"Trick baby"

" I think I am missing the core of the question, are you asking if I would continue seeing someone knowing they have (and will most likely continue to have) several abortions?"

Yes, with the caveat that this is the provider's solution to getting knocked up chronically. Lets say the provider could take plan b, hormonal bc, etc but the provider doesn't. She chooses to abort or have this procedure her for her "mistakes" time and time again."

Did you guys know you could go get on food stamps before your "procedure?" and keep them for an entire year after each abortion, btw? Classy huh?!

Would that bother you? Would you want to know? Or do you just chalk it up to part of the hobby and the things that some girls do?
KissLover's Avatar
Would that bother me? The question bothers me. If it we casual sex (not with a committed partner, if would be natural to question if you were really the father. That doubt would hang over and cause issues. If it occurred during a hobby event, there would be know way I would believe it was me -- unless it was BBFS which I do not engage in.

On BBFS in the hobby, if she is willing to offer it to me then how many others have already been there done that?

As for no birth control is 100%. - there should need to be two failures for an event to occur. Condom failure and the hormonal birth control of the provider. Many of the men have added a third level snip-snip.

So to honestly answer your question, if I knew I WOULD not believe.

As for no birth control is 100%. - there should need to be two failures for an event to occur. Condom failure and the hormonal birth control of the provider. Many of the men have added a third level snip-snip.

So to honestly answer your question, if I knew I WOULD not believe. Originally Posted by KissLover

4th option - Staying in a little too long after popping. Condoms aren't built to keep sperm in on limp dicks.

5th option - Rubbing the ole tip without full penetration back and forth against her vag lips during foreplay. It's rare but pregnancies have been know to happen that way.

Back to the question.

My answer - I would judge the fact that she repeatedly gets knocked up which means she is an unsafe provider period so I would not want to see her for that reason.

I could not judge a provider for a random mishap who chooses abortion as a solution. Most of us in both the RW and hobby have at least once had to deal with the issue of abortion due to unexpected pregnancy.

This unborn child is something which will haunt all of us to our graves but is only for God to judge.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-04-2014, 10:21 AM
6th option: snippage. Which I chose 3 years ago vs getting that phone call "Hey the stick turned blue".....
6th option: snippage. Which I chose 3 years ago vs getting that phone call "Hey the stick turned blue"..... Originally Posted by Toyz
That was KissLovers 3rd option.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-04-2014, 11:01 AM
That was KissLovers 3rd option. Originally Posted by Listener
Reading on a cell phone
Chalk me up to column 3 then...
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I have a kid that me and the ex used to refer to as our bouncing baby. We were using condoms, but were also married at the time.
I could not imagine using abortion as a form of birth control. I've had too may miscarriages to even contemplate that. But getting pregnant is actually a moot point with me since I can no longer get pregnant, plus I do NOT offer BBFS.
Glad your Dad is getting it together. I know how hard it is to talk to someone who hasn't "been there" - my unit has reunions every two years and a little more pressure comes off each time. The experiences of war need to be released, or they consume you from the inside. As to my situation, it could have gotten very ugly, but it didn't, and I'm past it.

I see you provide in Denver occasionally...
Glad your Dad is getting it together. I know how hard it is to talk to someone who hasn't "been there" - my unit has reunions every two years and a little more pressure comes off each time. The experiences of war need to be released, or they consume you from the inside. As to my situation, it could have gotten very ugly, but it didn't, and I'm past it.

I see you provide in Denver occasionally... Originally Posted by sundog
You do know that this is a public thread and not a PM right?
Okay no more talk about my "Daddy" issues, lol!!

Back to the topic. How do you feel about women who use abortion as a means of bc. Hobbyist, BF, Hubby, whatever?!
VLombardi's Avatar
Butt sex and Birthday Cake... ummmm good!! Originally Posted by Scarlett De Rossi
Ahh memories...
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-05-2014, 08:41 AM
Okay no more talk about my "Daddy" issues, lol!!

Back to the topic. How do you feel about women who use abortion as a means of bc. Hobbyist, BF, Hubby, whatever?! Originally Posted by Scarlett De Rossi
Hmmmm...you are on a mission with this SDR. Wanna share the motivation for this research? Doesn't sound like a random "Hey I gotta question" type topic.

Just when you think its safe in the ML its

Attack of the ThreADKnights
Johnny Tightlips's Avatar
Okay no more talk about my "Daddy" issues, lol!!

Back to the topic. How do you feel about women who use abortion as a means of bc. Hobbyist, BF, Hubby, whatever?! Originally Posted by Scarlett De Rossi
I fully support a woman's right to make her own decisions regarding her body, however using abortion as a means of birth control, in or out of the hobby, is a sign of major irresponsibility.
There are way better, cheaper, easier means to avoid getting pregnant than having the abortion clinic on speed dial.
MARTlAN's Avatar
Thet's why Ah always insist on doin' it in tha butt. Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
Anal, nature's condom...
Randall Creed's Avatar
If a provider got pregnant by me, I would be highly pissed because in my mind I would believe she did something to the condom. I don't believe any of that crap about 'but we used a condom' when a woman pops up pregnant. Using a condom and using it CORRECTLY is two different things. If you use them correctly, then they should work, 100% of the time. The only alibi would be if they're defective.

If there's fucking with a condom on. The guy finishes, pulls out and there's no evidence of breakage (i.e. full bag hanging off his wood), then there should be no pregnancy issues.

Rubbing your dick tip on a pussy SHOULD NOT result in a pregnancy. There's a reason why dicks are like syringes. The cum needs to be shot up in there, deep and pooled to maximize the OPPORTUNITY to get pregnant. Precum on pussy lips isn't even close to the same thing. If that precum is pushed in later on by a covered dick, then that's a different story. The point is, the precum by itself WILL NOT make the journey up to the urethra and make a baby.

As far as leaving a 'loaded' condom in after the guy busts, yeah, guys need to be careful with that. Admittedly, I like to get a few extra 'finishing' pumps to close out the moment myself. But I don't do it forever. Like 10-15 seconds after, tops. And I'm still hard and fitting on the condom. That's different from still being in 2-3 minutes and some dick softness has set in. If the guy has any reasonable size to him (avg and above), condom slippage and leaking shouldn't be an issue. If you're a little on the small side, wearing a condom that barely fits even while hard, it'd probably be a good idea to pull out sooner. Just saying.

In my 20-odd years of adult fucking, I don't have any kids, particularly from carelessness with condoms, so, I think I have an idea of what I'm talking about here.

Just roll the thing on correctly (ROLL it on, not WIDE-MOUTH it on by spreading it out like the dick is a Coke can....god, why do some women do that. The fucking thing ROLLS on. Rolls!!!), keep some lube close, and be ready to use it. Condom sex should have a nice 'glide' to it. Any time there's a 'dragging' feeling, I worry and reach for the lube.

Sorry for stretching this post out (no pun intended), but it's hard to be brief when there are good points to make.