Here is what is wrong with the Republicans

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Repubs have people of color? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

A few, the men are smart and the women are beautifual
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  • Doove
  • 12-28-2013, 12:26 PM
However, when the dust settles and people realize that people of color and almost everyone else are worse off now then they were when Republicans had some say, things may change. Originally Posted by heinz5710
Oh i don't know. Last time a Republican was in the WH for 8 years, we had 9/11.....a multi-trillion dollar war started for reasons that didn't exist.....a hurricane disaster.....and the worst economic crisis in my lifetime.

I don't see how anything in the last 5 years compares to any of that.

A few, the men are smart and the women are beautifual Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Good you came up with 16..
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
16 off the top of my head. Care to see what I can come up with for the democrats?
16 off the top of my head. Care to see what I can come up with for the democrats? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Here's a whole bunch of Black Democrats.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Oh i don't know. Last time a Republican was in the WH for 8 years, we had 9/11.....a multi-trillion dollar war started for reasons that didn't exist.....a hurricane disaster.....and the worst economic crisis in my lifetime.

I don't see how anything in the last 5 years compares to any of that. Originally Posted by Doove
You need to keep up. The last war (I thought there were two) was voted for by democrats, authorized by democrats, and supported by democrats and was a continuation of the policy started by a democratic president.

The god father of 9/11 was Bill Clinton. He had the intel, he did not take action when warned, and he passed it off without comment to the new guy.

A hurricane? You going to blame Bush for a hurricane? Just how stupid are you? If you are going to say something about the aftermath then think about those people in New Jersey who still don't have homes and no money to rebuild after a year.

You must be pretty young to not know about how bad things were in the late 70s under Jimmy Carter. Unemployment was higher, inflation was higher, the prime interest rate was higher, the military was a disastor, and the CIC was supporting terrorists around the globe.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Here's a whole bunch of Black Democrats. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Off the top of your head......meaning that they are out there getting noticed. No preprocessed lists. Try again.

well, you know.......................his son being arraigned

indicted for fraud......................... ..........thinks we should help Freedonia

nasty little street thug.........and his little dog too

Black Panthers helping their party.....gave her LA constituents checks meant for MO

thinks we landed on Mars

I give you veteran Tammy Duckworth

tax cheat

illustrating his dick for underage dominican girls
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-28-2013, 09:48 PM
I thought you were supposedly black and now you're Hispanic.....well which one do you want to go with? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You need to speak Spanish in Texas no matter your color. Yssup Rider used the word "verdad" is he Spanish now?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 12-29-2013, 07:13 AM
You need to keep up. The last war (I thought there were two) was voted for by democrats, authorized by democrats, and supported by democrats and was a continuation of the policy started by a democratic president. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You're right, Democrats didn't stand in the way. But they weren't the ones forcing the issue. You know that, i know that.

A hurricane? You going to blame Bush for a hurricane?
Nope. Just the response.

Just how stupid are you? If you are going to say something about the aftermath then think about those people in New Jersey who still don't have homes and no money to rebuild after a year.
How many of 'em are dead?

Just like you. 3000 are killed on our soil, makes Bush a hero. Four die half way around the world, Obama's a criminal.

And you wonder why we all think you're an idiot.
the worse thing about republicans is having to put up with the stereotyping by the democrat run media and all their henchmen, all the untruths and right out lies and misnomers
Yssup Rider's Avatar
the worse thing about republicans is having to put up with the stereotyping by the democrat run media and all their henchmen, all the untruths and right out lies and misnomers Originally Posted by peevee0931

Fucking victims!
Oh i don't know. Last time a Republican was in the WH for 8 years, we had 9/11.....a multi-trillion dollar war started for reasons that didn't exist.....a hurricane disaster.....and the worst economic crisis in my lifetime.

I don't see how anything in the last 5 years compares to any of that. Originally Posted by Doove
This is what compares. We had our ambassador killed in Benghazi. We had massacres in Fort Hood and bombings in Boston.We had the RUSSIANS bailing us out in Syria the worst economic slide since the great depression and the wars continue. We saw 1/6 of our economy taken over by government with fewer people having health insurance. We have spent one and one half times the amount of money spent in eight years by the previous people. We have a President that lies to our face ( expected of politicians). We have more people on food stamps and in poverty than before. Unemployment among people of color is up and we have people who still believe that putting government foot on the backs of business is the cure. The trend at this point is to turn conservative. I hope it continues Of course Republicans can blow this. They can fail to propose workable solutions + there are still some who believe the solution to excess government is MORE government. Let us just have the NSA take away our privacy, double the minimum wage thinking it won't decrease jobs, let the government decide what kind of medical care we get and by whom (that will get granny taken care of ) and spend ourselves into oblivion. If you want things to collapse, keep electing liberals. Our enemies consider us weak and will own us soon. We get most of our energy here but some would like to reverse that and revert to the pristine era. The first two years of this Presidency were a disaster where the people got screwed. Luckily in 2010 that was corrected a bit. Should Congress become Republican, I think the President will compromise a bit more. He loves to tell America how he can hurt us because he won the election. IF ,and that is a big IF, Democrats lose big in 2014, Mr. Obama will demonstrate that he isn't stupid. Lastly, I doubt if people of color will vote Republican in large numbers. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. It amazes me how some people continue to do poorly and then vote to keep in power those who would keep them down. It is like the 'knockout game.' Let's watch on you tube where a small number of blacks target whites and Jews and then prosecute the one insane white guy who targets a black man. It is backwards! It would be nice if common sense prevailed in 2014. Yet we are creatures of habit. We still elect politicians of both stripes that do what keeps them in office and not what is right. In the new year, let us speak of how we can correct things and not who was at fault. Blaming others is easy. Working together is the hard part!

Fucking victims! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
We are not victims. We do our best in a place where people screw themselves and then laugh about it. We ALL get victimized when we ignore common sense. Fox news and MSNBC haven't a clue. From opposite sides they are in the spin zone. Enjoy the laugh. When America looks like Detroit, you'll get the idea.
Funny because politics is all relative to where you get your information.... How about turning off CNN, Fox news etc. and start actually paying attention to how people are living around you
When political fortunes are in a death spiral, you have to long for the good old days of August, 2013 (the date of the article) for a glimmer of hope. Obamacare's revelations will continue to erode public confidence in progressives. It's simple mathematics. Inescapable as a law of nature. No collection of underqualified, affirmative action nitwits (the federal bureaucracy) can administer, let alone correct, a welfare scheme so poorly designed as ACA. The feds cannot make money with a franchised monopoly, i.e. the Post Office and Amtrak. How can bureaucrats provide free health care to an additional 30 million people without breaking somebody's budget? Repudiation of ACA would seem to be the Dem's only hope. Not likely. Pride and vanity will overcome good judgment, and Obamacare will keep on making campaign contributions to the GOP.