If you follow the news Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Not everybody watches FAUX News 24/7! Some people prefer to get their news from reliable sources!
Looks like this is the report.


I'd still like to have more verification, but if this holds up, it simply confirms our President as incompetent. But we already knew that. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Of course, Fox News is going to paint a Democratic president in a poor light.

Yeah lets start a war with Iran, like Romney wants.

Obama did the only right thing possible.

The CIA should be a bit more careful when they spy on countries and make sure nothing can go wrong or make their stuff self destroying.

An attack from the US deep in Iran? Go figure!! Hello to $10 per gallon gas. Originally Posted by waverunner234
The drone could have easily been destroyed covertly without starting a war! If you follow the news you would know we already have covert operations going on within their nuclear industry. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Maybe you could expound on your comment a bit. How could we retrieve the plane that wasn't supposed to be detected anyway without it being seen as an act of aggression or war? And is it worth risking the lives of more highly trained seal team members?

This shit has been going on for years. Ever heard of Gary Powers?

jeez. Some people just seem to have a lot of venom in them.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
The drone could have easily been destroyed covertly without starting a war! If you follow the news you would know we already have covert operations going on within their nuclear industry. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Can faux news explain how a plane flying at above 20,000 feet comes crashing down and remains intact??? Perhaps instead of looking at the technology the Iranians should be looking at the material the plane is made of it it can withstand a crash from that altitude.

Hey Whirlway I bet you 10,000 dollars the Iranians get no top secret info from that plane. :mf r_lol::mfr_l ol:
budman33's Avatar
Im sure software kicked in and it crashed as gracefully as possible. There's no unobtanium on that thing after all. Im sure they planned to spin that it was operating on the Iraq border.. iran can tehn drag it anywhere they want to and try to get points.

All so much inconsequential nonsense really.

Can faux news explain how a plane flying at above 20,000 feet comes crashing down and remains intact??? Perhaps instead of looking at the technology the Iranians should be looking at the material the plan is made of it it can withstand a crash from that altitude.

Hey Whirlway I bet you 10,000 dollars the Iranians get no top secret info from that plane. :mf r_lol::mfr_l ol: Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
waverunner234's Avatar
Hey Whirlway I bet you 10,000 dollars the Iranians get no top secret info from that plane. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Of course there are no secrets in that drone.
Don't you think China or Russia or whatever nation already have those secrets bought from some well informed engeneers at Lockheed?
  • Laz
  • 12-12-2011, 09:09 AM
It crashed not far from the border. I agree retrieval would have been to risky but a couple of missiles would have destroyed it without much risk.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And now those mean, old Iranians REFUSE to return our drone! Maybe if we said "pretty please."

waverunner234's Avatar
It crashed not far from the border. I agree retrieval would have been to risky but a couple of missiles would have destroyed it without much risk. Originally Posted by Laz
I wonder who informed you that there was not much risk. Maybe you have high level connections inside the CIA?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Can faux news explain how a plane flying at above 20,000 feet comes crashing down and remains intact??? Perhaps instead of looking at the technology the Iranians should be looking at the material the plane is made of it it can withstand a crash from that altitude.

Hey Whirlway I bet you 10,000 dollars the Iranians get no top secret info from that plane. :mf r_lol::mfr_l ol: Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You do realize that the "material" used to construct the drones is a product of American “stealth technology”? Then again, maybe you don't .
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You do realize that the "material" used to construct the drones is a product of American “stealth technology”? Then again, maybe you don't . Originally Posted by I B Hankering
What does Stealth technology have to do with the ability to with stand a crash? By the way the U.S stealth technology is years ahead of the Soviets and Chinese- actually if I am not mistaken the soviets and Chinese just launched their FIRST stealth planes in 2008. I doubt very seriously that this stealth drone was anywhere close to being the same material or technology as a stealth bomber like the F-11A- if it was it would have been destroyed in the same manner that the F-117A that got shot down in Serbia.
Also, Stealth planes are not totally invisible- they are obviously harder to detect due to their advanced technology but they are not "invisible" or impossible to detect as they are hyped up to be.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
what stealth does is reduces the radar signature to that of a bird.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What does Stealth technology have to do with the ability to with stand a crash? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Exhibit A, Iran is showing video that the drone - with stealth technology - survived the crash. The drone is built with stealth technology: shape, air-frame, radar-absorbing material, etc., it survived the crash, . . . Voilà!

