I finished today!

Congratulations! You have every reason to be proud of your hard work! Good luck to you in your future endeavors!
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
It’s been my honor to have contributed to the cost of successful higher education degrees for many very nice ladies.

Congrats! Best wishes in your new career.
Mad respect. It takes hard work and dedication to finish school. I hope it was in a field where you can make some money and not some bull shit major.
Congrats. ��
sexy.princess's Avatar
Thank you so much to everyone! My degree is in Biology. I am looking to do research in dealing with conservation and wildlife. So, if anyone knows of any paid internships let me know.
boardman's Avatar
Go to South Texas and start driving the ranch roads and making contact.

Lot's of corporate execs/part time deer ranchers who would love to have a intern for a year to help manage their high dollar herds. Many of them even have accommodations.

It can be dirty and even unpleasant work at times but you probably have some idea of that since it's your chosen field.
Great job! Congrats!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Thank you so much to everyone! My degree is in Biology. I am looking to do research in dealing with conservation and wildlife. So, if anyone knows of any paid internships let me know. Originally Posted by sexy.princess
I wouldn't look for help on here for an internship. If you have a degree, go to Indeed, LinkedIn or Glassdoor. You don't want an internship if you have graduated. Don't say you want an internship. That's for people who have not graduated and are still in school or for MDs fresh out of med school who are still trying to figure out what they will specialize in... just my 2 cents for whatever that's worth.

If you want to concentrate on conservation and wildlife, I hope you are willing to move to Alaska or Montana.

Congrats and best of luck to you.
TryWeakly's Avatar
about 2 cents, I'd say...

Butt, you are correct in what you say.
sexy.princess's Avatar
No I agree with what you are saying Lucas. However, you never know of the off chance of a researcher on here that also has a position available. As far as i internships, I don't have enough experience in wildlife because I focused too much with domestic animals. I was wanting to be a veterinarian up until 2 or 3 years ago. So all my experience is with cats and dogs. I need more than that in this field.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I understand, but there is a difference between an internship and an entry level position. You want an entry level position and not an internship. You don't need experience for an entry level position and it pays better than an internship. And more importantly, it's more job security because internships don't last long.
sexy.princess's Avatar
You have a point. Thanks for bringing that up to me.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You're welcome. Just trying to look out for you, kiddo. I don't know you. But typing out a few words to help you is a no brainer.
Mad respect. It takes hard work and dedication to finish school. I hope it was in a field where you can make some money and not some bull shit major. Originally Posted by peabody
It is sad that so many degrees these days are not very useful, especially given the debt and hopes of many graduates.

Being in a scientific field she likely has made a good choice, and I congratulate the OP on her successful completion of the academic journey.