Time for a touchy one

Eli's Avatar
  • Eli
  • 03-03-2010, 06:36 PM
GP said:

"I am probably going to get completely shit on for what I am about to say and suggest, but that is ok. I am still going to approach this in a polite manner. I also want to add that I personally know that I am not the only person who feels this way, but most are afraid to speak up on such subjects. I am not."


In response to your suggestion, anyone may apply for Mod duty whether it be here or could have on ASPD previously. All they have to do is volunteer.

The Mod duty is regional and city-state modding would be difficult in NY. Bonz and I Mod NY and PA. As Mods we need to be available across the country in any forum for lack of staff at any given time. Doesn't always happen here but on aspd you ended up taking care of stuff wherever it presented itself.

As an accolade for Bonz, he takes care of a lot of the things you never see. He just got through removing all of the info on a VP who was having issues. He might not be as vocal but he is there. Our job is to Moderate, and if all runs smoothly, as it has been, sometimes there is no need for any interjection on our part. Bonz has been well respected and an asset to the previous board for years. He takes care of a lot of issues I don't get a chance to get to.

Now, as St. C points out, we have lives that we are forced to live! lol Jbonz has a job and other needs in his life that he needs to fulfill. This is time consuming and thereby the board is parttime. When we can get here, when we can do something, is determined by all that is revolving around us.

Myself, I own 3 companies, very profitably if I may say so, to earn me the chang that I need to participate in our little playground and give me the opportunity to do whatever I want whenever I want. But, alas, they also keep me very busy. I am here when I can be!

As far as getting involved in discussion, a "nice Review" or an added interjection to a conversation is nice but not a requirement. Getting involved in discussions about subjects such as National Health Care; what team is preferred over another; or your favorite redhead is a matter of preference. I can't find the time to participate and I find myself wondering how you guys find it! If you are making comments during working hours, I would have to fire your asses if you worked for me! LOL

You mentioned "Fear". Fear of what?

I don't see anything to be afraid of.

In conclusion: Volunteer We have room!

  • jbonz
  • 03-03-2010, 07:12 PM
I'll chime in here since there have been a few posts since GP first started this thread.

Yes, I've been a bit over busy these past few months with some personal things going on. Business has taken me out of town a lot more than normal and more than a few things have popped up at home. So, my hobbying has been a bit restricted lately and therefore my posting. I've always been a mod that tries to let the board self police unless things start to get out of hand. So far, for the most part, everyone has been civilized and there hasn't been much of a need for major mod work. Realize however that the lack of posting doesn't mean that I'm not reading and watching what is going on. There have been a number of issues that I have attended to which remain under the radar so to speak. Those involved know what I am talking about.

GP, your thoughts do have some merit. And a few more mods are always welcome as there are times when I'm out of town and Eli is out of communication so it never hurts to have a backup. That's one reason we love having a few souls like gfe around. So, I'm willing to entertain adding another one or two to the upstate staff. I guess it just depends on who wants to step up to the plate and who will pass the test for having one of those personalities that is stable enough to make a good mod.

  • jbonz
  • 03-03-2010, 07:16 PM
Wow.. Looks like Eli and I were replying at the same time.. Damn E, you and I think a lot alike!
I will definitely let it be known who I think should and should not be a moderator.

Rochester: NormalBob or ? Originally Posted by GP
I appreciate the Honorable Mention GP.

I've always understood that anyone could volunteer to be a moderator. The thought occurred to me briefly when eccie was being stood up in WNY. Since then, I haven't seen a "Moderator Vacuum" in terms of things I've perceived needed a moderator but one wasn't there.

I guess what I'm saying is that even when there was the possibility of a bigger need, I didn't step forward. I'm not any more motivated than I was previously and the need has lessened.

