What if you meet a provider in public...

Longermonger's Avatar
Longermonger, please maintain some dignity and stick to the topic. Originally Posted by john_galt
Moi? Je ne sais pas si je peux.
john_galt's Avatar
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Omahan's Avatar
When you guys post messages in foreign languages I have to go to my translator to check them out. That makes extra work for me and I would appreciate it if you would stop.
john_galt's Avatar
I'm sorry but it looks like we are measuring each other's members...do you mind (privacy)?
dirty dog's Avatar
Omahan my language skills are a litle rusty but maybe I can translate for everyone.

Moi? Je ne sais pas si je peux.

Translation - "I like boys and I have a blister on my penis."

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Translation - "Stay away from me I have a weapon"

Like I said I am a little rusty so i am not sure how accurate these translations are.
SFviii's Avatar
Omahan my language skills are a litle rusty but maybe I can translate for everyone.

Moi? Je ne sais pas si je peux.

Translation - "I like boys and I have a blister on my penis."

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Translation - "Stay away from me I have a weapon"

Like I said I am a little rusty so i am not sure how accurate these translations are. Originally Posted by dirty dog
WTF! I thought my French & Deutsche were spot on but yours was...

john_galt's Avatar
My mind makes a story out of almost anything. I love to day dream about silly possibilities. Read this thread, and thought about a dirty little fantasy. So I wonder if you guys did too? I am currently reading a book where after every few pages you have to make a decision. Then you either turn to such & such page OR you turn to such & such page. Each choice changing the outcome of how the story will end. The book has 1 beginning and 150 endings.

Okay so here's a scenario for you....

You (the hobbyist) and her (the provider) are both single, no partner or spouse. You run into each other while you are both out shopping. You had seen her a few times after you and your girlfriend of many years had just broken off your engagement. She is attractive, sexy and has a nice body. So after some time and healing you were back in the saddle again, and living life again. Today you run into her right in front of a cool local bar. You exchange greetings, she tells you how you were such a great guy and just floods you with compliment after compliment. You find out that the two of you are single. Do you ask her to join you inside for a drink, not knowing whether it would lead to a drink, hug and kiss goodbye OR a drink AND...??? OR Do you just give her a hug, wish her well and the two of you walk off in separate directions? The other thing to consider is that if you ask her inside for a drink, you do not know if she is going to say yes or no. What would you do?

GIRLS: Would you except the drink offer? Do you stay for only 1 drink, or do you stay after the 1st drink allowing each minute to play out as it will? Would you be the one to ask him inside for a drink if he did not initially make the offer?
BiggestBest's Avatar
Easy. If I liked being with her, I'd invite her in for a drink and let it go wherever it naturally went. Or didn't.
marco2007's Avatar
Bottomless - That sounds like an interesting book. What is the title?
Bottomless - That sounds like an interesting book. What is the title? Originally Posted by marco2007
Pretty Little Mistakes by Heather McElhatton
One Beginning, 150 Endings: The Choice Is Yours
I have to say though, as I read the book it does seem to be that every story is from a woman's point of view. So I am not sure a man would enjoy reading this book unless he just wanted to read it as though he were a woman faced with having to make the decisions. If you have that kind of an open mind, I feel a man would enjoy reading this book. If not, don't waste your $14.99 LOL. I, however, have thoroughly enjoyed reading through about 12 of the 150 endings. A tad morbid as most of the stories end with your death, but none-the-less still a great read that captures my full attention drawing me in completely into each and every scenario.
Longermonger's Avatar
DD, I give you an "F" for your translation skills and an "A" for you trolling skills.
dirty dog's Avatar
BigMikeinKC's Avatar

Yesterday I was at a bar with my son (21), sitting at the other end of the bar, with some of her friends, was a provider that I know. She sent us drinks, got the "compliments of the.." tag from the bartender.

I just raised my glass and gave a nod of thanks. My son was bewildered and asked me why she sent us a round. I just grinned and told him it happened to me all the time. He is still in awe!
If you are really being serious then that's awesome! How cool you must have looked in the eyes of your son though. I mean really, who at that age thinks their parents are "cool"? Not many. Maybe a little Fun is starting to spread through Kansas City LOL.

Funny I have never bought a round of drinks for any guy unless he was a boyfriend, a close friend or a guy I was trying to get the point across to that "hey...you aren't buying me any drinks, I'm not getting wasted and more importantly we are not going to do Anything with each other" LOL.

That's awesome that she bought the two of you a drink, very kind & cool!! I feel like I need to break out my Birkenstock sandals, daisy chain head band and a few choruses of Kumbaya LOL. Now if we could just get everyone to play nice & everyone get along, well....we wouldn't get shit done, but we'd all sure be having a lot of Fun!!!