Why the Taliban are better than Democrats.

  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2021, 11:47 AM
Just give him a one-way ticket to Afghanistan. I hope he's not gay! Originally Posted by LexusLover

so what if the poster is gay - its' his business - let him love his own way
I don't care

but the pet terrorists Taliban of teh DPST comumunists will - and they throw people off buildings for being born gay/1
such loveable people - those taliban islamic radicals - to the Communist DPST minions.
texassapper's Avatar
Most of us on this site are Americans, I can never understand how any of us can side with a foreign power over other Americans. Originally Posted by beguilingeyes
If you haven't been paying attention, most Democrats hate this nation. Hence the urge to FUNDAMENTALLY transform it.

You don't wish to FUNDAMENTALLY change that which you love... Most Democrats are closet communists or espouse the weak cousin socialism.

To these people power is more important than anything so they will stop at nothing to demonize ANY REPUBLICAN that threatens their grasp on power.

In turn any Patriot that loves this nation will find such activity abhorrent and disgusting. The only good communist is a dead one...

That's how we got here... by being tolerant of the socialists... until they will force our hand.
  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2021, 12:22 PM
DPSTs are forcing Civil War on America

They will regret it in their 'eternal rest'

From our cold dead dhands.
Little Monster's Avatar
Aww, you're in a mood... She didn't make you pancakes this morning?

Sad face just for you... Originally Posted by texassapper
Can't come back with any logic. So you resort to your usual childish reply. So Sad..

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Most of us on this site are Americans, I can never understand how any of us can side with a foreign power over other Americans.

Most countries promote their self interest. We need to stop all this infighting, and learn to live with each other.

We don't have to hug each other, but lets not start a circular firing squad. Originally Posted by beguilingeyes
Hell no. Lockdown lovers and queer Nazis want it their way or the high way. There can never be any compromise.

Ding dong wants to ban guns because he's "not a pussy," or something like that, and supports a second lockdown. He's in love with lockdowns.
texassapper's Avatar
Can't come back with any logic. So you resort to your usual childish reply. So Sad.. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Were you under the impression that you deserved any reply?

You aren't.
Little Monster's Avatar
Were you under the impression that you deserved any reply?

You aren't. Originally Posted by texassapper
You are incapable of giving a coherent reply so you continue to downplay it.

Typical conservative
  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2021, 06:30 PM
Can't come back with any logic. So you resort to your usual childish reply. So Sad..

Originally Posted by Little Monster
'logic, and proportion - have fallen, sloppy Dead '

not that they ever made sense to the ludicrous , infantile name-calling of teh DPST contingent.
texassapper's Avatar
You are incapable of giving a coherent reply so you continue to downplay it.

Typical conservative Originally Posted by Little Monster
yet you keep trying to engage me. Desperate for acknowledgment from the basement.
  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2021, 06:45 PM
Ta - i agree - teh Desperationi of teh DPST posts is degenerating into nothing more than profanity, name-calling, and insults of scatology.

When teh WSJ goes off on their God fiden's incompetence - it does

Rock their World"!
Little Monster's Avatar
yet you keep trying to engage me. Desperate for acknowledgment from the basement. Originally Posted by texassapper
You call childish name calling "knowledge"?? Nah I think you know better, I think you know that your ass will get countered by anything you post because it's not hard to do at all, you never post anything logical or factual. So your only defense is to cower down and act like a child. So Sad...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The Taliban never threw Americans in solitary for protesting a stolen election.

The Taliban isn't trying to inject us with an experimental poison.

The Taliban never declared me and my family the biggest threat to their country.

It isn't the Taliban promoting toddler gender transitions in my state.

Don't remember the Taliban telling me to put face panties on or lose my job.

I'm sure there are many more..... Originally Posted by texassapper
well you know Taliban have a thing for homos...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Omg I can't stop laughing

Have a great day OP, I'm going to share this thread with my friends at lunch today "after their first beer" (I don't drink alcohol)! Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
ma'am... they have non-alcoholic beer. I hear its good.
texassapper's Avatar
You call childish name calling "knowledge"?? Originally Posted by Little Monster
No I write to the audience. You can't understand it, the only part you comprehend is where I question your smarts... it probably hurts your very weak self esteem.
Nah I think you know better, Originally Posted by Little Monster
That's rich.. you thinking.
I think you know that your ass will get countered by anything you post because it's not hard to do at all, you never post anything logical or factual. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Or, alternate theory, I don't bother posting factual information to you since you're a clown. You're not insightful enough to understand the simplest of related ideas. I'm gonna call you Wedgie from now on... you are the simplest form of tool known to mankind. The wedge.
So your only defense is to cower down and act like a child. Originally Posted by Little Monster
I'll break it down in simply terms for you... of the many fools that post here, you're among the worst kind of fool.Someone that is so ignorant you're not even aware that there are things you don't know. There's no educating that level of stupidity because you are so sure in your ignorance. As a wise man said , it's not that you're stupid, it's just the things you know aren't so.
So Sad... Originally Posted by Little Monster
Maybe for you since you need my attention so badly but you're similar to a mosquito, a pest, but certainly not worth concerning myself with.

Go away now, child.
Jacuzzme's Avatar