In short, I second your nomination for '?'
brutusbluto's Avatar
Very good on clarifying some things that maybe a lot of us were unaware of. For what it's worth, You all do a fine job in over looking the board. I hope that the board continues to grow and reflect the hard work that everyone is putting into it.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 03-03-2010, 08:13 PM
Points all well taken. St.C said, he wants nominations, not volunteers. I would also like to point out, all the names previously mentioned in this topic as mods are actually already admins or super mods. I don't know how they have the board setup and if that makes a difference.

A while back, I was "hinted to" by the administration here that I should apply, so I did. I actually volunteered 3 times to fill a mod position, even before Eli or jbonz were appointed here. First was through LAP (said he would put a good word in for me) , second was by PM to tbone, and third was by email to tbone. I was then ignored all three times. I even mentioned this to the owner to see if he was getting my communications. He said he must have missed them, so I guess you could count that as a 4th. I understand, he is a busy man. If they did not want my help, they could have just said no thank you. I compare this to NCNS LOL. This here is my reasoning for me not being interested in it any longer.

Now.... You guys really do not need to defend yourselves. Like I said in my original post, you have lives in the real world. We all understand that. But, when THE ORIGINAL call came out for mod applications, it stated that mods would participate in the sections they moderate. If you can not fulfill those expectation, does it not make sense that you would step down and let someone else who can, fill the position? I don't want to get into a battle with this, that is not my intention. I am just looking for people to do the honorable thing, IMHO.

As far as being "afraid", I can't really explain that too much. There are topics like this and others that people feel if they were to bring them up they would be banned. Everyone views the mods/admin as a little clique so to speak. A private old boys club if you will. This may or may not be true, but the myth is there. Also, if it is not true, why the resistance to the proposals? I would think the way to dispell this myth and bring some transparency would be to follow some of the proposals I have laid out.

@ GFE - Would you really feel any great loss not being listed as a mod in upstate considering you are listed under many other areas?

The Mod duty is regional and city-state modding would be difficult in NY. Originally Posted by Eli
Why? My proposal was to have 4 mods, one from each city for all of upstate NY. I don't think that would be hard at all.

Basically I guess what I am looking for is upstate to be staffed by LOCAL MODS that are active, that is all. This is not a witch hunt. I just feel that this has been a concern of mine, and a few others have mentioned this to me as well. If I am willing to go out on a limb and post about it, then there has to be a bunch of others out there who may agree but choose to stay out of a controversial topic.

PS: Wanted to quickly add that any potential mods must become very well versed in the use of the words "sir" and "gentlemen" to show you are being respectful and polite.
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 03-03-2010, 09:08 PM
I have personally had site or board business with both ELI, and Lap. I would hate to see either go anywhere other than here in NY!!

I was very fortunate to shake hands with Lap not long ago and am planing on doing so again soon. I also had the privilege of meeting face to face with Tbone & St. Christopher and a large number of our Dallas Brothers and providers there. There is no doubt in my mind they have our interest at heart.

As A former Mod for a now defunct board in the Hudson Valley, I can testify it really is a not an easy job, it does take time and effort from you daily routine. When ECCIE first came to be, It was I who asked Tbone to create the NY State Page in which he gladly did back in the beginning when ECCIE was in its infancy.

I agree with Your idea of having a Mod in the major cities is a good one.

Having a provider as a Ladies Mod is also a good idea. While in Dallas I met 2 of the ladies Mods there, Fawn and Kelly TNT Both who are very dedicated to their job. One of which holds a special in my heart.

There no doubt The powers to be will look at your ideas now that they have brought to the table.

The above is just IMHO!

GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 03-03-2010, 09:17 PM
Iggy, thank you. I appreciate the input. And even though you and I have not seen eye to eye in the past, I would welcome you as a mod for Albany. I do not know how I overlooked your name.

TO BE CLEAR, I am not trying to get RID of LAP or GFE. LAP is an admin and can moderate ANYWHERE on the board. GFE has many other sections he is a mod for and would be welcome to come by and "visit" here anytime.
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 03-03-2010, 09:26 PM
Change that Avatar and we very may see eye to eye!! LOL!!

