Sophisticated words.

Thank you for your kind words. I have an antique dictionary that does not have the word astronaut in it.

Petrichor - is you took Latin, you will recognize the word itself is quite literal to its meaning, which is why I am fond of it.
James1588's Avatar
That is a most excellent word!

And, yes, I did study Latin, as a high school student. That's been a very, very long time ago, and my memory is a frail reed for retrieving things that old. The "petri-" part is familiar, but the "-chor" didn't ring a bell.

But now that I've looked it up -- cool word. I've enjoyed petrichor before, and -- deo volente -- will again.
normalguy21's Avatar
I always write in monosyllables as not to give away the pure stupidity of my zest for ???

? I thought you could get something to get rid of mono ?

Hi-Fi Stereo !
These might not be the most sophisticated words, but they are ones I think the community as a whole would benefit from studying.


I think it’s better to use a simpler word you know your audience will understand fully than one that might be more precise but obscure.

In other words, ten dollar words in the wrong company isn’t polite and can make you look like an ass.
James1588's Avatar
These might not be the most sophisticated words, but they are ones I think the community as a whole would benefit from studying.


I think it’s better to use a simpler word you know your audience will understand fully than one that might be more precise but obscure.

In other words, ten dollar words in the wrong company isn’t polite and can make you look like an ass. Originally Posted by SA Angel
I agree with everything you said, SA. However, in the right company, "ten-dollar" words can be good fun. And this thread seems to be the right company.

Actually, if you read it from the top, it's an odd thread. Majichands, a very fine lady whom I've had the privilege of meeting, sort of kicked it off, then never came back. Seems to have taken on a life of its own, these past couple of days. Still, all good fun.
moneykavega$'s Avatar
In remembrance of Brittney Murphy I am going to say sporadically.
May she R.I.P. That being said I FREAKING LOVE THIS THREAD. ameliortion