The thought police have arrived...

McCarthy war right about you commies, little ekimomo

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

New avatar whiffy?
The real thought police are out to get anyone anyone who thinks all men are created equal. Originally Posted by southtown4488
To believe all men were created equal you must first believe in God and creationism. How do you think that works out for an atheist?

Originally Posted by i'va biggen

It's interesting where you get your crap from, ekimomo the "Independent" from the bowels of LBJ...

Jonathan Chait Puts Bag Over Head, HuffPo Lights It On Fire

Jonathan Chait Puts Bag Over Head, HuffPo Lights It On Fire

Jonathan Chait is not normally given to hyperbole. But it is telling that his New York Magazine essay a few weeks ago on the sources of liberal discontent with Obama didn’t make the masthead at Huffington Post, while “How Obama Tried to Sell Out Liberalism in 2011″ did on Monday. As I keep saying, the internet rewards instant poutrage over context or analysis; I just didn’t expect it from Chait, and I had thought the story of Republican debt ceiling brinkmanship had been set long ago by…well, Republican debt ceiling brinkmanship.

Chait was reacting to this Washington Post piece about the debt ceiling battle, specifically the point where the president was closest to a deal with Speaker of the House John Boehner. The sticking point was revenue:

It's interesting where you get your crap from, ekimomo the "Independent" from the bowels of LBJ...

Jonathan Chait Puts Bag Over Head, HuffPo Lights It On Fire

(: Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
If the thought police are here then you are in no danger whiffy.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, LittleLiberalEva, do you think the government should criminalize speech in opposition to climate change?
So, LittleLiberalEva, do you think the government should criminalize speech in opposition to climate change? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
OMG Tonto trolling is your only place in life? You have replaced gay rey/woomby for being my stalker. I will have to hand signal so if I stop too quick your nose won't go up my ass.
  • DSK
  • 04-11-2016, 09:20 AM
OMG Tonto trolling is your only place in life? You have replaced gay rey/woomby for being my stalker. I will have to hand signal so if I stop too quick your nose won't go up my ass. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Apparently you cannot answer a simple question which in reality shakes the foundation of our Republic.
I'm not sure whether or not I agree with the entire scope of the subpoena, because it does seem to be asking for quite a bit, but the subpoena is for documents that deal with their communications and efforts with Exxon Mobile in relation to a criminal fraud investigation. The state is given broad powers of discovery in such cases.

The reality is that there is strong evidence that Exxon may have deliberately suppressed their own findings about CO2 and climate change to investors (ie committed fraud). This is in connection with this investigation.

Realize that the claim that they are doing this just to intimidate CEI is nothing more than a conspiracy theory.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
All men are created equal, some just never do anything to become better than their former equals.
  • DSK
  • 04-11-2016, 11:43 AM
I'm not sure whether or not I agree with the entire scope of the subpoena, because it does seem to be asking for quite a bit, but the subpoena is for documents that deal with their communications and efforts with Exxon Mobile in relation to a criminal fraud investigation. The state is given broad powers of discovery in such cases.

The reality is that there is strong evidence that Exxon may have deliberately suppressed their own findings about CO2 and climate change to investors (ie committed fraud). This is in connection with this investigation.

Realize that the claim that they are doing this just to intimidate CEI is nothing more than a conspiracy theory. Originally Posted by eatfibo
Are any of the true investors in Exxon alleging fraud? I've owned their stock for years and made plenty of money, plus I want them to continue to search for oil and sell gasoline. So, the fraud charge based upon a securities case is lame and actually contrary to the interests of the stockholders.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Idiots fail to understand that corporations, much like Soylent Green, are people.

Exxon been berry berry good to me.
Are any of the true investors in Exxon alleging fraud? I've owned their stock for years and made plenty of money, plus I want them to continue to search for oil and sell gasoline. So, the fraud charge based upon a securities case is lame and actually contrary to the interests of the stockholders. Originally Posted by DSK
It doesn't matter. If the company intentionally hides risks from its investors, which climate change certainly would be, then it can be fraud. Whether or not any investors want to and are willing to bring a lawsuit doesn't change the fact that they broke the law.

Even if you disagree with the application the law, the AG running an investigation into potential fraud here is not something unusual. So the claim that this is some attempt to silence critics of AGW, based solely on the fact that a group of people funded largely by Exxon Mobile were subpoenaed for information on their dealings with Exxon Mobile, is nothing but an empty conspiracy theory.

Certainly, the claim that this resembles the "thought police" is absurd, based on what we know.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
is that like hiding the risks associated with a sharp knife?
I am surprised that there is not a warning label attached to your #2 pencil telling you how many ways you can harm yourself just by having one in the same room with you.
Maybe there should be another added warning at all energy outlets letting you know that if you plug-in, fill up, turn on, fail to turn off, and on and on ad nauseum, that you personally and together will destroy the environment and you should never do anything because just by existing and exhaling you are changing the climate and you will eventually die and could possibly cause the death of anybody that fails to heed the warning and or plays in the street with headphones on.

Me, I am planning on only exhaling half as much and will sell my CO2 offset credits on the open market to the highest bidder. I am sure there are a couple of you on the board that are more than willing to pay up so you can stop holding your breath. Since runners use way more oxygen and therefore exhale much larger quantities of CO2 I will set up a kiosk at marathons and make bank.
OMG Tonto trolling is your only place in life? You have replaced gay rey/woomby for being my stalker. I will have to hand signal so if I stop too quick your nose won't go up my ass. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

ekimomo, get your perverted uncle Urinal Lips to read this to you at bed time...
