Arizona Republic Newspaper receive death threats from Trump Supporters.

ReeseMcCalin you mix breed whore if you want to call me out how about telling people your real age: Your website which has been updated in 2016 has you listed as 41 which I seriously doubt:

Yet your ECCIE profile you are listed as 45?
I wouldn't be suprised if you are actually 50 are older. You look very fake with your man mades and now all of a sudden your back natural?

So go do some manscaping and shave some hairy man's balls and his hairy ass. I am a quite hairy person myself, but wouldn't let you dare touch me. You are another pathetic loser R.M, you probably dated a wealthy man at one time and got showered with gifts and he left you so now you have to do support yourself by sucking cocks and shaving hairy balls- really nice.
So you are licensced cosmetologist aka a hair dresser- great field you went to hair school.

But the icing of the cake is now you want to be a femDom??? Which by the way you couldn't even spell the word correctly you dumb mixed breed CUNT:Writing a Findom contract? I am open to any helpful suggestions please. Thanks a million.
So now you want to put on a strap and fuck men in their ass and abuse men? You want to spit and kick men in their balls now? What a sick CUNT you are- you will do anything for a dollar? I wouldn't be amazed if you would allow golden and brown showers on your client, but I am pretty sure a lot of guys like I B Hankering who by the way loves tranny's just see his review he surely would let you screw him in the ass and so would the CreepyOldGuy.

by the way your Youtube videos haven't even cracked a 100 reviews- shows how bad your business has sunk :
You also are on sugar daddy sites.
You are a pathetic CUNT and I Luke Wyatt approve this message!!! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
So when will we be seeing YOUR YouTube videos of YOU prancing around in YOUR rainbow-colored thong and high heels LUBE ? YOU lie about YOUR " service " and LIE about getting laid !!!!!!! Just admit that YOU are a paid troll for shrilLIARy and a fudge packee to boot !!!!! "SEARGANT " Shmukatelli !!!! Soooo typical of YOU to go off on someone that busts YOU when YOU lie, just like YOUR heroes and benefactors do when THEY get busted !! " I did NOT... " ring a bell LUBE WIDE ASS !!!!!! POS
So when will we be seeing YOUR YouTube videos of YOU prancing around in YOUR rainbow-colored thong and high heels LUBE ? YOU lie about YOUR " service " and LIE about getting laid !!!!!!! Just admit that YOU are a paid troll for shrilLIARy and a fudge packee to boot !!!!! "SEARGANT " Shmukatelli !!!! Soooo typical of YOU to go off on someone that busts YOU when YOU lie, just like YOUR heroes and benefactors do when THEY get busted !! " I did NOT... " ring a bell LUBE WIDE ASS !!!!!! POS Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
When are you going to grow some balls and meet me in San Antonio? I offered you two spots- each close to the police stations so you can run for help when I beat the crap out of you.
southtown4488's Avatar
When are you going to grow some balls and meet me in San Antonio? I offered you two spots- each close to the police stations so you can run for help when I beat the crap out of you. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Rey is a loud mouth pussy. . . he wont show up.
hes only brave on the internet.
  • DSK
  • 10-24-2016, 10:54 AM
ReeseMcCalin you mix breed whore if you want to call me out how about telling people your real age: Your website which has been updated in 2016 has you listed as 41 which I seriously doubt:

Yet your ECCIE profile you are listed as 45?
I wouldn't be suprised if you are actually 50 are older. You look very fake with your man mades and now all of a sudden your back natural?

So go do some manscaping and shave some hairy man's balls and his hairy ass. I am a quite hairy person myself, but wouldn't let you dare touch me. You are another pathetic loser R.M, you probably dated a wealthy man at one time and got showered with gifts and he left you so now you have to do support yourself by sucking cocks and shaving hairy balls- really nice.
So you are licensced cosmetologist aka a hair dresser- great field you went to hair school.

But the icing of the cake is now you want to be a femDom??? Which by the way you couldn't even spell the word correctly you dumb mixed breed CUNT:Writing a Findom contract? I am open to any helpful suggestions please. Thanks a million.
So now you want to put on a strap and fuck men in their ass and abuse men? You want to spit and kick men in their balls now? What a sick CUNT you are- you will do anything for a dollar? I wouldn't be amazed if you would allow golden and brown showers on your client, but I am pretty sure a lot of guys like I B Hankering who by the way loves tranny's just see his review he surely would let you screw him in the ass and so would the CreepyOldGuy.

by the way your Youtube videos haven't even cracked a 100 reviews- shows how bad your business has sunk :
You also are on sugar daddy sites.
You are a pathetic CUNT and I Luke Wyatt approve this message!!! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You fake Italian stolen valor faggot disgrace. You should go to jail for the false claim of military honors.

I hope you die of AIDS, slowly and painfully.
lustylad's Avatar
So now you want to put on a strap and fuck me in my ass and abuse me? You want to spit and kick me in my balls now? I wouldn't be amazed if you would allow golden and brown showers on me your client...