By the way the U.S stealth technology is years ahead of the Soviets and Chinese- Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
This statement seems to refute your earlier statement where you said:

Hey Whirlway I bet you 10,000 dollars the Iranians get no top secret info from that plane. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Evidently, they have much to learn by your own observation.
I doubt very seriously that this stealth drone was anywhere close to being the same material or technology as a stealth bomber like the F-11A- if it was it would have been destroyed in the same manner that the F-117A that got shot down in Serbia.
Also, Stealth planes are not totally invisible- they are obviously harder to detect due to their advanced technology but they are not "invisible" or impossible to detect as they are hyped up to be. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
The U.S. invests the dollars and years into R & D, and the Chinese (and/or Iranians) copy the technology. Yeah, no problem.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The drone could have easily been destroyed covertly without starting a war! If you follow the news you would know we already have covert operations going on within their nuclear industry. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yeah, that’s a good idea. Let’s blow the cover on our nuclear covert ops teams. To recover a drone. Too bad the SR-71s were retired
Since 2 of the 3 recovery methods involve invading another country, unlike Pakistan who is supposed to be an ally, that is hostile to us and would not hesitate to use every means at their disposal to repel us, think what that plane would look like going through the streets with a special ops garnish or 2 on top of it.
The third involves an air strike on a foreign country. You know, an overt act of war to recover our toy that went in the mean guy’s yard

The strangest thing is that some of you people who would risk other people’s lives or starting a war over the drone, can’t reverse the situation in their minds and think about what we would do if roles are reversed. What do we do when we are invaded?
Anyone remember Black Jack Pershing? Poncho Via?

Of course the materials the aircraft are constructed of are a technology beyond the Iranians capabilities. But so is the manufacturing process. Knowing what something is made out of doesn’t mean you can make it. The Russians knew how to build cutting edge propellers for their submarines but they lacked the computers and machine equipment to do it. Until Toshiba came along.

It’s pretty funny. None of our “whatever the fuck they are” people consider any of these issues outside the scope of them being tied to Obama. If Obama comes to your mind before you have solved the problem, you are way too far down the food chain to have any kind of informed opinion. This situation has nothing to do with the President, be it Bush, Obama, or Reagan. While believing nothing that the media says, you believe everything fox says. The majority of these cut and paste stories have obvious flaws that a few minutes of googling punche holes in. Fox says the President somehow backed down by not risking our troops to get our ball back or he would not start a war to blow it up.
How ironic one of the few times fox didn’t slant the options that you people did.

Say it out loud.

I, (state your name), know nothing about military operations and I don’t care if our troops are killed (and their bodies mutilated by the crowds) to get back a drone, that if it was so important it would have had 10 kilos of C4 in it, because I say so.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok. I will admit I know very little about military operations. I also don't know if there is any valuable intel on board a drone which hasn't already been compromised. I agree that it is likely not worth any American lives to recover, and a cruise missile strike could go wrong and kill innocent people.

That being said, if we are going to be sending drones over hostile territory that are carrying sensitive intel, there ought to be a self destruct sequence we can initiate remotely to prevent these issues. It's embarrassing that our President has to ask a hostile government to return a top secret piece of equipment we were using to spy on that government.

This may not be Obama's fault, after all. It is more likely the CIA fucked up the design of the damn thing.
waverunner234's Avatar
The U.S. invests the dollars and years into R & D, and the Chinese (and/or Iranians) copy the technology. Yeah, no problem. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The same happens here all the time.
McDonalds invests the money to seek good locations, Burger King just follows and saves the money.