Studio X does it again! New pics of yours truly.

Originally posted by [B]txexetoo [B] - I thought ads are supposed to be in the ad forum
Definitely not my definition of an ad.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I admire your confidence, MILFY.

I'm shy about my body and seeing your confidence is teaching me to be more confident with mine.

And the guys who had to throw out some ugly shade, it just shows their lack of character. Confident men don't feel the need to be mean and ugly if they see something that doesn't turn their crank.
I admire your confidence, MILFY.

I'm shy about my body and seeing your confidence is teaching me to be more confident with mine.

And the guys who had to throw out some ugly shade, it just shows their lack of character. Confident men don't feel the need to be mean and ugly if they see something that doesn't turn their crank. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Sweetheart you have nothing to be shy about. Beautiful body.
albundy's Avatar
...I'm shy about my body and seeing your confidence is teaching me to be more confident with mine.. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
You're shitting me right. Do you not own a mirror. Holy shit! You're 45 and have a body most 20-somethings would give anything for. Some dickhead must have kept telling you how bad you looked when you were very young and then you always believed it.

You are extremely good looking from what I can tell. Even if you DIDN"T look great, still have confidence. It's sexy.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Awww thanks. I appreciate it. :-)
Victoriajolie's Avatar
Awww thanks. I appreciate it. :-) Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Well not to highjack the tread but yes you do look good and shouldn't ashame of your body!

As for the rest well i felt i was a "sort " of advertising but i don't know who took the pics and neither op wouldnt do photoshoot
The only reason i call advertsing is that every single treads going in direction of bareback she go on and claim hop much she love it..Those weared out she posted this

Not against..Good for you Milfy but i do feel its a form of advertisement and for someone that claimed to only see 3 or what(please correct me) a week you seem extremely hungry....Let alone your tread about gang bang..I will give you this that you have smart to good around...when it come to advertising
AS for the rest no..And sorry unless you are the parking lady at the hospital i do not for one minute believe you iwork in médical field with all those claims

Now i'm not stupid i know bbfs existe since i have been in the business and longer but you are the first that $ doesn't match it


P.s for those that think i troll your board i have been watchhing since i got back as i had several requests but i do not feel worth wise to deal with bbfs expecting it

  • anita
  • 03-24-2016, 07:10 PM
I'm sorry but he didn't do a good job, the pictures are not flattering at all. I'm not trying to be rude. Sexy.princess in Houston is near your size and recently took new pictures, hers are enticing and tasteful but I think she paid for them.
We appreciate you sharing, and glad you're comfortable with yourself. Seems like the majority of people aren't impressed —*they know when they see shit. It's great if you got them for free. I think you need to show up with some basic skills before you can start referring to yourself as a "Studio". Poor composition to start and goes downhill from there. There's a body type for everyone — I'd recommend using or paying for a seasoned photographer that can highlight your best assets.
Pipro69's Avatar
I like your pictures milfy. You look great.
milfy2002's Avatar

Wow where to start...

It's fairly customary for ladies with new pics from studio x to post a threAD.

I picked the best pics from the shoot. I'm hard to shoot, even professionals have a hard time because I'm short but not slight.

If you doubt I see three men a week or that I work in healthcare contact me privately and we can hang out for a few days.

Happy hobbying!

He gets to keep a copy for the spank bank. Originally Posted by bearcub
somebody would spank to these???? reminded me of my aunt in extended care, needing help bathing......glad there are good people that can help with care, and a little ashamed I could not........there are some truly selfless (like hospice people) out there
but, not to get off topic.....not spanking pics.......really, of course just my opinion ,
KittyLamour's Avatar
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
Uncle_Tony's Avatar
OK....WOW....JUST WOW....And not a good WOW.
milfy2002's Avatar

BTW Kaylee you are so beautiful! I've always thought you were a hottie, you've definitely got nothing to worry about in the looks department :-)

Plus you're level heahed and drama free which makes you even more yummy!

I'll pass on Studio X.

There is enough amateur photography already in reviews.

PS - Your hair looks great.