doing it for free, I guess I'm guilty... I'm not stealing anybody's money. I don't need to; so stop being dramatic and trying to start nonsensical shit because I offended you in another thread and get back on topic.

The topic is simple. Oh, and I'm not the topic in case you don't understand. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

... It's YOUR thread - and YOUR WORDS - that I'm
responding-to, Lucas. ... Not sure WHY you're being
blue and mean-spirited.

And, YES - me-own well being is greatly affected by
the poor choices that the government makes.

Me-own job is affected by HIGHER PRICES for fuel.
And HIGHER PRICES to move consumer goods from
one place to another.

Now you - just might be a greedy m***** f***** as you mention,
but I'm a battler, like most people here in America.
Just tryin' to earn a living.

... So when the rather incompetent leaders of THIS government
surely bugger things up - it has a bad effect.
For most people.

#### Salty
Lucas McCain's Avatar
So for me, the government gave me opportunity by funding my college education. Way back in the 70's, state and federal grants (not loans) were available for those primarily going to state colleges (at least in my locale) based on combination of financial need and scholastic aptitude. The State funded my undergrad degree and the Feds, through NIH grant funded graduate studies. I probably wouldn't have been able to make it trough without.

That "investment" in my future enabled me to pay taxes that made up for its cost many times over. Of course, I had to maintain a respectable GPA, and back then you lost the grant if you married, but it was a great incentive to succeed. IMO, it's short sighted that those opportunities are lacking today. Originally Posted by reddog1951
That was an interesting read. Thanks for sharing. Sounds like things worked out well for you.

I'm kind of surprised to read that there was a condition that you lost the grant if you married, but I guess it makes sense. When you marry, you usually quickly have kids and priorities change... unfortunately yet also very fortunately, that's what my stupid ass did. Haha
Precious_b's Avatar
You're right Rifleman. Inflation, migrants, crime, medical tyranny, it's all my fault. The government had nothing to do with it. I'm gonna man up right now! Originally Posted by HoHound
Yeah. Just look at how 'eff up our Inflation is. Don't tell me migrants took your job away here.

Oh. we just locking up our daughters because there is a dozen criminals on every street corner who came across the border.

What do you care about medical tyranny since US citizens benefit from medicaid and SSN (if they pay into it.) Since you don't buy into that libby program, wouldn't matter to you anyway.

... Now I'm "just curious" - so YOU are out there
to rip-off (cheat) yer-own family members??
How Sad...

... Mate, I hope you're not being serious with
your comments there.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Salty, where did you misplace that mod ? You slacking on telling people they are derailing the thread.

Just curious; what the fuck does that have to do with the topic of this thread? I quoted Tiny. His post had to do with the topic of the thread and how the government affects him personally.

And if you mean "cheat" by making sure their taxes are paid according to the law/IRS guidelines and doing it for free, I guess I'm guilty... I'm not stealing anybody's money. I don't need to; so stop being dramatic and trying to start nonsensical shit because I offended you in another thread and get back on topic.

The topic is simple. Oh, and I'm not the topic in case you don't understand. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
For all that people do to try and make others fall for hype and ignore facts, you'd think they'd take this opportunity to prove the lefties wrong on what is happening. tsk. tsk. pissing away another opportunity.

Myself, I love how the high gas prices have finally put into overdrive all the road projects that have been going on where i'm at. Making Texas #1 again with quality of roads.
  • Tiny
  • 09-09-2023, 11:04 PM
Yeah. Just look at how 'eff up our Inflation is. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Our YoY CPI inflation isn't out of line with other large developed nations and our largest trading partners. Yes, inflation is higher in the UK and EU, but about the same in Canada and Japan and lower in China and better developed, smaller east Asian and southeast Asian economies (except Singapore).

You wouldn't expect inflation in the USA to be higher now, in the summer of 2023. The huge excess savings that were created by COVID stimulus, most notably Biden's American Rescue Plan (ARP), have mostly been burned off. Higher USA Inflation, compared to other countries, occurred in 2021 after the ARP was passed, and is part of the reason real (inflation adjusted) median wages and salaries are lower now than when Biden took office.

Don't tell me migrants took your job away here.Oh. we just locking up our daughters because there is a dozen criminals on every street corner who came across the border. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Good link. I agree with much of it. Yes, our federal government has done a piss poor job with immigration.

What do you care about medical tyranny since US citizens benefit from medicaid and SSN (if they pay into it.) Since you don't buy into that libby program, wouldn't matter to you anyway. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Social Security and Medicare are going to bankrupt America unless we make big changes. And neither party is willing to admit that or tackle the problem.

Salty, where did you misplace that mod ? You slacking on telling people they are derailing the thread. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Salty's a good guy who has good instincts about government, although sadly our ex President led him astray. I believe the threads are more enjoyable and educational when we're allowed to wander a bit.

Myself, I love how the high gas prices have finally put into overdrive all the road projects that have been going on where i'm at. Making Texas #1 again with quality of roads. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Thank you Greg Abbott and thank you Texas legislators! The Texas highway system is second to none, as anyone who has driven from Texas to New Mexico knows.

McCain, sorry if this is not spot on topic, but I believe we're posting in spirit with your theme, the competence of government and its worth to us. And besides, I want to pad this thread a little so we can get to the third page ASAP, so that my headline "April is Butt Fucking Month" won't be the first thing people see when they click into this. I did an eccieuser and posted under the influence.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
McCain, sorry if this is not spot on topic, but I believe we're posting in spirit with your theme, the competence of government and its worth to us. And besides, I want to pad this thread a little so we can get to the third page ASAP, so that my headline "April is Butt Fucking Month" won't be the first thing people see when they click into this. I did an eccieuser and posted under the influence. Originally Posted by Tiny
You're good, man. I gave folks a simple thread to explain their fucking whining about the government and the usual crybabies can't even answer it. You said your gripe, but as I stated, nobody likes paying taxes.

Asked and answered because I already knew why some couldn't address the question without bitching about nothing.

Thanks for trying to take me to a 3rd page though. I just need a couple of more posts to get there. I may have to start talking to myself to get there now like that dude who recently got banned. LOL
ManSlut's Avatar
I’ve been paying my own taxes since I was 15 years old, it’s part of the cost of living here…Nothing new there.

Fuel prices skyrocketed under George W. Bush (a Republican with a greedy Halliburton exec in Cheney as his VP) around 2004 and have only gotten below $2/gal on diesel in Texas once since then, and that was when the Russians were colluding with the Arabs and got into a rigged ‘bidding war’ on the price of a barrel of oil during Trump’s 2020 Re-election year. The price of oil plummeted around Jan 2020 and stayed low until around this first part of 2021 after China Joe took office, and skyrocketed higher than ever before…This has always been final proof Trump is totally in bed fucking Putin, getting his help with fuel prices to help his re-election…FAIL…I never thought I would see fuel prices get below $2/gal at the pump since mid 2000’s but they did for that window of time in 2020…Not much knew here, either…Weh, weh weh

Just like the overall economy, a POTUS has practically NO CONTROL over the economy or the price of oil! NONE.

Here is the OP’s ‘simple’ question, again, that so many of you are distorting and spinning, and refusing to answer, which I thought should have emphasized MATERIALLY, also, as in not psychologically or emotionally, etc..:

“I'll keep this simple. How specifically is YOUR personal life materially affected by the government?”

There it is, again, “…YOUR personal life MATERIALLY affected…?”

Learn to fucking read & comprehend people, or stop intentionally spinning shit.