'Where's the global warming?' Expert says public are growing sceptical of climate change

It's a scam. Even the Aussies and Canucks figured it out.
Right, the "scam" that well in excess of 90% of the world's climatologists subscribe to and have apparently helped perpetrate.....while on the other side of the equation, we have.....well....Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the fossil fuel industry deniers....who, of course, have no motivation or agenda when it comes to the issue: After all, it's just $150,000,000,000,000.00 in estimated oil reserves......they wouldn't lie to us, would they? Or pay people to lie to us?

Fuckin' idiots. Originally Posted by timpage
Rush Limbaugh and energy companies have no more factual claim to mankind caused climate change than the army of "climatologists" who desperately need to convince the world that humans have caused the harm. Their livelihood depends on it. There is no doubt that climate is changing. 10,000 years ago North America was covered in ice. What happened? Who caused it? Christianity or Islam. Warming has morphed into climate change to preserve a veneer of plausibility. Global climate upheaval has occurred in but a tick of the global clock. To believe that humans can alter climate in any meaningful way is a dizzying leap of vanity. It's even more vain to assert that the human-based cause of mischief is known. If we really believed that all this carbon is causing Armageddon we should immediately nuke the snot out of the developing nations, including China, where burning underground coal mines have been spewing greenhouse gases into the air for more than a century. Nah, too simple and decisive for us, and no political goal is achieved. Better to seize control of the first world economy before the UN publishes another periodic review to explain away its peer reviewed shortcomings. All to nerdy and technically dreary for political nincompoops who don't know the Earth rotates about molten core, tilted on its axis in a planetary system full of solar flares. Can these technical and governmental experts do a better job of finding the link between human activity and climate change than the fools trying to..............let's recount a brief list: 1. Build a healthcare website for less than $2 billion, 3. Keep running, screaming maniacs out of the White House, 3. Administer the VA, 4. Break even on Amtrak and Post Office budgets, 5. Enforce minimum sovereignty on the borders, 6. Back up e-mail files at the IRS, 7. Catch financial crooks like Bernie Madoff with 10 years worth of clues and tips. The vainglorious bureaucrats would assert that they can despite recent failures. Vanity on parade.
Just when we think you couldn't get any dumber ......you manage to eat the green crayon. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
LMAO the lama verifies he isn't as smart as a walrus. LMAO Fucking wingers will swallow anything.