Thank You for the vote of confidence.
brutusbluto's Avatar
Looks like the "eye" s have it...lol
Eli's Avatar
  • Eli
  • 03-04-2010, 12:14 AM

May I apologize beforehand, but considering that it seems you have been denied several times for the position, you have a vendetta. I have met you and I enjoyed your company for as short as it was, but I don't understand this. I think your better than this but you kind of have said it yourself.

The Mods are doing their job and I'm sure the staff is open to volunteers for moddng as it has always been for qualified ladies and gentlemen who are required to accept the good with the bad and the general BS.

BTW, I think "a Battle is your intention" and I will not conform to this. Review, post your feelings and answer replies to you. Enjoy the boards for what they are meant to be. Don't start problems that don't exist. The board is fledgling and needs to grow. Give it some time before you decide to restructure it to your liking.



PS: Bonz, Damn, bout time you posted! See what you started! LOL
PS: Bonz, Damn, bout time you posted! See what you started! LOL Originally Posted by Eli
Also damn glad to see jbonz pop up here! Glad you're ok, my friend.

Just to add further clarity to my earlier statement concerning LAP and gfe. Any changes to their assignments here will have NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with their job performance OR their perceived job performance by members of this forum. IMO they've done just fine here. If/when they are pulled from this area, it will have EVERYTHING to do with this board's philosophy that local mods are best for any local area. They have helped out here (and performed to expectations) because they both had New York experience from ASPD, and it's much appreciated.

This board has an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT TAKE on staff members being clear across the country than ASPD did, and it would be nothing more than that. Please don't knock LAP or gfe.....they are both staff members in good standing and both have plenty on their plate down south.

St. C
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 03-04-2010, 06:49 AM
No need to apologize Eli. I have No Vendetta, No Battle, but I do have an agenda. The agenda is to make the upstate NY section of this forum the best it can be for us hobbyists as well as providers. If I didn't truly feel that way, do you really think I would participate as much as I do? I am not saying it is bad now, I am just saying I think it could be better. Eli, you give me the impression that you feel like I am personally attacking you. Just the contrary. I think you have done a wonderful job. If anyone should feel attacked it should have been jbonz. He is the one who I said I felt was not doing anything. I stand corrected. If he is, I was unaware and I do apologize. With that aside...

The only thing I have proposed is for there to be 4 LOCAL mods; one for each city. St. C. has said the idea has merit. He also said "local mods are best for any local area." I think it would benefit the area tremendously. I think it would make mods more available and accessible. If they (ownership) decide against it, that's fine. I am just throwing out ideas. Some may be good, some may be bad. Maybe one of them will eventually stick.

@ St. C- I don't think anyone has or would "knock" LAP or gfe. Both stand up guys who have done great jobs!

PS: I forgot, also a lady mod
Eli's Avatar
  • Eli
  • 03-04-2010, 07:59 AM

I Don't feel attacked. You have contributed a great deal to this board and I know, personally, you have a great deal of consideration for it's members. Sometimes you don't know unless you ask. I have a hangover and have a UTR coming to take care of attacking me the right way! lol

offshoredrilling's Avatar
I like the fact that some of are mods are from upstate ny and some are not. And think that all the mods we have now are doing a great job. gfejunkie and jbonz have always done most of what they had done for us out of site of are eye's. LAP and Eli have done a lot of what we can see and some not for all eye's.

jack would make a good mod. But rather that he did not. I would miss the open debates. He is better at it than I. And that is ok.
If he became a mod, Would he be free to start some of the posts he dos. And would I feel as free to agree or disagree. Maybe, maybe not.

I would not want to be a mod. But any one that dos, can put there name in the hat to be one. But do not feel bad if you do not become one.

It would be nice to have a female mod. Dos not matter to me if local or not.

I think to have mods from both local and from out of the area is good for a active area that upstate ny is.