Some of the gals are curius to know if they are missing out on money

Make sure you add in the monies spent at strip clubs, massage gals, and developing your "private stock".
The Griffin's Avatar
About a grand or so, I went ape shit for birthday and a tear after that. Plan to do it again, too !
Sorry I just wanted to be under Griffin again!
well, cpi3000 raised a good point, is the numbers for the poll just for "the money exchanged for time and companionship" or for things that whisper's is known for...developing new talent. Does the poll also include time at strip clubs or purely bcd activities? interesting thought but again, I will state very misleading unless people admit to the distrubution of $ for purely bcd time.....
Whispers's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

I have a young lady friend ........ The men she dates look after her, and she looks after them. Nothing businesslike as in a provider/client relationship, but there is an understanding as far as who's going to pick up the tab for breakfast/lunch/dinner, the shopping for clothes and shoes, and so on(her parents are currently floating her rent money). This seems to be the way things are going, or at least that's what I'm seeing in the twentysomething to thirtysomething crowd of ladies these days here in A-Town.

Perhaps some of us aren't spending much on The Hobby because we don't NEED to.

A trend perhaps? We'll see...
Originally Posted by Baloney Pony

ezman's Avatar
  • ezman
  • 01-20-2010, 07:57 PM
Way too much. Wish I could find some of these gals that would give it up for dinner and a movie.
Baloney Pony's Avatar
Way too much. Wish I could find some of these gals that would give it up for dinner and a movie. Originally Posted by ezman
Howdy, Folks!


Start friending the lady friends of YOUR lady friends.

The ones that are constantly posting "Mafia Wars," "FarmVille," “Restaurant City,” "Borderlands," "Castle Age," etc. crap because they're always "playing" it - this is a great indication of their possibly negative economic status.

[If they were at work, they prolly wouldn't have time to "play" this stuff as much as they do.

Bonus - If they're playing "Zoo World," they may even pay to take you out - truly a sign of desperation, possible total lack of funds except to pay for an internet connection and electricity, and loneliness.]

Look through the photo listings of your friends to see what their friends look like in case the potential lady has some sort of Anime Character or comic book hero avatar as their picture. Ladies seem to take TONS more pictures of themselves and themselves with their friends than fellows do, and also seem to not be shy at all about posting said pictures. Makes it a LOT easier to pan out to get to the gold...

Finally - read their postings. You'll get a pretty good idea what their current situation is; young folks(twentysomethings to thirtysomethings in this case) for whatever reason are very transparent about their lives, and tend to put it all out on display; getting good info on a potential hookup partner has never been easier.

Bonus - if they put out enough info, one can usually locate their LinkedIn account info and can check there to see how long they're been unemployed/underemployed. This will give you a much better idea as to what their economic status may currently be, thus assisting in possible "negotiations."

Good luck!
Whispers's Avatar
Seems like Da Pony could write us a guide to Social Networking worth more than some of our knowledge of the club scene!
sixxbach's Avatar
i think im about to put on my facebook status: If your low on the rent message me"
Start friending the lady friends of YOUR lady friends.
That's just scary on so many levels of stalking or internet stalking...I can't believe the level of desperation and seriously smacks of being really weird. If your were friends with your friends, wouldn't you already know their friends from attending similar parties? Noooo..., lets cyber-stalk them...god, that post is so scary on so many levels. Next thing you know, no...never mind, I'm not going there....scary and really f*cking weird...really f*cking weird....
Dude, in Corpus we don't have many established escorts so we HAVE to find other ways to hobby. Myspace is a freaking GOLDMINE of P4P. I "friend requested" all the local strip clubs and then went to there "friend" list and started requesting all the girls that I could thing ya know, I have 200+ strippers all in my network.

Funny thing is, I use the same lingo that I use in the club.

"damn girl you look good, tell me you play outside the club"

"hey, that pic of you by the that the dressing room for Cheetah's?"

