Sexual Menu

  • Laker
  • 03-29-2010, 06:12 AM
Both men and women can be turned on by the aromas of wine. The scents of many wines are believed to replicate human pheromones, the chemical substances that cause behavioral responses in humans. Originally Posted by Chloe

Chloe, Yes this is true and also the visual can be nice as both fine wines and beautifull women have unique legs :-)
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 03-29-2010, 06:40 AM
Is it purely looks and personality, that attracts one person to another or is it something more scientific, such as pheromones?
Pheromones are the sex hormones all humans have that trigger a response in behavior or physiology in the opposite sex.
It can't be pheromones alone, or we would lust without preference. A PhD on the subject published a study in 1971 that proved that women living together would synchronize their menstrual cycles, due to pheromone activities. There has even been speculation that at certain point in a woman's cycle she releases more or perhaps stronger pheromones and will notice extra attention, especially from men. Perhaps this happens during a females fertile days to increase chances of a mating. Scientists have tried to manufacture pheromone perfumes as aphrodisiacs and there are many available but are they near as good as the real thing? It is doubtful.
Animal sexuality is based on olfactory senses but not many realize how much we humans are also at the mercy of our noses.
Scientists have observed what they think are the effects of human primer pheromones, including studies showing that some compound in the extract from a woman's armpit can cause menstrual cycles of nearby women to sync up. And a recent study found that women can smell a guy's sexual intentions.
It's not hard to tell when a guy is "happy to see you."
The twinkle in his eye, his swagger, that sexy smile — all are clear signs he's in the mood.
And, at least subconsciously, a woman can also tell by the scent of his sweat.
smokey1187's Avatar
Nothing like a bottle of red wine to loosen up those pheromones
silverfox's Avatar
I take 2000-3000mg of L-ARGININE and 500mg of L-CITRULLINE, which has more nitric oxide producing capability than any food you can eat. Natural Nitric Oxide production decrease as you get older. Let me tell you...I'm 55 Y/O and my erections are harder, and they last much longer than they did when I was in my 30's. I sometimes have to apologize to a lady for "taking so long to finish", albeit those kinds of apologies are very rare indeed.

I started this supplement regiment not because I wanted sexual enhancement...I discovered the sexual improvement side effects purely by accident. I developed a High Blood pressure situation that required the awful reality of taking medications that I could not tolerate. I refused to be turned into one of Big PHARMA's victims.

I found an article by nobel prize winner Dr. Louis Ignarro. The combination of stuff I mentioned above increases blood flow significantly (along with other benefits), and those items I mentioned are CHEAP. Supplemental arginine doesn't enter cells readily unless it is combined with L-citrulline. You need both to get the full benefit.

I also take Vitamins C, D, and E..and exercise 50 minutes per day. When I was a younger man I pretty much let myself go...and I now regret doing that, but when you are young, you feel pretty immune to just about everything....until you turn middle aged, and realize that you should taken better care of yourself.
jamesm637119's Avatar
So Chloe when are you coming to Buffalo so we can have a debate about this subject over some yellow tail. I would like to see how the aroma of wine works, I would like to see behavioral responses on you if it works or not. I am doing a study on Chloe behavioral responses to the clitoris, and labia during sexual arousal from Yellow Tail.
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