You are a PRECIOUS FIND and I Luke Wyatt approve this message!!! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Go for it, LubedAss! You found the perfect match!
lustylad's Avatar
Rey is a loud mouth pussy... Originally Posted by southtown4488
Your vocabulary is as meager as your debate skills, suckclown. Anyone you can't handle is either a "pussy" or a "cunt". Donald Trump and Andrew Dice Clay at their most vulgar have more class than you do.
southtown4488's Avatar
Your vocabulary is as meager as your debate skills, suckclown. Anyone you can't handle is either a "pussy" or a "cunt". Donald Trump and Andrew Dice Clay at their most vulgar have more class than you do. Originally Posted by lustylad
awww, is ur pussy hurt by bad language? hahaha, cunt.
When are you going to grow some balls and meet me in San Antonio? I offered you two spots- each close to the police stations so you can run for help when I beat the crap out of you. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
When will you be able to disengage from that 69 that YOU and YOUR WK suckclown are engaged in LUBE ? !! Keep up that great work in the field of amateur proctology LUBED. All of that shit hanging from YOUR head must act as a good pomade for YOUR one hair, huh LUBE !!! Why would I waste any more of my valuable time on a LYING-ABOUT-HIS- " SERVICE " POS that can't even spell SERGEANT !!! AND LIES ABOUT A REVIEW ON AN ANONOMOUS FORUM !!!!! YOU WOULDN'T AMOUNT TO A PIMPLE ON A RECRUITS SORRY ASS LUBE !!!!
You also are on sugar daddy sites.
Where did you find this information? Don't lie either. Originally Posted by R.M.
He does nothing BUT lie ! It's the lying liberal nature for the SEARGENT !!!!! He's LIED about his " military service " and LIED about having a session with a provider here in San Antonio ! Must not want " La Famiglia " knowing about his peter-puffing activities and his being pegged by trannies ! So LUBE is looking for a sugar DADDY !!!!! Mebbe suckclown can have some hope now after having been rejected by woomby last year !!!
lustylad's Avatar
awww, is ur pussy hurt by bad language? hahaha, cunt. Originally Posted by southtown4488
See? You really stretched and used up your entire vocabulary with that last post, dintcha?

If you worked on expanding your vocabulary, you might even elevate your dipshit status to the point where you could be a serious contender for Dipshit of the Year.
He does nothing BUT lie ! It's the lying liberal nature for the SEARGENT !!!!! He's LIED about his " military service " and LIED about having a session with a provider here in San Antonio ! Must not want " La Famiglia " knowing about his peter-puffing activities and his being pegged by trannies ! So LUBE is looking for a sugar DADDY !!!!! Mebbe suckclown can have some hope now after having been rejected by woomby last year !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Here's your golden opportunity to embarrass me Rey. Pick the location wherever you like- come by yourself and let's see who the liar is- are you afraid of a 60 year old over weight guy? I would kick your ass all across San Antonio dipshit.
lustylad's Avatar
Here's your golden opportunity to embarrass me Rey. Pick the location wherever you like- come by yourself and let's see who the liar is- are you afraid of a 60 year old over weight guy? I would kick your ass all across San Antonio dipshit. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
First you need to post your photo here so we know what you look like, LubedAss. Surely you understand we wouldn't want to beat up the wrong stranger by mistake. Given all the shrapnel you've taken, you'll probably show up in a wheelchair.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

This is truly sad, first let me say yet another prominent Republican Newspaper has endorsed Clinton and received numerous of death threats.
Mi-Ai Parrish, the head of the paper, published an editorial today about the threats she and her staff have been receiving.

Threats like:

''You're dead. Watch your back.''

''We will burn you down.''

''You should be put in front of a firing squad as a traitor.''

Parrish says the experience has been “chilling.” The Arizona Republic office building has ramped up security, but Parrish worries most about the newspaper staff who work outside the building.

“We have hundreds and hundreds of people out in the community who do things like knock door-to-door selling subscriptions, and those are kids, working their way through school," she says. "They’ve been threatened, they’ve been spit on, they’ve been called terrible, terrible names, and they're fearful.”

The conservative Arizona Republic editorial board wrestled with the decision about which candidate to endorse for a long time, parish says, though their critiques of Trump began before he was the Republican pick for president.

“We had telegraphed for more than a year … our concerns around Donald Trump and his policies, long before he was the nominee of the party,” says Parrish. “[We] felt that he was not good for Arizona, and that he wasn’t good for the United States.”

While Parrish says she knows that many wished the paper's board had chosen to endorse neither candidate, that didn’t feel like an option to her.

“I felt strongly that we needed to stand up," she says. "We want people to vote, we want people to engage, we want to empower and enlighten,” she says. “We weren’t going to sit down as a news organization and just take a pass. So we didn’t."

Parrish says when considering whom to endorse, she thought about her mother, who immigrated to the United States from South Korea in 1954.

“They didn’t have a free press, they didn’t have a democracy. They didn’t have freedom of religion,” says Parrish. “It makes you realize how precious what we have is.”

This is why I am embarrassed that Trump supporters are even calling themselves Republicans- when you act like an entitled asshole because you don't get your way. Trump has instilled this believe in his zombies by blaming the media. Ironically, if it weren't for the media Trump wouldn't be Trump. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Lets see, Arizona is wavering and suddenly their newspaper of record is getting threats. Who do you blame, the group that has been caught making threats, hiring people to carry out threats, hiring people to pretend to be the other sides supporters, or....never mind. Lubed is just so damn stupid to understand. Give us proof!
  • DSK
  • 10-24-2016, 02:00 PM
Lets see, Arizona is wavering and suddenly their newspaper of record is getting threats. Who do you blame, the group that has been caught making threats, hiring people to carry out threats, hiring people to pretend to be the other sides supporters, or....never mind. Lubed is just so damn stupid to understand. Give us proof! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Hillary will probably pay some terrorists to blow something up and have them claim to be Trump supporters!!

She could ask for advice from Professor Ayers.
lustylad's Avatar
Hillary will probably pay some terrorists to blow something up and have them claim to be Trump supporters!!

She could ask for advice from Professor Ayers. Originally Posted by DSK
She is copying the Nazis... burn down the Reichstag!

Or Putin when he blew up those apartment buildings and blamed it on the Chechnyans!