"please tell me you do private shows"

Baloney Pony's Avatar
That's just scary on so many levels of stalking or internet stalking...I can't believe the level of desperation and seriously smacks of being really weird. If your were friends with your friends, wouldn't you already know their friends from attending similar parties? Noooo..., lets cyber-stalk them...god, that post is so scary on so many levels. Next thing you know, no...never mind, I'm not going there....scary and really f*cking weird...really f*cking weird.... Originally Posted by dammit
Howdy, Folks!


A search of "internet stalking" produces the following:


"Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk someone.
It has been defined as the use of information and communications technology, particularly the Internet, by an individual or group of individuals, to harass another individual, group of individuals, or organization. The behavior includes false accusations, monitoring, the transmission of threats, identity theft, damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sexual purposes, and gathering information for harassment purposes. The harassment must be such that a reasonable person, in possession of the same information, would regard it as sufficient to cause another reasonable person distress."

Here's "Stalking": [ame][/ame]

Stalking? No.

I am not suggesting "...the use of information and communications technology, particularly the Internet, by an individual or group of individuals, to harass another individual, group of individuals, or organization," nor am I suggesting "...false accusations, monitoring, the transmission of threats, identity theft, damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sexual purposes, and gathering information for harassment purposes."

Let me reiterate - this is NOT the behavior I am describing. Feel free to go back and reread(or actually read, since it doesn't appear you did) my posts.

What I am describing is using social networking tools to be able to get into contact with a large number of women in a relatively short amount of time for the purposes of a hookup.

It's more akin to "adult friend finder" without all the drama or fees.

How in the world is it cyber-stalking if you friend a person on a social networking site, they GIVE you large amounts of information about themselves, then you use that information in determining in whether or not you want to contact them and possibly get together in the real world?

Is it because there may be potential sexual intercourse involved at a later time?

Get over it.

That's called "dating," and has been happening for a LONG time. That's what dating is for - determining if the person you are meeting might be a potential mate for you, i.e., someone you may have sex with in the future.

Main difference here is - no intention of any sort of emotional attachment.

Let's look at that definition of "stalking":

"Psychology and behaviors

People characterized as stalkers may have a mistaken belief that another person loves them..."

I harbor no such fantasies.

Say one contacts one of these ladies, and says, "not interested in meeting you." You go onto the next one in a very long list. that's not stalking - that's fishing.

Folks do it in clubs all the time, but it's not stalking there - how is this behavior stalking?

The question:

"If your were friends with your friends, wouldn't you already know their friends from attending similar parties?"

- Have you ever had a party where you invite XYZ friend, but don't invite ABC friend because you KNOW ABC won't get along with XYZ, and you want to introduce XYZ to GHI Friend?

- Your lady friend has a party for her Austin friends, but doesn't invite anyone from San Antonio, New Braunfels, San Marcos, Kyle, Roundrock, or Georgetown because it's too far. You're invited, and only meet the "Austin" crowd.

- Your lady friend has a party for her Austin friends, but doesn't invite anyone from north of the river because it's too far. You're invited, and only meet the "South Austin" crowd(figure out the other possible demographics on this scenario; I know you can...).

- Mathematics: Your lady friend works for a company that employes 3000 people. She is friendly with approximately 200 of them. She's had 3 parties this year, each one with 15-20 people, every party it's been a different crowd. If the remaining 140-155 people all got into their cars and drove over to your house, and each one ate exactly 3 Pringles Potato Chips in your living room, how many ounces of crumbs would be created before you figured out you have no idea who the hell these people are?

I recommend a LEGAL, easy way to meet folks for a potential LEGAL hookup from the comfort of one's own home, and you accuse me of CRIMINAL behavior.

How DARE you.

Oh, I forgot - sorry, Folks. Mustn't feed the trolls. Don't worry; won't happen again...
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Yeah, too much work for free pussy...
Whispers's Avatar
Yeah, too much work for free pussy... Originally Posted by Sir Hardin Thicke

i think im about to put on my facebook status: If your low on the rent message me" Originally Posted by sixxbach
Or on the back of a Business Card!
LuvThatKitty's Avatar
..." Originally Posted by sixxbach View Post
i think im about to put on my facebook status: If your low on the rent message me""...

I wish I had a dollar for every stripper that told me she was short on rent money! LOL