Donald Trump is a RINO. Reply to Charley3, to avoid hijacking Cheap Charlie's thread

  • Tiny
  • 04-18-2023, 05:13 PM

You'd be thinking the Dems would be donating
money $$$ to ensure Trump Wins the primary. Originally Posted by Salty Again
They'll do that Salty. In 2022 they spent $44 million getting the most pro-Trump candidates elected in the Republican primaries:

They figured they'd be easier to beat in the general elections.

But instead - they're tryin' like Jack-the-lad
to force Trump off the ballot. Originally Posted by Salty Again
From what I'm reading, the Democrats can't keep Trump off the ballot with these legal actions. He can run from a jail cell.

It wouldn't surprise me if Alvin Bragg brought up the bull shit Stormy Daniels charges in New York, thinking they would boost Trump's popularity, and his chances in the Republican primaries. And they have, by making Trump a martyr.

Right now the Democrats are Trump's best friends. That will change at such time as he becomes the Republican nominee. Then it will be all out war. Maybe then it will be time for the Democrats to haul Trump into a Georgia court room, which will get their base fired up and raring to go out and vote.

Now our resident attorney believes my conspiracy theory is baseless. And admittedly Biden's not giving orders to Alvin Bragg or the Fulton County, Georgia district attorney. But they know what's best for the party. Crafty Democrats.
At least you acknowledge WE are far smarter than the Trumpkin Party which is made up of the dumbest Americans.

I disagree with you conspiracy theory but the end result of republicans Faustian deals are all coming back bring about their ruin.
  • Tiny
  • 04-18-2023, 05:40 PM
At least you acknowledge WE are far smarter than the Trumpkin Party which is made up of the dumbest Americans.

I disagree with you (sic) conspiracy theory but the end result of republicans (sic) Faustian deals are all coming back bring (sic) about their ruin. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
We've already discussed this in another thread Blackman. The smartest Americans are classical liberals, more of whom are Republicans than Democrats. Remember, converting and becoming a Classical Liberal Republican or Libertarian is good for 10 IQ points. That will be enough to get rid of those nasty grammar and spelling errors.

And I see your point. If McCarthy et al had stood up to Trump back in 2021, the Republican Party probably would be more competitive.
I actually hoped they would have, but they were afraid of alienating the dumbest of their people. It would’ve been far wiser long term to get rid of trump and stop him from running again, take the short term losses (which occurred anyway) and rebuilt their party. Now they’re stuck damaged and incapable of growing in any real way.
Then why are they trying so hard to arrest him? Originally Posted by bambino
Because they hate him that much. Sure he’s a threat, he beat them once, but the hatred aimed at Trump is far greater than any ex president in my lifetime. And there is nobody that’s a close second.
That’s why he’ll never win again.
Then why are they trying so hard to arrest him? Originally Posted by bambino
Because Trump doesn't play well with others. He keeps kicking over their game board.
  • Tiny
  • 04-18-2023, 08:53 PM
I actually hoped they would have, but they were afraid of alienating the dumbest of their people. It would’ve been far wiser long term to get rid of trump and stop him from running again, take the short term losses (which occurred anyway) and rebuilt their party. Now they’re stuck damaged and incapable of growing in any real way. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
While I don't know them personally, the Trump supporters who hang around here don't strike me as dumb at all. Maybe overly prone to believe in conspiracy theories.

In the real world, I know at least two very bright, very successful people who bought into the whole election fraud thing. Now some of it could be self interest. Biden's agenda would hurt them big time, along with the majority of other people where I live. But I think they're true believers, in Trump's narrative.

Some of the Progressive agenda seems every bit as crazy to me as the belief that Trump actually won in 2020. Huge deficit spending without consequences (Modern Monetary Theory) and the Sanders/Warren wealth tax are examples.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
While I don't know them personally, the Trump supporters who hang around here don't strike me as dumb at all. Maybe overly prone to believe in conspiracy theories. Originally Posted by Tiny
Do you read the same posts that I do from them in this forum, diplomatic Tiny? From what I've read, if you disagree with many of them, you must be a RINO, a raging liberal, a socialist or a communist.

I'm not sure what world you live in dude, but conspiracy theorists are not that bright to put it mildly. In my world, they are odd people who are probably scared and/or paranoid of their own shadow.

