Debate Summary: From MSN which is not FOX.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Nazi baby killer talking finance is a scream. May I remind you all that he did not understand how a 401K worked.

First, he is comfortable with the government telling business (government telling business to do anything is fascism NBK) how much they should pay people or how much a job is worth to the company. NBK truly has fascist tendencies.

I know someone who has worked for Wal-mart for 30 years. She has maxed out her paygrade but the myth that Wal-Mart pays their employees was disproven years ago but it still sounds good among the unwashed. Some Wal-mart (like many other businesses) jobs are very low pay because they are low skilled and easy to fill. Many others get full medical benefits, drug benefits, and pensions just like any other business. NBK is an idiot as he proves once again.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Is that why the Dem debate barely got 15.3 million viewers on CNN, while CNN racked up around 23 million viewers for their GOP debate program, and Fox pulled in over 24 million for their GOP debate?

Yeah.. you got the electorate wrapped up and just sitting on the edge of their chairs to vote for Hillary in Nov 2016, right Woomby-Tunes? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Everyone probably got less than that. Seems that Nielson has taken to counting both TV and streaming feeds at the same time. So they assume incorrectly that you are watching TV while streaming on to your device at the same time. Throws off the numbers of viewers.
LexusLover's Avatar
What do you call your bonus? Is that not the corporation sharing the spoils with their employees? Originally Posted by WombRaider
No, a "bonus" is .....

... the "CORPORATION" (actually other forms of business entities exist also) sharing the PRODUCTION of revenue GENERATED by the recipient of the "REWARD" FOR WORKING HARD AND BEING LOYAL TO THE BUSINESS.

Some might call that an element of the "free enterprise" system ...

... working hard and consistently to generate production to improve the business, create greater employment opportunities for others looking for a good job, and assuring longevity for the employer.

No doubt if Hillarious is elected she will open up the bank accounts of her "family fund" and share the bribes with those who are in in this country...since she is "pro income re-distribution."
No doubt Originally Posted by LexusLover
There is "no doubt" that LL's an Idiot!
LexusLover's Avatar
Is BigTits bragging about how well "his man" Webb did again?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The problem is that many haven't earned it that way. And why shouldn't corporations share profits with their employees? Some already do, it's called a bonus. That's not exactly a foreign concept. Originally Posted by WombRaider
A bonus is a gift.
A bonus is a gift. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
A bonus is an incentive.
fredtheenigma's Avatar
The fact is, the entire debate was a circus of clowns who were pandering to the uninformed with half truths and outlandish claims.
Hillary took every opportunity to bash the Republicans for all our countries woes.
If they want to blame Republicans and the repeal of Glass-Steagall for the financial melt-down, they need to back up and remember that it was Bill Clinton and a bi-partisan Congress that did it (vote was 90-8).
Is BigTits bragging about how well "his man" Webb did again? Originally Posted by LexusLover
In defense of Webb, he was like a fish out of water on that particular stage.

The four other candidates seems to be in a pissing contest to see who could be just as big of a Socialist as Bernie Sanders. Every time one opened his or her mouth, you got a brief glimpse of just what is wrong with this Country.


Of course, some of us have to pay. But since there are a lot more takers than givers, get ready.
In defense of Webb, he was like a fish out of water on that particular stage.

The four other candidates seems to be in a pissing contest to see who could be just as big of a Socialist as Bernie Sanders. Every time one opened his or her mouth, you got a brief glimpse of just what is wrong with this Country.


Of course, some of us have to pay. But since there are a lot more takers than givers, get ready. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If any of those poseurs get the gruberized sheeple to vote for them like they did for odummer, then the "worker bees" such as yourself and I and others on here will be financing woomby's 'holes expansion and buying MORE Depends and preparation H lip balm for him and EKIM the Inbred Chimp .
I B Hankering's Avatar
The fact is, the entire debate was a circus of clowns who were pandering to the uninformed with half truths and outlandish claims.
Hillary took every opportunity to bash the Republicans for all our countries woes.
If they want to blame Republicans and the repeal of Glass-Steagall for the financial melt-down, they need to back up and remember that it was Bill Clinton and a bi-partisan Congress that did it (vote was 90-8). Originally Posted by fredtheenigma
LexusLover's Avatar
A bonus is an incentive. Originally Posted by timpage
That's part of the problem in our "work force" ... in this country.

It has morphed into an "incentive" (entitlement), rather than a reward.

For instance: If the postal employees working the counters at the P.O. got paid on a commission, those lines would be shorter than the wait for help.
LexusLover's Avatar
In defense of Webb, he was like a fish out of water ..... Originally Posted by Jackie S
... speaking of Webb and "fish" ... since I didn't listen to it all ...

....did Hillarious outline her expertise to be the CIC?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Is that why the Dem debate barely got 15.3 million viewers on CNN, while CNN racked up around 23 million viewers for their GOP debate program, and Fox pulled in over 24 million for their GOP debate?

Yeah.. you got the electorate wrapped up and just sitting on the edge of their chairs to vote for Hillary in Nov 2016, right Woomby-Tunes? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
My opinion is that the many of the 23/24 million viewers of the GOP debates tuned in for one reason -- Donald Trump. Love him or hate him he makes it interesting.
LexusLover's Avatar
My opinion is that the many of the 23/24 million viewers of the GOP debates tuned in for one reason -- Donald Trump. Love him or hate him he makes it interesting. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Since the Democrats have a "presumptive winner," the interest is low; plus because there is a "presumptive winner," what the "winner" or "the others" have to say is not really important. The "most important" thing is to make sure you vote for the First Woman President, right?