Wouldn't It Be Ironic If .....

Speaking of ... "ironies" .... how's Webb doing these days?

Thank God for some pundits' .... "20-20 hindsight"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Speaking of ... "ironies" .... have you answered the "simple" question yet?

As for Webb, he is "still" the candidate that I prefer.

LLIdiot, which candidate do you prefer?

Uhhh ... let me guess!

Is it another Wilted Shrub?
Maybe you can ask our resident stalker to do the "research". This story came out of Chicago in 2008. Remember Willy Horton? That story that Bush used against Dukakis.... or earlier when the story was used for the FIRST TIME by Al Gore against Dukakis in the primary.
The "Obama is from Kenya" started in the

when the GOP thought Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
There is your problem judy.
Wouldn't it be ironic if Trump Originally Posted by bigtex
gfejunkie's Avatar
Since when did it become Trump's responsibility to defend Obama anyway?

The press hasn't done much to uncover who that guy was in Rochester. Not the way they did Joe the plumber anyway. I'm thinking the guy was probably a plant.
Probably from the Clinton camp. Wouldn't put it past them. They're getting pretty desperate over there.

Why do you Obama supporters think being called a Muslim is such a big insult anyway. For you, being called a Christian is the worst insult.
Since when did it become Trump's responsibility to defend Obama anyway? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
BFEjunkie, Trumpy assumed that dubious task the first time he made the ridiculous birther remarks about Obama. He was the one who actually made those remarks and he can and will be held accountable for them. As well he should be.

Even if he believed that ridiculous garbage, he could have chosen to take the high road. He chose not to do so because he is an Idiot. That's why you guys love him!

If Trumpy thinks the birther remarks were bad this week, it will be much worse should he get the nomination.

It will follow him around like a hound dog. Say woof, BFEjunkie!

As an aside, I hope Trumpy does get the Republican nomination! It will be entertaining watching him lose in November 2016.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Whatever you say, bigtits. Not that long before nobody gives a shit about Obama anyway.
Whatever you say, bigtits. Not that long before nobody gives a shit about Obama anyway. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Thanks BFEjunkie!

Speaking of which .... "nobody gives a shit about" BFEjunkie either.

Except your BFE's! They "still" love ya!
gfejunkie's Avatar
If you didn't give a shit you'd have me on ignore.
Not that long before nobody gives a shit about Obama anyway. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
If you didn't give a shit you'd have me on ignore. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Nah, I do not have you or any of the other Idiots on ignore. Why should I ignore you or anyone else for that matter?

Truth be known, I enjoy reading your stupid shit in much the same way I enjoy listening to Trumpy's stupid shit.

As for my previous remarks, they were more directed toward your arrogant and condescending tone. You said it in such a way that even an Idiot BFE on a friggin' Hooker Board will soon be more relevant than a twice elected, sitting POTUS who "still" has 16 months left in office. In January, 2017 Obama will become one of only a few living, Ex-Presidents of the United States of America.

You Idiots are entertaining as hell! Your arrogance (and stupidity) knows no bounds!

But your BFE's still love ya!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
"poop worshipper"??

What grade of elementary school are you repeating? Originally Posted by shanm
well look who's back.

this here's the story about a turd named shanm
a poor mountaineer barely kept his face shut
then one day he was jacking off to porn
when up thru the web came a bubblin' site called ECCIE
stupid he is .. black cum Texas spoo
well the first thing you know ol' shamn's a posting whore
kin folk said shamn stop posting here
said pornhub is the place you oughta be
so he loaded up his palm with Vaseline and jacked off to gay Beverly
.. hills porn that is ..
sperm pools .. making spoom
well now it's time to say goodbye to ECCIE
shamn and all his cum sure would like to thank you for reading all his shit
you're all invited not to read his posts in this web locality
to avoid a heapin' helpin' of his stupidity
dumbass that is .. take your shit elsewhere
shit a turd

Since when did it become Trump's responsibility to defend Obama anyway?

The press hasn't done much to uncover who that guy was in Rochester. Not the way they did Joe the plumber anyway. I'm thinking the guy was probably a plant.
Probably from the Clinton camp. Wouldn't put it past them. They're getting pretty desperate over there.

Why do you Obama supporters think being called a Muslim is such a big insult anyway. For you, being called a Christian is the worst insult. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
McCain confronted with the same crap showed class, The Donald showed he has none.
gfejunkie's Avatar
McCain didn't win, did he?

I'm real curious about this guy in Rochester. Aren't you?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
McCain didn't win, did he?

I'm real curious about this guy in Rochester. Aren't you? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
he's a plant. all that matters is who planted him in the crowd?

Fox News? Hillary? both? hell even some of the republicans might have planted him. Jeb? he's not the lily-white pure as the driven snow candidate he wants voters to believe. He's not above such a stunt in order to move up in the polls.

and it failed miserably because Trump didn't take the bait.
was that class? maybe .. maybe not. but it was savvy of Trump not to engage this guy.
McCain didn't win, did he?

I'm real curious about this guy in Rochester. Aren't you? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
If having no class is a winner, then you got one, bet he doesn't get the nod. Prob on the Donald's payroll, he said just what Trump wanted to get out without saying it himself.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If having no class is a winner, then you got one, bet he doesn't get the nod. Prob on the Donald's payroll, he said just what Trump wanted to get out without saying it himself. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
More than likely that he is a democrat acting as a lone wolf. I'd like to think something cooked up by Huma would be a little more intelligent.