When I think of people who believe in conspiracy theories, I think of people who are not smart enough to use basic logical reasoning to think for themselves. Therefore, they find random bullshit whether online, the radio or cable TV to fit their foolish narrative and claim complete falsehoods to be facts.

You're not a RINO. You're just not a Trump supporter so you get falsely accused of being a RINO. That's just how it works in here with them.
While I don't know them personally, the Trump supporters who hang around here don't strike me as dumb at all. Maybe overly prone to believe in conspiracy theories.

In the real world, I know at least two very bright, very successful people who bought into the whole election fraud thing. Now some of it could be self interest. Biden's agenda would hurt them big time, along with the majority of other people where I live. But I think they're true believers, in Trump's narrative.

Some of the Progressive agenda seems every bit as crazy to me as the belief that Trump actually won in 2020. Huge deficit spending without consequences (Modern Monetary Theory) and the Sanders/Warren wealth tax are examples. Originally Posted by Tiny
Don’t worry, I’ll keep working on you. I know for a fact you’re capable of learning.

The Trumpys on this site are damned dumb and say and believe in the dumbest shit. And that’s not even because I disagree with them, but because the shot they say is damned dumb. But that’s also a function of what they read. When people Fox, Hannity, Lying Tuck, Revolver, Townhall, Newsmax, etc their brains, they just get dumber and dumber.

I work with a large number of attorneys who voted trump because they are Republicans but they never fell for the stupid conspiracies flouted after the loss. In fact they laugh at anyone that even tries to provide any validity to that shit.

There’s a far distance between being gullible enough to fall for the dumbest of conspiracy theories and have a difference in opinion on tax and economic theory. I totally disagree with you on your looney belief that the Trump cuts have caused every positive economic indicator since while not contributing to any negative indicators. That doesn’t make me think you’re dumb, just a touch misguided and you allowed trickle down to form the basis of your economic belief. Now, when you start falling for the looney shit spouted by Salty, Lev, Waco, Bambino, Why, Neverthink, Ace, Stud, Dil, etc, I’ll start to rethink my view of you.
Do you read the same posts that I do from them in this forum, diplomatic Tiny? From what I've read, if you disagree with many of them, you must be a RINO, a raging liberal, a socialist or a communist.

I'm not sure what world you live in dude, but conspiracy theorists are not that bright to put it mildly. In my world, they are odd people who are probably scared and/or paranoid of their own shadow.

When I think of people who believe in conspiracy theories, I think of people who are not smart enough to use basic logical reasoning to think for themselves. Therefore, they find random bullshit whether online, the radio or cable TV to fit their foolish narrative and claim complete falsehoods to be facts.

You're not a RINO. You're just not a Trump supporter so you get falsely accused of being a RINO. That's just how it works in here with them. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
The flip side of that coin is if you don't agree with Democrats you're a Conspiracy theorist or a racist.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Levi, I neither blindly agree with Democrats nor with Republicans so there is no coin necessary for me to flip in your scenario as far as I'm concerned. I've always said I vote for the person and not the party because I have no party affiliation.

I don't dislike Biden and Trump because of their associated party. I dislike them because I think they are both old incompetent dipshits who should be playing bingo and eating jello.
You got another “like” from me Lucas but I’m 69. When should I start eating jello? ��
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You got another “like” from me Lucas but I’m 69. When should I start eating jello? �� Originally Posted by EdBeaver
LOL. When you turn orange, or when you can't read a teleprompter without fucking up and you go off script and fuck it up even more. Until then, you're good unless you have a weekly scheduled game of bingo.
Levi, I neither blindly agree with Democrats nor with Republicans so there is no coin necessary for me to flip in your scenario as far as I'm concerned. I've always said I vote for the person and not the party because I have no party affiliation.

I don't dislike Biden and Trump because of their associated party. I dislike them because I think they are both old incompetent dipshits who should be playing bingo and eating jello. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I can guarantee you that's not an accident.
bambino's Avatar
Because they hate him that much. Sure he’s a threat, he beat them once, but the hatred aimed at Trump is far greater than any ex president in my lifetime. And there is nobody that’s a close second.
That’s why he’ll never win again. Originally Posted by Charley3
Then why did he get 75 million legitimate votes? More than any sitting President in history? Your comments lack logic. He’s a threat to the DS. He’s not a gift to them. And he and others will take them down. Even a Trump hater like you will benefit from it.