Scott WAlker (bought and paid for by The Koch Brothers?)

Except all those people in Wisconsin that elected him, right?

The Huffington Post is a left wing rag. What do you expect from the commenters? Originally Posted by ExNYer
As I said before, I do not side with either party. I believe our goverment is run by the rich and powerful, who own special interest groups, including multi-national corporations. The tax code has been consistently lowered for the rich and powerful, while the middle class and lower income groups pay much more percentage wise!

Do some homework, and research, which is readily available on unbiased news stations, such as "Young Turks" and "LinkTv". If I had any advise for you and others like you, watch Youtube and inform yourself, or, in the alternative, be a robot for the corporate fascism type government we see today, whose main interest is profit. . . "profits over people".

Thank you for listening to me.
Except all those people in Wisconsin that elected him, right?

The Huffington Post is a left wing rag. What do you expect from the commenters? Originally Posted by ExNYer
So you get all your news from a right-wing rag. What's the difference?
  • shanm
  • 04-20-2015, 11:55 PM
Really? Scott Walker's the best they could do?
  • shanm
  • 04-20-2015, 11:55 PM
Yeah, all 23 of you Originally Posted by WombRaider
It's actually 24 now.
chefnerd's Avatar
"profits over people". Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
GEE, last I heard of, that was mantra driving the Koch brothers. But then, considering what Walker did to sidetrack the criminal investigation ( like mandatory retirement age for state judges which were investigating contributions etc.) , him being supported by the big business community, I'm not surprised that people who would sell manufacturing equipment to an avowed enemy of the US (that would be the Koch Brothers selling to Iran) I would not at all be surprised that one criminal would support another.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think Americans are doing the Math, and they see the truth for what it is. Look at the comments below the linkl Most Americans abhor this man. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
You're a funny girl STD. You cite a liberal rag run by a opportunistic foreign female and you then go on to say that the comments from the Huffpo are representative of the people of the United States. LMAO, you amuse me.

How about this headline: Hillary owned by Saudi Arabia, China, Pakistan, Indonesia, Russia and everyother country in the world except the United States. Wait for the book coming in May.
So you get all your news from a right-wing rag. What's the difference? Originally Posted by WombRaider
You know nothing about where I get my news, mope. And it shows.

FYI, I don't watch Fox.

I typically read the NY Times (paid subscription), Wall Street Journal (paid subscription), Washington Post (online).

I rarely watch TV news, but when I do, I typically watch CNN.

Any more stupid comments on subjects you know nothing about?