Dr. Ben Carson is a good man

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
there is the case in texas where the state of texas is keeping a dead woman on life support because she is carrying a fetus....the family wants her off life support....texas says no....
i always find it funny that men are makig decisions about womans' reproductive rights....and what is best for the woman....usually the guys don't have a clue yet they continue to decide... Originally Posted by stevepar
What's the harm in keeping her alive until the baby is born? None of her rights are being violated, she's DEAD! I don't understand why the family would not want to do all they could to keep the baby alive. Most mothers would sacrifice anything for their baby, why should this one be different? And all this mom is sacrificing is not being buried quickly.

That family, if this is true, is bizarre.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Kid will have a great life ahead offs, eh, whiny?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I didn't think about that. If she is dead then she has no rights for anything but think about what this could mean. They could take a "dead" patient, put them on life (?) support and use them to produce blood, serum, transplant organs as needed (an eye today, another next week, a piece of liver, a kidney in a month). Kind of monstrous.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There is no JDIdiot...

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Kid will have a great life ahead offs, eh, whiny? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Oh. You're right, AssupRidee, DOTY 2013 & 2014, DEM. The kid MIGHT experience difficulty. Killing the child is a much better solution.
JCM800's Avatar
I didn't think about that. If she is dead then she has no rights for anything but think about what this could mean. They could take a "dead" patient, put them on life (?) support and use them to produce blood, serum, transplant organs as needed (an eye today, another next week, a piece of liver, a kidney in a month). Kind of monstrous. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
killing that kid might be a better solution than harvesting all its organs.

CARSON: A physician’s view on the sanctity of life
The thought of abortion for convenience is repugnant

By Ben S. Carson Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Several years ago, I was consulted by a young woman who was 33 weeks pregnant and was on her way to Kansas get an abortion. I informed her of the multiple options available to her outside of abortion and she decided to go through with the pregnancy even though the child had hydrocephalus and required neurosurgical intervention after birth a few weeks later. She kept the baby and loves the beautiful child that has resulted.

A couple of decades ago, I came into the pediatric Intensive Care Unit on morning rounds and was told about a four-year-old girl who had been hit by an ice cream truck, and was comatose and exhibiting little neurological function other than reactive pupils. I tested her pupillary reflexes and both pupils were fixed and dilated. The staff indicated to me that this is something that must have just occurred. I grabbed the bed and with some help, transported her quickly to the operating room for an emergency craniotomy. I was met along the way by a senior neurosurgeon who told me I was wasting my time and that at best, we would end up with someone in a vegetative state.

Nevertheless, we completed the operation and a few days later, her pupils became reactive and she eventually left the hospital. I saw her a few years ago walking through the hospital with her own 4-year-old little girl. She was neurologically fully intact and told me she had become somewhat of a celebrity because of the experience I just related. What do these two stories have in common? They both involve precious lives that could easily have been discarded.

My entire professional life has been devoted to saving and enhancing lives. Thus, the thought of abortion for the sake of convenience does not appeal to me. I have personally met several people who have told me that their mothers had considered abortion, but happily decided against it.

Most of us instinctively want to protect helpless creatures and sometimes go to great lengths to do so. The television commercials about abused animals are very poignant and as a society, we sometimes delay or cancel large construction projects to protect an “endangered” insect, amphibian or fish. Yet many of us turn a blind eye to the wanton slaughter of millions of helpless human babies who are much more sophisticated than some of the other creatures, when nothing is at stake other than the convenience of one or both parents. I am not saying that we should abandon our efforts to save baby seals and a host of other animals. Rather I am saying shouldn’t we consider adding human fetuses and babies to the list?

Illustration by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times
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Watching the human fetus develop is awe-inspiring. In less than three months from conception, the little hands and feet are quite recognizable and distinct facial features characterize cute, but very tiny human beings. From Day One, neurons of the brain are proliferating at a rate that will yield a staggering 100 billion neurons by birth. In a matter of nine months from conception, we have a living, breathing, eating, vocal human being who just two months later is socially interactive. Some people oppose having pregnant women view ultrasonic pictures of their developing babies because they do not want an emotional bond to develop. Careful unbiased contemplation however, might yield the conclusion that such bonding is essential to the survival of mankind. Successful farmers nourish and protect their growing crops and if conditions threaten their crops, they do what is necessary to protect them. Rather than attack the analogy, think about how much more precious a human life is than a stalk of corn.

It is important to try to understand the emotional state of young women seeking an abortion. Instead of judging and condemning them, we need to provide compassion and support. They need to be provided with easy access to adoption services and information about assistance available to them if they decide to keep the baby. I have visited many warm, inviting facilities around the country that exist solely for the purpose of helping these young women.

It is equally, if not more important, to reach these young women before they become pregnant. Forget about those politically correct people who say all lifestyles are equal and inform those young women about the true consequences of out-of-wedlock birth for those who are not financially independent. We need to make sure they understand that they can provide a much better life for themselves and their children when they plan ahead and value themselves appropriately.

As a society, we cannot be afraid to discuss important social and moral issues. Our heritage as a nation is built on compassion, forgiveness and understanding. Courage is also vitally important because those who stand on godly principles and values will be attacked. Attempting to characterize love and compassion for human life as a “war on women” is deceitful and pathetic. We the people must stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated by those with agendas that do not include regard for the sanctity of life.

Ben S. Carson is professor emeritus of neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/...#ixzz2r9JFsdiH
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Ojugears made D's& F's... had to hide his college transcripts... and you are seriously going to bad mouth this good man.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you quoting your own OP?

What a maroon! I suppose you find that easier than clicking the Page 1 button.

Are you quoting your own OP?

What a maroon! I suppose you find that easier than clicking the Page 1 button.

LMAO! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I have never seen anyone SUCK, their own DICK... It's kind of weird.... oh well... suck away Fruitier Rider...