Mini Drones

pyramider's Avatar
I wonder how high, and quiet,the mini drones can fly. If they are obvious some drunck, pissed off asshat will shoot them out of the sky.
I wonder how high, and quiet,the mini drones can fly. If they are obvious some drunck, pissed off asshat will shoot them out of the sky. Originally Posted by pyramider
And 4 SWAT teams will descend upon him, bust out every door and window,shoot his dog and pump 100 rounds into him if he blinks when they come through those busted doors and windows.
add197531's Avatar
We should get one and fly it around the white house and spy on him. I wounder how he would feel about that.
Note to ADD: It's already in place for the White House .. called Press Corp and Media
These things are the latest "must have" for LE. There was recently an article about police departments that bought them and haven't flown them because they don't have a trained operator, don't have funds to operate them, haven't received approval to operate them, etc.

As these problems get worked out they will be everywhere. If you really want to get paranoid read about the ones that are the size of insects. They could be outside your window and you'd never know it.

I'm going underground!
This country was bought and paid by transnational corporations and bankers long ago. What you are seeing is the total implementation and the technocratic terror that will descend on each and everyone of us for our willingly ignorance. We are going to get what we deserve. I mean Congress gets 12 percent approval and the sheep keeps flocking to vote these jerks out, Garbage in and Garbage out.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Life is short. Too short to spend time worrying about this stuff. If I were a terrorist or a serious criminal, I'd pay attention. But I'm neither, so I don't.
Life is short. Too short to spend time worrying about this stuff. If I were a terrorist or a serious criminal, I'd pay attention. But I'm neither, so I don't. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
I do understand that position and can't blame anyone for taking it, but they go after and imprison quite a few people who are neither a terrorist or a serious criminal. A great book on the subject is "Three Felonies A Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent."
Life is short. Too short to spend time worrying about this stuff. If I were a terrorist or a serious criminal, I'd pay attention. But I'm neither, so I don't. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
That's what you think Trading with the enemies act, have language so vague to suggest anyone and everybody an enemy of the United States and that's not you nor me buddie. What is the united states well is a country sovereign and outside of america with its own rules and procedures and is not a government but a corporation look

28 USC § 3002 - Definitions (15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation

They already have written language that gun owners, constitutionists, veterans,
prolifers, prochoicers anyone really is a domestic extremists.

And you know why becasue they are running out of scams to defraud you and me and they are scaring you to submit to their rule.

You are not free you are a slave they own you. Why do you need a drivers license, why do you need a marriage license?
Life is short. Too short to spend time worrying about this stuff. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
In my opinion this is how we ended up losing much of our right to privacy.
In my opinion this is how we ended up losing much of our right to privacy. Originally Posted by slowmover
Is call neurological programming(Brainwash) as a main result of watching Tele Vision(TV) Programming. A cognitive dissonance or as refer sticking your head in the sands because is easier. Too many generations so brainwash the damage will be massive and brutal beyond comprehension, the country has all the recipes for total destruction. You know what we deserve it.
  • zebra
  • 03-10-2013, 10:40 PM
40 - 50 years ago people outside the city limits would drape surplus Army camo netting over buildings and sheds on their property so when the Aerial Photography crew working for the County flew over, the cameras wouldn't pick up (see) the buildings on their property, everything appeared like trees and foliage therefore they wouldn't get charged tax on the buildings and structures on their property.

Today the cameras on those Drones are so sophisticated can clearly read bumper stickers, license plates, and even identify what make and model of vehicle you are driving... They can probably focus in and tell whether you are wearing a Timex, a Tag Heuer, or a Rolex...... I don't know what altitude they fly at but if you could shoot one down with a rifle you are one bad MoFo..... I wouldn't suggest it, theyve already got your mug shot before you could even get the drone in your crosshairs.

I was illegally flying a Cessna or Beechcraft at 13 yrs old while Dad was piddleing with the aerial camera in the back of the plane, too cool.....
drones or no drones, if they wanna watch or case someone/something they will find a way to do it, satellites are actually quite good at doing the same thing pending the weather cooperates.

Interesting reading about drones (UAVs) and how they dont always do what they are told:

And in other news just the other day about drones and air traffic issues:

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Roothead's Avatar
the nano technology and sub-microization of materials allows "them" to pretty much build what they what and do with it what they want... the genie went out of the bottle on this many years ago..aint never going back....
otrdriver's Avatar
we all need to pay attention., The gov't wants slaves why do you think they are going after guns. If we can't defend ourselves and family we are at their mercy. "BIG BROTHER" ring a bell?

contact local elected reps and protest the approval of these drones and make sure the owners cannot get FAA approval to fly them.