O'Blunder Bombs in Berlin

LexusLover's Avatar
He was the one who started talking about passing healthcare legislation. Talking is a start despite the massive effort to block anything and everything the man has tried to do by the Republicans. Originally Posted by timpage
The Republicans can't get it right 100% of the time ...

..... and it will be another year or so before that disaster hits the fan.
LexusLover's Avatar
Fortunately, it will not be nearly as "challenging" as GW left it "for the next .... guy." Originally Posted by bigtex
We ain't there yet. But we are heading in that direction like a run-a-way LOCOmotive.

How's your retirement fund holding up the last few days?
BigLouie's Avatar
At least Obama can go there. Bush can't leave the country as he could be arrested by Interpool at any moment
At least Obama can go there. Bush can't leave the country as he could be arrested by Interpool at any moment Originally Posted by BigLouie
As will President Obama when he leaves office, since he is committing the exact same "crimes"
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Bill Ayers thinks Obama should be tried for war crimes. Remember? The Bill Ayers who wrote at least one book for Obama, and helped launch his political career? He gives Obama failing grades, and thinks he should be tried for war crimes.

Bill Ayers thinks Obama should be tried for war crimes. Remember? The Bill Ayers who wrote at least one book for Obama, and helped launch his political career? He gives Obama failing grades, and thinks he should be tried for war crimes.

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/vid...ar_crimes.html Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The President is liable to "drone" his ass if he keeps shooting off his mouth.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, disagreeing with the President is grounds the White House can use to decide whether a citizen can live or die. Disagree with the President, expect a drone attack.

How does this affect what we used to call "freedom of speech"? Just curious. Think you think what Ayers and Chomsky said makes them legitimate targets for assassination, what effect do you think this would have on free speech?
How's your retirement fund holding up the last few days? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Much better than between September 15, 2008 and January 20, 2009.

How did yours do during the last 20 weeks of the W Presidency?
BigLouie's Avatar
Ayers is a wacko. He said he thinks every President in the last 100 years should be tried for war crimes
LexusLover's Avatar
Much better than between September 15, 2008 and January 20, 2009.

How did yours do during the last 20 weeks of the W Presidency? Originally Posted by bigtex
Mine recovered from the 2000 cycle, and what didn't recover was replaced by the plan administrators who convinced investors to modify their portfolios from long term gains to short term pops to benefit from the economic boon being "enjoyed" in the tech/pharmaceutical bubble that burst as your favorite son was trying to pretend that all was well on the Big Rock Candy Mountain while your other favorite son was struggling to make a name for himself and who recently had done nothing but show his fat ass.

Remember the indignation over the Holidays in 2000 when Cheney said their first task was to address the failing economy .... which credible economists assessed as having hit the shitter in the Spring of 2000....

.... attempting to cover up this guys incompetence....

..... takes more sand than exists in the box. Just ask Holder.
So, disagreeing with the President is grounds the White House can use to decide whether a citizen can live or die. Disagree with the President, expect a drone attack.

How does this affect what we used to call "freedom of speech"? Just curious. Think you think what Ayers and Chomsky said makes them legitimate targets for assassination, what effect do you think this would have on free speech? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Hanoi Jane has reappeared with more stupid questions for her buddies.