who has been banned recently? Part 4

Precious_b's Avatar
Ah, Wakeup. First thing that hits my mind was his wife.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ah, Wakeup. First thing that hits my mind was his wife. Originally Posted by Precious_b

i hope you don't think they were really married ... do ya?

well .. they were married ... for an hour or two at a time.


here is one of the funniest "Backpage whore" screeds ever. i still can't read it without busting up laughing.

a eccie classic takedown, Wakeup style.

  • Tiny
  • 11-01-2022, 10:11 PM
Ah, Wakeup. First thing that hits my mind was his wife. Originally Posted by Precious_b
I was going to fuck his wife, Valerie, because he gave me points. And he dissed my ATF. He called her "fat." Bastard. But after I figured out every slimy ass British politician's penis had already been "inside Valerie", including the UK's version of Donald Trump, I decided to blow it off. Please see post numbers 9, 10 and 12 in this thread,


Seriously, I really enjoyed Wakeup's posts, he was one witty dude. His restaurant reviews were classics.

As to the topic of this thread, bannings, he was as tough a sheriff as we've had, but he was for the most part fair.

And, getting a little off topic, the same British newspaper that broke the story about Wakeup's wife, the Sun, broke a blockbuster today, about Putin having pancreatic cancer. This is going to be huge if it's true,

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I was going to fuck his wife, Valerie, because he gave me points. And he dissed my ATF. He called her "fat." Bastard. But after I figured out every slimy ass British politician's penis had already been "inside Valerie", including the UK's version of Donald Trump, I decided to blow it off. Please see post numbers 9, 10 and 12 in this thread,


Seriously, I really enjoyed Wakeup's posts, he was one witty dude. His restaurant reviews were classics.

As to the topic of this thread, bannings, he was as tough a sheriff as we've had, but he was for the most part fair.

And, getting a little off topic, the same British newspaper that broke the story about Wakeup's wife, the Sun, broke a blockbuster today, about Putin having pancreatic cancer. This is going to be huge if it's true,

https://www.the-sun.com/news/6574028...sider-reveals/ Originally Posted by Tiny
i remember that.

lol. i was gonna forgo that since Wakeup is no longer an active poster here because he never called one of my kgirl ATF's "fat" but i can totally see why you had to go there.

and i did poke the ex-mod bear here ...


no ban no points. he didn't even reply to the thread even if he was a bit perplexed by it.

ah the good old days. still could get banned but a more exciting time it was.
oilfieldace's Avatar
I have either been a good boy or all the RTM’ers are on vaca
VitaMan's Avatar
Banning is good, as it makes you realize how worthless this forum is.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-02-2022, 11:20 AM
i've been banned 4 times. (4 and a half but who's counting) not the record but i'm workin on it. nah, i never intended to get banned unlike some. rippy for instance. it's what he does.
a Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You post to bait other posters so you can then bang the rtm button as if you were on the Gong Show.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-02-2022, 11:29 AM
Banning is good, as it makes you realize how worthless this forum is. Originally Posted by VitaMan
I've met some great guys here...broke bread with'em and continued to call them moronic even after they paid my tab!

The problem is imho many take this forum and life in general way too serious.
VitaMan's Avatar
You post to bait other posters so you can then bang the rtm button as if you were on the Gong Show. Originally Posted by WTF

So true. The list of name calling and insults by him and his buddy bambino is a mile long.
VitaMan's Avatar

"I feel so depressed and worthless when I get banned."
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You post to bait other posters so you can then bang the rtm button as if you were on the Gong Show. Originally Posted by WTF

you seem to be confused. i'm TWK not YR or 1b1.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-02-2022, 12:48 PM
you seem to be confused. i'm TWK not YR or 1b1. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Your prowess at banging the rtm has not gone unnoticed.

You implied that you know who has the most rtm's here....care to state where you stand on the list?

And how you know it is accurate?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I've met some great guys here...broke bread with'em and continued to call them moronic even after they paid my tab!

The problem is imho many take this forum and life in general way too serious. Originally Posted by WTF

interesting comments for someone with 47,709 posts 98% of them in this forum.

as for life, i take mine seriously, as for others ... not so much. you'll never see me giving money to some homeless bum panhandler. all he'll do with it is buy cheap booze them sleep it off under a bush somewhere.

if you haven't figured out TWK is all about TWK yet well now you.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Your prowess at banging the rtm has not gone unnoticed.

You implied that you know who has the most rtm's here....care to state where you stand on the list?

And how you know it is accurate? Originally Posted by WTF

i'm not even remotely close to the "King". neither is bambino. if i had to venture a guess i'd say not much over 100 times. i've never said i didn't rtm posts i just don't waste the mod's time with posts that aren't even close to a infraction like the "King" does.

do you really think there's been 1,100 actual infractions in this forum to report? we aren't that bad!!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-02-2022, 01:14 PM
i'm not even remotely close to the "King". neither is bambino. if i had to venture a guess i'd say not much over 100 times. i've never said i didn't rtm posts i just don't waste the mod's time with posts that aren't even close to a infraction like the "King" does.

do you really think there's been 1,100 actual infractions in this forum to report? we aren't that bad!!

bahhahaaaa. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I heard you and bambino were King and Queen.

Not sure who was whom but it doesn't really matter, now does it.