Do You See?

Michael8219's Avatar

It was a text of a non board member..
and I failed to put what I texted back....
My answer was...
Yes of course I will see you. It does not matter to me what you choose to wear at home in your personal life you will not have them on when I see you, Lotion is applied to skin only not hose,

It kind of reminded me when a guy walked in with a nice suit on and when I walked back in the room he had on a marroon nighty.. I got upset on the inside ..I thought he put it on for me.... in reality he wore it under his suit..thats the way he dressed daily and his toes was painted cotton candy pink and the kicker is his wife painted his toes and picked out his under garments...
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it takes all kinds. but to call it MASCULINE is what makes it WRONG to me.

AS far as No NUT November? That is funny then I guess business will pick up for us all in Dec.
It reminds me of that Jerry Seinfield episode where they all bet on who wouldn't nut or pleasure them self at all.... I think Kramer was out in 1 day lol.... Originally Posted by Majichands
Kramer leaves the room, and, moments later, returns, slamming his $100 down on the counter, exclaiming that he is out of the contest.