how long does overnight mean? worth it?

you'll have to ask the girl
i've had girls stay from 7 pm to 1 am
others from 9 pm until 12 pm the following day
some are more friendly, others are more distant-cold
its not the amount of $ exchanged
it really depends...
Britttany_love's Avatar
Every girl is different. Some do anywhere between 8-12 hours and have rates that can be customized based on what the client is seeking. A true over night is typically a 12 hour date with a better than normal hourly rate discounted but at a bundled price.

During these extended/overnight dates some ladies require a certain amount of time for sleep, bcd activities, time for a meal or meals depending on how long the date is as well as some social time drinks, night on the town, a show..etc so they are not just stuck in a room for 12 hours straight. It's up to you to do your research and find a companion that meets your needs. Be upfront about your expectations and you shouldn't have any problems.

I personally do not offer any extended dates 5+ hours and longer or any over night dates with any client unless I have met with then a few times previously. I say find a lady and start with and hour then maybe go to 2 hours and so on just to see how well you enjoy each others company.

Compatibility and comfort is important and no amount of money is worth being stuck in an awkward situation. Certain people can only be handled well in small dosages.
RustyBalls's Avatar
By definition, an overnight is whatever you and a provider agree upon. I may involve 6-8 hours of continuous play, or several periods of hobby play and then other activities or rest/sleep.

Day-over sessions for 5-7 hours can also be fun--YMMV of course.

Suggestion for overnight:

First find a provider with whom you will be comfortable for multi-hour session, and them with you for same.

Next agree upon a hotel or other out-call location where you both will be comfortable.

Schedule a two-hour session from 10-12pm and ask if she would be available the next morning at 7am for a follow-up two-hour session.

Offer for her to stay over and not have to drive home and back for the second appointment early the next day.

Then respect the provider's time and make sure you both get a good night's sleep between the late night and early morning session the next day. If you are at a hotel with room service, breakfast in bed can be fun.

Make sure both parties agree in advance to planned times and duration of all hobby play, and be absolutely clear on expectations for general rest and non-hobby downtime/relaxation.

If more hobby time occurs spontaneously, then make sure to adjust the donation to reflect the additional hobby time/activities.

YMMV with ladies--some will flat out say: "No fucking way!" For things to work best, discuss this with your ATFs/LTFs with whom you know well and enjoy spending non-hobby time. I have done this multiple times at local hotels with great success. I have even had several providers ask when can we do this again.

Trips/cruises with providers can also be fun, but again, not on a first appointment with someone you don't know well. ATFs/LTFs whom you like and enjoy spending time will always work best.
ivy_rose's Avatar
As someone who works overnights pretty often I can tell you what it consists of for me but it is always going to depend on the person as I don't think there is any one standard way of doing it. My overnights are usually 12 hours and I do always expect to sleep (I don't require a certain number of hours but if it's less than five I might fight you in the morning) and it almost always involves a meal because you can't expect a girl to pretend she doesn't eat for that long. The rest is up to the client. Sometimes we go out for dinner, sometimes we stay in. Sometimes they book an overnight because they want to go to an event like a show but don't want to be feel constrained by time and like knowing we're going back to the same place after. Sometimes we stay in and watch a movie. A lot of BCD depends on the person- what they want and what they're able to do. I thoroughly enjoy overnights because I like creating connections with people but it's not for everyone (provider or client wise) and I know that. Also, if you're someone who likes multi-hour dates for GFE it usually ends up being worth it with the way a lot of girls price it.
ivy_rose's Avatar
Offer for her to stay over and not have to drive home and back for the second appointment early the next day. Originally Posted by RustyBalls
And to add- I would NOT recommend this method personally. For someone who loves overnights, I would always say no to this. I have a personal life and a lot of factors that change whether I'm going back to my own place for the night and I need to be prepared. But also, this would strike me as manipulative and disingenuous and we're not going to have a good time for that long if you're that type of person anyway. But again, that's just my personal opinion.
Britttany_love's Avatar
And to add- I would NOT recommend this method personally. For someone who loves overnights, I would always say no to this. I have a personal life and a lot of factors that change whether I'm going back to my own place for the night and I need to be prepared. But also, this would strike me as manipulative and disingenuous and we're not going to have a good time for that long if you're that type of person anyway. But again, that's just my personal opinion. Originally Posted by ivy_rose
I agree as well do not do this. Not an appropriate approach.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
I like overnights. We get in our jammies, make S'mores and tell ghost stories until it's time to sleep. I usually rent out a two bedroom on Airbnb, so we each get to spread out in our own bed. Talk about luxury!
Sleeping in separate beds would totally destroy my favorite part of an overnight...drunken, middle of the night sexy time.

For me...starts with Cocktail Hour, then Dinner...ends with Breakfast/Bloody Mary or Mimosa.
knotty man's Avatar
For me it starts with a whole bottle of Beano
Parsifal's Avatar
I actually had the beginning of an idea for something like this when I was kicking around the the notion of taking a mini vacation to Vegas with an ATF.

Ultimately I wasn’t able to put it together with her, but the dream is still alive! I definitely want to make that happen at some point, hopefully well before I hang up my “hobby-boots” once and for all :-)

One thing I know with absolute certainty: I would definitely get a suite, so that each of us would have our own bed to sleep in.

I REALLY like to party when I’m in Vegas, so with all of the drinking, fucking, gambling, fine dining, etc., I would be wiped out at the end of the night and wouldn’t want to disturb her sleep, either.

We’ll see - it takes a very special connection/ trust level to successfully pull something like that off given the time, expense, travel logistics, etc.

Bucket list item for sure, but hope springs eternal ;-)

I like overnights. We get in our jammies, make S'mores and tell ghost stories until it's time to sleep. I usually rent out a two bedroom on Airbnb, so we each get to spread out in our own bed. Talk about luxury! Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch