Now to bring in the New Year

tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 12-26-2010, 11:12 PM
Hobby - make a few trips to SA and also see a few ladies here BCD that I have not met yet.

Personal - get more serious about my career, and get a real job, pay off some bills, and save more.
rCoder's Avatar
Drink lots and lots more water and less and less coffee (I suspect this will be the toughest one) Originally Posted by Codybeast
Here's a hint, start by drinking a large (750ml+) glass of water when you first wake up. Personally I use a little ice to cool it but not cold enough to be considered ice water. You'll discover that the body is dehydrated and that water is a better wake up than coffee.

Personal resolution. Lose weight.

Hobby resolution. Write more reviews.

Maybe I should combine them, say I have to lose 5 lbs between sessions. That'd be motivation!
get back in the gym
quit smoking for good
figure out if love really exists
have a tripple
quit the hobby
Holeshot's Avatar
THis is the time of year where everyone says what they will different this coming up year (which 80% of us will forget to do).

What is everyone's New Year Resolution? Personal and Hobby related

Mine is to be as naughty as possible. And I am sure I can come up with another one Originally Posted by Maci Lynn
One of my resolutions is to see you BCD in early '11 after meeting you at the luncheon. The other is to get in shape and run some half marathons with my sisters. The last is to see as many ladies as possible.
Hobby: Learn new tricks And get as many women naked as humanly possible. Originally Posted by klovve
Kelli, let me know when you get all these women naked I want to be present at this get together ;-). Hmmm maybe I can get both of y'all together naked BCD, that should be fun.
Guest102312's Avatar
Holeshot, That can be arranged.....
get back in the gym
quit smoking for good
figure out if love really exists
have a tripple
quit the hobby Originally Posted by bubbaJay
I have this one figured out, Bubba.

I can tell you that love really does exist. And that you can find it in the strangest places. So you can scratch that off your list.


1) Have a triple.
2) Enjoy your last cigarette while you're basking in the afterglow.
3) Quit the hobby right after your triple.
4) Go directly to the gym. You're going to need a new place to work out all that sexual frustration. Unless, of course, you find love at the gym. Then you can take it back to the house.
Hobby: Expand my horizons. Try to participate with Kelli getting another woman naked!
Personal: Figure out career Plan B, because I'm not loving plan A anymore.
My goals:

  • Save more
  • maintain my drive to continue losing weight and working out
  • Eat less and eat healthier
  • Verify first hand that squirting is real
  • Visit Greece for the first time
  • Try a 3 or 4 some in whatever combination
  • BFE
  • 12-31-2010, 01:22 AM
- Share more of my experiences with the community. Yeah, I've been a little greedy lately. Of my last 10 hobby sessions, I only wrote reviews for 2 of them so far. Sorry!
- Broaden my horizons. I've learned that although I have a "type", there is too much fun to be had outside of that zone.
- Finally get to meet some of the ladies I've been wanting to meet for a while but for some reason or another I haven't gotten to. Natalie, I'm really looking at you here.
- I lost my doubles cherry a long time ago. But triples? dayum.
- Improve my stamina (see point above!)
- And, oh yeah... I need to reduce my hobbying. Seriously.

- Make sure I get like a 50% raise so that I can support all my hobby objectives
Reincarnated's Avatar
Find one or two providers who can be my lovers and friends to hang out with for lunch, dinner and an occasional non-bcd night on the town or concert.

Put money away for another cruise this year...
VictoriaLyn's Avatar

:Keep pushing my girls forward (my 7th grader is taking the ACT test next month )

:Keep pushing myself forward

: pay more attention to myself and my health

: Stop trying to save everyone but me


:Keep doing what I am doing
Personal 1) discipline 2) maintain a good gpa during my last math course 3) finally take some kickboxing classes 4) focus on expanding my non hobby business 5) work on my new business venture *exciting* Hobby 1) deck out my massage room for my clients and perfect my skills 2) perfect my dungeon 3) somehow balance Britney, being a Domme, going to school, being a mom, and my personal business without going crazy lol!!!
knotty man's Avatar
Find one or two providers who can be my lovers and friends to hang out with for lunch, dinner and an occasional non-bcd night on the town or concert.

Put money away for another cruise this year... Originally Posted by Reincarnated
im with you man! i love hanging out with a friendly provider non bcd. its so much fun hanging out without that sexual tension there. i know if i want to have sex i cam make an appt. other than that im just there to have some drinks and "real" conversation, preferably over a real nice dinner with curly fries!!
Log off and stay the the hell off Eccie until 2011
  • Robyn
  • 12-31-2010, 05:55 PM
Personal - Party/Drink less. I've been a little out of control lately. It's been fun but I need to chill for a while. And finally finish paying off the credit card debt I was left with in my divorce.

Hobby - Hobby more. So many hot women on this site I've wanted to see and just haven't gotten around to it. I also want to see the ones I've seen before again.

Happy New Year!